List of connector fields

The data fields page on EverythingData outlines the various data sources and fields supported by the platform. It highlights integrations with platforms like social media, advertising, and web analytics, allowing users to gather and visualize data for better insights. This page is a reference for users to understand the types of data they can collect and report on using EverythingData.

Facebook Ads fields

Field titleField NameData TypeAttribute TypeDescription
3-Second Video Viewsactions_video_viewNUMBERmetric

The number of times a video was viewed for at least 3 seconds.

Account Ageaccount_ageNUMBERdimensionThe length of time the account has existed.
Account Amount Spentaccount_amount_spentNUMBERdimensionThe total amount spent on the account for advertising.
Account Balanceaccount_balanceCURRENCY_USDdimensionThe current balance of the account.
Account Business Cityaccount_business_cityTEXTdimensionThe business city associated with the account.
Account Business Country Codeaccount_business_country_codeCOUNTRY_CODEdimensionThe country code for the business location of the account.
Account Business Nameaccount_business_nameTEXTdimensionThe name of the business associated with the account.
Account Business Stateaccount_business_stateTEXTdimensionThe state where the business is located.
Account Business Streetaccount_business_streetTEXTdimensionThe first line of the street address for the business associated with the account.
Account Business Street2account_business_street2TEXTdimensionThe second line of the street address for the business associated with the account.
Account Business Zipaccount_business_zipTEXTdimensionThe ZIP or postal code for the business location.
Account Created Timeaccount_created_timeTEXTdimensionThe time when the account was created.
Account Currencyaccount_currencyTEXTdimensionThe currency used by the account for billing purposes.
Account End Advertiseraccount_end_advertiserNUMBERdimensionThe advertiser that is the end beneficiary of the ad spend.
Account Funding Sourceaccount_funding_sourceTEXTdimensionThe funding source for the account.
Account Idaccount_idNUMBERdimensionA unique identifier for the advertising account.
Account Is Personalaccount_is_personalNUMBERdimensionIndicates whether the account is personal or for business.
Account Media Agencyaccount_media_agencyNUMBERdimensionThe media agency associated with the account, if any.
Account Nameaccount_nameTEXTdimensionThe name of the advertising account.
Account Offsite Pixels Tos Acceptedaccount_offsite_pixels_tos_acceptedBOOLEANdimensionIndicates whether the account has accepted the offsite pixels terms of service.
Account Partneraccount_partnerNUMBERdimensionThe partner associated with the advertising account, if any.
Account Spend Capaccount_spend_capCURRENCY_USDdimensionThe maximum amount of money the account is allowed to spend.
Account Statusaccount_statusNUMBERdimensionThe current status of the advertising account (e.g., active, paused).
Account Tax Id Statusaccount_tax_id_statusNUMBERdimensionThe tax ID status of the account, if applicable.
Account Timezone Idaccount_timezone_idNUMBERdimensionThe timezone ID associated with the account.
Account Timezone Nameaccount_timezone_nameTEXTdimensionThe name of the timezone in which the account operates.
Account Timezone Offset Hours Utcaccount_timezone_offset_hours_utcNUMBERdimensionThe timezone offset from UTC for the account.
Action Data Set Canvas Component Name (Use with Action Qty Fields)action_canvas_component_nameTEXTdimensionThe name of the canvas component used with action quantity fields.
Action Data Set Carousel Card Id (Use with Action Values)action_carousel_card_idTEXTdimensionThe ID of the carousel card used with action values.
Action Data Set Carousel Card Name (Use with Action Values)action_carousel_card_nameTEXTdimensionThe name of the carousel card used with action values.
Action Data Set Destination(Use with Action Values)action_destinationTEXTdimensionThe destination associated with the action values.
Action Data Set Device (Use with Action Values)action_deviceTEXTdimensionThe device used in the action values.
Action Data Set Qty ValueactionsNUMBERmetricThe quantity value associated with the action.
Action Data Set Reaction (Use with Action Values)action_reactionTEXTdimensionThe type of reaction (like, love, etc.) associated with the action values.
Action Data Set Target Id (Use with Action Values)action_target_idTEXTdimensionThe target ID associated with the action.
Action Data Set Type (Use with Action Values)action_typeTEXTdimensionThe type of action performed, used with action values.
Action Data Set Video Sound (Use with Action Values)action_video_soundTEXTdimensionIndicates whether the video had sound in action values.
Action Data Set Video Type (Use with Action Values)action_video_typeTEXTdimensionThe type of video associated with action values.
Ad Bid Amountad_bid_amountCURRENCY_USDdimensionThe bid amount for the ad.
Ad Configured Statusad_configured_statusTEXTdimensionThe current configured status of the ad (e.g., active, paused).
Ad Conversion Domainad_conversion_domainTEXTdimensionThe domain used for ad conversions.
Ad Created Timead_created_timeTEXTdimensionThe time when the ad was created.
Ad Creative Actor Idad_creative_actor_idNUMBERdimensionThe ID of the actor associated with the ad creative.
Ad Creative Applink Treatmentad_creative_applink_treatmentTEXTdimensionThe app link treatment associated with the ad creative.
Ad Creative Authorization Categoryad_creative_authorization_categoryTEXTdimensionThe authorization category for the ad creative.
Ad Creative Bodyad_creative_bodyTEXTdimensionThe main body text of the ad creative.
Ad Creative Branded Content Sponsor Page Idad_creative_branded_content_sponsor_page_idNUMBERdimensionThe ID of the sponsor page for branded content ads.
Ad Creative Bundle Folder Idad_creative_bundle_folder_idNUMBERdimensionThe ID of the folder containing the creative bundle for the ad.
Ad Creative Call To Action Typead_creative_call_to_action_typeTEXTdimensionThe call-to-action type used in the ad creative.
Ad Creative Categorization Criteriaad_creative_categorization_criteriaTEXTdimensionThe criteria used for ad creative categorization.
Ad Creative Category Media Sourcead_creative_category_media_sourceTEXTdimensionThe media source category for the ad creative.
Ad Creative Destination Set Idad_creative_destination_set_idNUMBERdimensionThe ID of the destination set for the ad creative.
Ad Creative Dynamic Ad Voicead_creative_dynamic_ad_voiceTEXTdimensionThe voice settings for dynamic ad creatives.
Ad Creative Effective Authorization Categoryad_creative_effective_authorization_categoryTEXTdimensionThe effective authorization category for the ad creative.
Ad Creative Effective Instagram Media Idad_creative_effective_instagram_media_idNUMBERdimensionThe Instagram media ID used in the ad creative.
Ad Creative Effective Instagram Story Idad_creative_effective_instagram_story_idNUMBERdimensionThe Instagram story ID used in the ad creative.
Ad Creative Idad_creative_idNUMBERdimensionThe unique ID of the ad creative.
Ad Creative Image Hashad_creative_image_hashTEXTdimensionThe hash value of the image used in the ad creative.
Ad Creative Image Urlad_creative_image_urlURLdimensionThe URL of the image used in the ad creative.
Ad Creative Instagram Actor Idad_creative_instagram_actor_idNUMBERdimensionThe Instagram actor ID used in the ad creative.
Ad Creative Instagram Permalink Urlad_creative_instagram_permalink_urlURLdimensionThe permalink URL for the Instagram post used in the ad creative.
Ad Creative Instagram Story Idad_creative_instagram_story_idNUMBERdimensionThe Instagram story ID used in the ad creative.
Ad Creative Link Destination Display Urlad_creative_link_destination_display_urlURLdimensionThe display URL for the ad creative’s link destination.
Ad Creative Link Og Idad_creative_link_og_idNUMBERdimensionThe Open Graph ID of the ad creative’s link.
Ad Creative Link Urlad_creative_link_urlURLdimensionThe URL of the link used in the ad creative.
Ad Creative Messenger Sponsored Messagead_creative_messenger_sponsored_messageTEXTdimensionIndicates whether the ad creative includes a sponsored message in Messenger.
Ad Creative Namead_creative_nameTEXTdimensionThe name assigned to the ad creative.
Ad Creative Object Idad_creative_object_idNUMBERdimensionThe object ID associated with the ad creative.
Ad Creative Object Store Urlad_creative_object_store_urlURLdimensionThe URL of the object store used in the ad creative.
Ad Creative Object Typead_creative_object_typeTEXTdimensionThe object type associated with the ad creative.
Ad Creative Object Urlad_creative_object_urlURLdimensionThe URL of the object used in the ad creative.
Ad Creative Place Page Set Idad_creative_place_page_set_idNUMBERdimensionThe place page set ID associated with the ad creative.
Ad Creative Playable Asset Idad_creative_playable_asset_idNUMBERdimensionThe ID of the playable asset used in the ad creative.
Ad Creative Product Set Idad_creative_product_set_idNUMBERdimensionThe product set ID associated with the ad creative.
Ad Creative Referral Idad_creative_referral_idNUMBERdimensionThe referral ID for the ad creative.
Ad Creative Statusad_creative_statusTEXTdimensionThe current status of the ad creative (e.g., active, paused).
Ad Creative Template Urlad_creative_template_urlURLdimensionThe URL of the ad creative’s template.
Ad Creative Thumbnail Urlad_creative_thumbnail_urlURLdimensionThe URL of the thumbnail image used in the ad creative.
Ad Creative Titlead_creative_titleTEXTdimensionThe title text used in the ad creative.
Ad Creative Url Tagsad_creative_url_tagsURLdimensionThe URL tags associated with the ad creative for tracking purposes.
Ad Creative Use Page Actor Overridead_creative_use_page_actor_overrideBOOLEANdimensionIndicates whether the ad creative uses the page actor override feature.
Ad Creative Video Idad_creative_video_idNUMBERdimensionThe video ID used in the ad creative.
Ad Effective Statusad_effective_statusTEXTdimensionThe effective status of the ad (e.g., active, paused).
Ad Format Assetad_format_assetTEXTdimensionThe asset used for the ad format.
Ad Idad_idNUMBERdimensionA unique identifier for the ad.
Ad Last Updated By App Idad_last_updated_by_app_idTEXTdimensionThe ID of the app that last updated the ad.
Ad Namead_nameTEXTdimensionThe name assigned to the ad.
Ad Preview Shareable Linkad_preview_shareable_linkTEXTdimensionThe shareable link to preview the ad.
Ad Set Asset Feed Idad_set_asset_feed_idNUMBERdimensionThe asset feed ID associated with the ad set.
Ad Set Bid Amountad_set_bid_amountCURRENCY_USDdimensionThe bid amount for the ad set.
Ad Set Bid Strategyad_set_bid_strategyTEXTdimensionThe bid strategy used for the ad set.
Ad Set Billing Eventad_set_billing_eventTEXTdimensionThe billing event type for the ad set (e.g., impressions, clicks).
Ad Set Budget Remainingad_set_budget_remainingCURRENCY_USDdimensionThe remaining budget for the ad set.
Ad Set Configured Statusad_set_configured_statusTEXTdimensionThe configured status of the ad set (e.g., active, paused).
Ad Set Created Timead_set_created_timeTEXTdimensionThe time when the ad set was created.
Ad Set Daily Budgetad_set_daily_budgetCURRENCY_USDdimensionThe daily budget allocated for the ad set.
Ad Set Daily Min Spend Targetadset_daily_min_spend_targetCURRENCY_USDdimensionThe minimum daily spend target for the ad set.
Ad Set Daily Spend Capadset_daily_spend_capCURRENCY_USDdimensionThe daily spend cap for the ad set.
Ad Set Destination Typeadset_destination_typeTEXTdimensionThe destination type for the ad set (e.g., website, app).
Ad Set Effective Statusadset_effective_statusTEXTdimensionThe effective status of the ad set (e.g., active, paused).
Ad Set End Timeadset_end_timeTEXTdimensionThe end time for the ad set’s run period.
Ad Set Idadset_idNUMBERdimensionA unique identifier for the ad set.
Ad Set Instagram Actor Idadset_instagram_actor_idNUMBERdimensionThe Instagram actor ID associated with the ad set.
Ad Set Is Dynamic Creativeadset_is_dynamic_creativeBOOLEANdimensionIndicates whether the ad set is using dynamic creative.
Ad Set Lifetime Budgetadset_lifetime_budgetCURRENCY_USDdimensionThe lifetime budget for the ad set.
Ad Set Lifetime Impsadset_lifetime_impsNUMBERdimensionThe number of lifetime impressions the ad set has delivered.
Ad Set Lifetime Min Spend Targetadset_lifetime_min_spend_targetCURRENCY_USDdimensionThe minimum lifetime spend target for the ad set.
Ad Set Lifetime Spend Capadset_lifetime_spend_capCURRENCY_USDdimensionThe lifetime spend cap for the ad set.
Ad Set Multi Optimization Goal Weightadset_multi_optimization_goal_weightTEXTdimensionThe weight assigned to the ad set for multi-optimization goals.
Ad Set Nameadset_nameTEXTdimensionThe name assigned to the ad set.
Ad Set Optimization Goaladset_optimization_goalTEXTdimensionThe optimization goal of the ad set (e.g., conversions, reach).
Ad Set Optimization Sub Eventadset_optimization_sub_eventTEXTdimensionThe sub-event used for optimization in the ad set.
Ad Set Recurring Budget Semanticsadset_recurring_budget_semanticsBOOLEANdimensionThe recurring budget semantics for the ad set.
Ad Set Review Feedbackadset_review_feedbackTEXTdimensionThe review feedback provided for the ad set.
Ad Set Rf Prediction Idadset_rf_prediction_idTEXTdimensionThe prediction ID for reach and frequency campaigns.
Ad Set Source Adset Idadset_source_adset_idNUMBERdimensionThe source ad set ID if the ad set is a copy.
Ad Set Start Timeadset_start_timeTEXTdimensionThe start time for the ad set’s run period.
Ad Set Statusadset_statusTEXTdimensionThe current status of the ad set (e.g., active, paused).
Ad Set Updated Timeadset_updated_timeTEXTdimensionThe last time the ad set was updated.
Ad Set Use New App Clickadset_use_new_app_clickBOOLEANdimensionIndicates whether the ad set uses the new app click optimization.
Ad Source Ad Idad_source_ad_idNUMBERdimensionThe source ad ID associated with the ad set.
Ad Statusad_statusTEXTdimensionThe current status of the ad (e.g., active, paused).
Ad Updated Timead_updated_timeTEXTdimensionThe last time the ad was updated.
Add Payment Infoactions_add_payment_infoNUMBERmetricThe number of add payment info events tracked.
Add Payment Info Valuesaction_values_add_payment_infoNUMBERmetricThe total value of add payment info events.
Add To Cartactions_add_to_cartNUMBERmetricThe number of add-to-cart events tracked.
Add To Cart Valuesaction_values_add_to_cartNUMBERmetricThe total value of add-to-cart events.
AgeageTEXTdimensionThe age of the audience targeted by the ad.
All On-Facebook Leadsactions_onsite_conversion_lead_groupedNUMBERmetricThe number of leads generated from Facebook forms.
App Idapp_idTEXTdimensionThe unique identifier for the app associated with the ad.
App Installsactions_app_installNUMBERmetricThe number of app installs generated by the ad.
App Usesactions_app_useNUMBERmetricThe number of app uses or launches generated by the ad.
Applications Submittedactions_submit_application_totalNUMBERmetricThe number of applications submitted through the ad.
Appointments Scheduledactions_schedule_totalNUMBERmetricThe number of appointments scheduled through the ad.
Attribution Settingattribution_settingTEXTdimensionThe attribution setting used for the ad campaign.
Body Asset Idbody_asset_idTEXTdimensionThe ID of the body asset used in the ad creative.
Body Asset Textbody_asset_textTEXTdimensionThe text used in the body asset of the ad creative.
Call Confirmation Clicksactions_click_to_call_call_confirmNUMBERmetricThe number of clicks to confirm a call to action.
Call To Action Asset Idcall_to_action_asset_idTEXTdimensionThe ID of the call-to-action asset used in the ad creative.
Call To Action Asset Namecall_to_action_asset_nameTEXTdimensionThe name of the call-to-action asset used in the ad creative.
Campaign Ad Strategy Idcampaign_ad_strategy_idNUMBERdimensionThe ID of the ad strategy used in the campaign.
Campaign Bid Strategycampaign_bid_strategyTEXTdimensionThe bid strategy used for the campaign.
Campaign Boosted Object Idcampaign_boosted_object_idNUMBERdimensionThe ID of the boosted object associated with the campaign.
Campaign Budget Rebalance Flagcampaign_budget_rebalance_flagBOOLEANdimensionIndicates whether the campaign budget is allowed to be rebalanced.
Campaign Budget Remainingcampaign_budget_remainingCURRENCY_USDdimensionThe remaining budget for the campaign.
Campaign Buying Typebuying_typeTEXTdimensionThe buying type of the campaign (e.g., auction, reach and frequency).
Campaign Can Create Brand Lift Studycampaign_can_create_brand_lift_studyBOOLEANdimensionIndicates whether the campaign is eligible to create a brand lift study.
Campaign Can Use Spend Capcampaign_can_use_spend_capBOOLEANdimensionIndicates whether the campaign is allowed to use a spend cap.
Campaign Configured Statuscampaign_configured_statusTEXTdimensionThe current configured status of the campaign (e.g., active, paused).
Campaign Created Timecampaign_created_timeTEXTdimensionThe time when the campaign was created.
Campaign Daily Budgetcampaign_daily_budgetCURRENCY_USDdimensionThe daily budget allocated for the campaign.
Campaign Effective Statuscampaign_effective_statusTEXTdimensionThe effective status of the campaign (e.g., active, paused).
Campaign Idcampaign_idNUMBERdimensionA unique identifier for the campaign.
Campaign Is Skadnetwork Attributioncampaign_is_skadnetwork_attributionBOOLEANdimensionIndicates whether the campaign uses SKAdNetwork attribution for iOS.
Campaign Last Budget Toggling Timecampaign_last_budget_toggling_timeTEXTdimensionThe last time the campaign’s budget was toggled.
Campaign Lifetime Budgetcampaign_lifetime_budgetCURRENCY_USDdimensionThe total lifetime budget for the campaign.
Campaign Namecampaign_nameTEXTdimensionThe name assigned to the campaign.
Campaign Objectivecampaign_objectiveTEXTdimensionThe objective of the campaign (e.g., conversions, reach).
Campaign Smart Promotion Typecampaign_smart_promotion_typeTEXTdimensionThe smart promotion type used in the campaign.
Campaign Source Campaign Idcampaign_source_campaign_idNUMBERdimensionThe ID of the source campaign if the campaign was copied.
Campaign Special Ad Categorycampaign_special_ad_categoryTEXTdimensionThe special ad category of the campaign (e.g., housing, employment).
Campaign Spend Capcampaign_spend_capNUMBERdimensionThe total spend cap for the campaign.
Campaign Start Timecampaign_start_timeTEXTdimensionThe start time of the campaign.
Campaign Statuscampaign_statusTEXTdimensionThe current status of the campaign (e.g., active, paused).
Campaign Stop Timecampaign_stop_timeTEXTdimensionThe end time of the campaign.
Campaign Topline Idcampaign_topline_idNUMBERdimensionThe ID of the topline associated with the campaign.
Campaign Updated Timecampaign_updated_timeTEXTdimensionThe last time the campaign was updated.
Canceled Subscriptionsactions_cancel_subscription_totalNUMBERmetricThe number of subscriptions that were canceled.
Canvas Avg View Percentcanvas_avg_view_percentNUMBERmetricThe average percentage of a canvas viewed by users.
Canvas Avg View Timecanvas_avg_view_timeNUMBERmetricThe average amount of time users spent viewing a canvas.
Check-insactions_checkinNUMBERmetricThe number of check-ins attributed to the ad.
ClicksclicksNUMBERmetricThe total number of clicks on the ad.
Complete Registrationactions_complete_registrationNUMBERmetricThe number of completed registrations attributed to the ad.
Complete Registration Valuesaction_values_complete_registrationNUMBERmetricThe total value of completed registrations attributed to the ad.
Contactsactions_contact_totalNUMBERmetricThe number of contacts generated by the ad.
ContinentcontinentCONTINENTdimensionThe continent where the audience or actions are located.
Continent Codecontinent_codeCONTINENT_CODEdimensionThe code of the continent where the audience or actions are located.
Conversion Rate Rankingconversion_rate_rankingURLdimensionThe ranking of your ad’s conversion rate compared to ads with similar objectives.
Conversion Value Ad Click Mobile Appconversion_values_ad_click_mobile_appNUMBERmetricThe total value of conversions from ad clicks in mobile apps.
Conversion Value Ad Impression Mobile Appconversion_values_ad_impression_mobile_appNUMBERmetricThe total value of conversions from ad impressions in mobile apps.
Conversion Value Contact Mobile Appconversion_values_contact_mobile_appNUMBERmetricThe total conversion value from contact actions in mobile apps.
Conversion Value Contact Offlineconversion_values_contact_offlineNUMBERmetricThe total conversion value from contact actions offline.
Conversion Value Contact Totalconversion_values_contact_totalNUMBERmetricThe total conversion value from all contact actions.
Conversion Value Contact Websiteconversion_values_contact_websiteNUMBERmetricThe total conversion value from contact actions on websites.
Conversion Value Customize Product Mobile Appconversion_values_customize_product_mobile_appNUMBERmetricThe total value of conversions from product customization in mobile apps.
Conversion Value Customize Product Offlineconversion_values_customize_product_offlineNUMBERmetricThe total value of conversions from product customization offline.
Conversion Value Customize Product Totalconversion_values_customize_product_totalNUMBERmetricThe total value of all conversions from product customization.
Conversion Value Customize Product Websiteconversion_values_customize_product_websiteNUMBERmetricThe total value of conversions from product customization on websites.
Conversion Value Donate Mobile Appconversion_values_donate_mobile_appNUMBERmetricThe total value of donations made through mobile apps.
Conversion Value Donate Offlineconversion_values_donate_offlineNUMBERmetricThe total value of donations made offline.
Conversion Value Donate On Facebookconversion_values_donate_on_facebookNUMBERmetricThe total value of donations made directly on Facebook.
Conversion Value Donate Totalconversion_values_donate_totalNUMBERmetricThe total value of all donations.
Conversion Value Donate Websiteconversion_values_donate_websiteNUMBERmetricThe total value of donations made through websites.
Conversion Value Find Location Mobile Appconversion_values_find_location_mobile_appNUMBERmetricThe total value of conversions from “Find Location” actions in mobile apps.
Conversion Value Find Location Offlineconversion_values_find_location_offlineNUMBERmetricThe total value of conversions from “Find Location” actions offline.
Conversion Value Find Location Totalconversion_values_find_location_totalNUMBERmetricThe total value of all conversions from “Find Location” actions.
Conversion Value Find Location Websiteconversion_values_find_location_websiteNUMBERmetricThe total value of conversions from “Find Location” actions on websites.
Conversion Value Schedule Mobile Appconversion_values_schedule_mobile_appNUMBERmetricThe total value of conversions from “Schedule” actions in mobile apps.
Conversion Value Schedule Offlineconversion_values_schedule_offlineNUMBERmetricThe total value of conversions from “Schedule” actions offline.
Conversion Value Schedule Totalconversion_values_schedule_totalNUMBERmetricThe total value of all conversions from “Schedule” actions.
Conversion Value Schedule Websiteconversion_values_schedule_websiteNUMBERmetricThe total value of conversions from “Schedule” actions on websites.
Conversion Value Start Trial Mobile Appconversion_values_start_trial_mobile_appNUMBERmetricThe total value of conversions from “Start Trial” actions in mobile apps.
Conversion Value Start Trial Offlineconversion_values_start_trial_offlineNUMBERmetricThe total value of conversions from “Start Trial” actions offline.
Conversion Value Start Trial Totalconversion_values_start_trial_totalNUMBERmetricThe total value of all conversions from “Start Trial” actions.
Conversion Value Start Trial Websiteconversion_values_start_trial_websiteNUMBERmetricThe total value of conversions from “Start Trial” actions on websites.
Conversion Value Submit Application Mobile Appconversion_values_submit_application_mobile_appNUMBERmetricThe total value of conversions from “Submit Application” actions in mobile apps.
Conversion Value Submit Application Offlineconversion_values_submit_application_offlineNUMBERmetricThe total value of conversions from “Submit Application” actions offline.
Conversion Value Submit Application Totalconversion_values_submit_application_totalNUMBERmetricThe total value of all conversions from “Submit Application” actions.
Conversion Value Submit Application Websiteconversion_values_submit_application_websiteNUMBERmetricThe total value of conversions from “Submit Application” actions on websites.
Conversion Value Subscribe Mobile Appconversion_values_subscribe_mobile_appNUMBERmetricThe total value of conversions from “Subscribe” actions in mobile apps.
Conversion Value Subscribe Offlineconversion_values_subscribe_offlineNUMBERmetricThe total value of conversions from “Subscribe” actions offline.
Conversion Value Subscribe Totalconversion_values_subscribe_totalNUMBERmetricThe total value of all conversions from “Subscribe” actions.
Conversion Value Subscribe Websiteconversion_values_subscribe_websiteNUMBERmetricThe total value of conversions from “Subscribe” actions on websites.
Conversions Ad Click Mobile Appconversions_ad_click_mobile_appNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from ad clicks in mobile apps.
Conversions Ad Impression Mobile Appconversions_ad_impression_mobile_appNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from ad impressions in mobile apps.
Conversions Contact Mobile Appconversions_contact_mobile_appNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from contact actions in mobile apps.
Conversions Contact Offlineconversions_contact_offlineNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from contact actions offline.
Conversions Contact Totalconversions_contact_totalNUMBERmetricThe total number of all contact conversions.
Conversions Contact Websiteconversions_contact_websiteNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from contact actions on websites.
Conversions Customize Product Mobile Appconversions_customize_product_mobile_appNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from product customization in mobile apps.
Conversions Customize Product Offlineconversions_customize_product_offlineNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from product customization offline.
Conversions Customize Product Totalconversions_customize_product_totalNUMBERmetricThe total number of all product customization conversions.
Conversions Customize Product Websiteconversions_customize_product_websiteNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from product customization on websites.
Conversions Donate Mobile Appconversions_donate_mobile_appNUMBERmetricThe total number of donations made through mobile apps.
Conversions Donate Offlineconversions_donate_offlineNUMBERmetricThe total number of donations made offline.
Conversions Donate On Facebookconversions_donate_on_facebookNUMBERmetricThe total number of donations made directly on Facebook.
Conversions Donate Totalconversions_donate_totalNUMBERmetricThe total number of all donations.
Conversions Donate Websiteconversions_donate_websiteNUMBERmetricThe total number of donations made through websites.
Conversions Find Location Mobile Appconversions_find_location_mobile_appNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from “Find Location” actions in mobile apps.
Conversions Find Location Offlineconversions_find_location_offlineNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from “Find Location” actions offline.
Conversions Find Location Totalconversions_find_location_totalNUMBERmetricThe total number of all conversions from “Find Location” actions.
Conversions Find Location Websiteconversions_find_location_websiteNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from “Find Location” actions on websites.
Conversions Schedule Mobile Appconversions_schedule_mobile_appNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from “Schedule” actions in mobile apps.
Conversions Schedule Offlineconversions_schedule_offlineNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from “Schedule” actions offline.
Conversions Schedule Totalconversions_schedule_totalNUMBERmetricThe total number of all conversions from “Schedule” actions.
Conversions Schedule Websiteconversions_schedule_websiteNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from “Schedule” actions on websites.
Conversions Start Trial Mobile Appconversions_start_trial_mobile_appNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from “Start Trial” actions in mobile apps.
Conversions Start Trial Offlineconversions_start_trial_offlineNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from “Start Trial” actions offline.
Conversions Start Trial Totalconversions_start_trial_totalNUMBERmetricThe total number of all conversions from “Start Trial” actions.
Conversions Start Trial Websiteconversions_start_trial_websiteNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from “Start Trial” actions on websites.
Conversions Submit Application Mobile Appconversions_submit_application_mobile_appNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from “Submit Application” actions in mobile apps.
Conversions Submit Application Offlineconversions_submit_application_offlineNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from “Submit Application” actions offline.
Conversions Submit Application Totalconversions_submit_application_totalNUMBERmetricThe total number of all conversions from “Submit Application” actions.
Conversions Submit Application Websiteconversions_submit_application_websiteNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from “Submit Application” actions on websites.
Conversions Subscribe Mobile Appconversions_subscribe_mobile_appNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from “Subscribe” actions in mobile apps.
Conversions Subscribe Offlineconversions_subscribe_offlineNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from “Subscribe” actions offline.
Conversions Subscribe Totalconversions_subscribe_totalNUMBERmetricThe total number of all conversions from “Subscribe” actions.
Conversions Subscribe Websiteconversions_subscribe_websiteNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from “Subscribe” actions on websites.
Cost per 3-Second Video Viewscost_per_action_type_video_viewCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per 3-second video view.
Cost per Add Payment Infocost_per_action_type_add_payment_infoCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per add payment info event.
Cost per Add To Cartcost_per_action_type_add_to_cartCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per add-to-cart event.
Cost per All On-Facebook Leadscost_per_action_type_onsite_conversion_lead_groupedCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per Facebook lead from on-Facebook lead generation tools.
Cost per App Installscost_per_action_type_app_installCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per app install.
Cost per App Usescost_per_action_type_app_useCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per app use.
Cost per Applications Submittedcost_per_action_type_submit_application_totalCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per submitted application.
Cost per Appointments Scheduledcost_per_action_type_schedule_totalCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per appointment scheduled.
Cost per Call Confirmation Clickscost_per_action_type_click_to_call_call_confirmCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per click to confirm a call-to-action.
Cost per Canceled Subscriptionscost_per_action_type_cancel_subscription_totalCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per canceled subscription.
Cost per Check-inscost_per_action_type_checkinCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per check-in.
Cost per Complete Registrationcost_per_action_type_complete_registrationCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per completed registration.
Cost per Contactscost_per_action_type_contact_totalCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per contact action.
Cost per Conversion Ad Click Mobile Appcost_per_conversion_ad_click_mobile_appCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per conversion from ad clicks in mobile apps.
Cost per Conversion Ad Impression Mobile Appcost_per_conversion_ad_impression_mobile_appCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per conversion from ad impressions in mobile apps.
Cost per Conversion Contact Mobile Appcost_per_conversion_contact_mobile_appCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per contact conversion in mobile apps.
Cost per Conversion Contact Offlinecost_per_conversion_contact_offlineCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per contact conversion offline.
Cost per Conversion Contact Totalcost_per_conversion_contact_totalCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per contact conversion total.
Cost per Conversion Contact Websitecost_per_conversion_contact_websiteCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per contact conversion on websites.
Cost per Conversion Customize Product Mobile Appcost_per_conversion_customize_product_mobile_appCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per product customization conversion in mobile apps.
Cost per Conversion Customize Product Offlinecost_per_conversion_customize_product_offlineCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per product customization conversion offline.
Cost per Conversion Customize Product Totalcost_per_conversion_customize_product_totalCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per product customization conversion total.
Cost per Conversion Customize Product Websitecost_per_conversion_customize_product_websiteCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per product customization conversion on websites.
Cost per Conversion Donate Mobile Appcost_per_conversion_donate_mobile_appCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per donation conversion in mobile apps.
Cost per Conversion Donate Offlinecost_per_conversion_donate_offlineCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per donation conversion offline.
Cost per Conversion Donate On Facebookcost_per_conversion_donate_on_facebookCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per donation conversion directly on Facebook.
Cost per Conversion Donate Totalcost_per_conversion_donate_totalCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per donation conversion total.
Cost per Conversion Donate Websitecost_per_conversion_donate_websiteCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per donation conversion on websites.
Cost per Conversion Find Location Mobile Appcost_per_conversion_find_location_mobile_appCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per “Find Location” conversion in mobile apps.
Cost per Conversion Find Location Offlinecost_per_conversion_find_location_offlineCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per “Find Location” conversion offline.
Cost per Conversion Find Location Totalcost_per_conversion_find_location_totalCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per “Find Location” conversion total.
Cost per Conversion Find Location Websitecost_per_conversion_find_location_websiteCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per “Find Location” conversion on websites.
Cost per Conversion Schedule Mobile Appcost_per_conversion_schedule_mobile_appCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per “Schedule” conversion in mobile apps.
Cost per Conversion Schedule Offlinecost_per_conversion_schedule_offlineCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per “Schedule” conversion offline.
Cost per Conversion Schedule Totalcost_per_conversion_schedule_totalCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per “Schedule” conversion total.
Cost per Conversion Schedule Websitecost_per_conversion_schedule_websiteCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per “Schedule” conversion on websites.
Cost per Conversion Start Trial Mobile Appcost_per_conversion_start_trial_mobile_appCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per “Start Trial” conversion in mobile apps.
Cost per Conversion Start Trial Offlinecost_per_conversion_start_trial_offlineCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per “Start Trial” conversion offline.
Cost per Conversion Start Trial Totalcost_per_conversion_start_trial_totalCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per “Start Trial” conversion total.
Cost per Conversion Start Trial Websitecost_per_conversion_start_trial_websiteCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per “Start Trial” conversion on websites.
Cost per Conversion Submit Application Mobile Appcost_per_conversion_submit_application_mobile_appCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per “Submit Application” conversion in mobile apps.
Cost per Conversion Submit Application Offlinecost_per_conversion_submit_application_offlineCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per “Submit Application” conversion offline.
Cost per Conversion Submit Application Totalcost_per_conversion_submit_application_totalCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per “Submit Application” conversion total.
Cost per Conversion Submit Application Websitecost_per_conversion_submit_application_websiteCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per “Submit Application” conversion on websites.
Cost per Conversion Subscribe Mobile Appcost_per_conversion_subscribe_mobile_appCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per “Subscribe” conversion in mobile apps.
Cost per Conversion Subscribe Offlinecost_per_conversion_subscribe_offlineCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per “Subscribe” conversion offline.
Cost per Conversion Subscribe Totalcost_per_conversion_subscribe_totalCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per “Subscribe” conversion total.
Cost per Conversion Subscribe Websitecost_per_conversion_subscribe_websiteCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per “Subscribe” conversion on websites.
Cost per Credit Spendscost_per_action_type_credit_spentCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per credit spend.
Cost per Donationscost_per_action_type_donate_totalCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per donation.
Cost per Estimated Ad Recallerscost_per_estimated_ad_recallersCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per estimated ad recaller.
Cost per Event Responsescost_per_action_type_rsvpCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per event response.
Cost per Game Playscost_per_action_type_games_playsCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per game play.
Cost per In-App Ad Clickscost_per_action_type_ad_click_mobile_appCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per in-app ad click.
Cost per In-App Ad Impressionscost_per_action_type_ad_impression_mobile_appCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per in-app ad impression.
Cost per Initiate Checkoutcost_per_action_type_initiate_checkoutCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per initiate checkout event.
Cost per Inline Link Clickcost_per_inline_link_clickCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per inline link click.
Cost per Inline Post Engagementcost_per_inline_post_engagementCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per engagement on inline posts.
Cost per Landing Page Viewscost_per_action_type_landing_page_viewCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per landing page view.
Cost per Leadscost_per_action_type_leadCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per lead generated.
Cost per Link Clickscost_per_action_type_link_clickCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per link click.
Cost per Location Searchescost_per_action_type_find_location_totalCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per location search.
Cost per Mobile App Achievementscost_per_action_type_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_level_achievedCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per mobile app achievement.
Cost per Mobile App Adds To Cartcost_per_action_type_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_add_to_cartCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per add-to-cart event in mobile apps.
Cost per Mobile App Adds to Wishlistcost_per_action_type_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_add_to_wishlistCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per add-to-wishlist event in mobile apps.
Cost per Mobile App Applications Submittedcost_per_action_type_submit_application_mobile_appCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per submitted application in mobile apps.
Cost per Mobile App Appointments Scheduledcost_per_action_type_schedule_mobile_appCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per appointment scheduled in mobile apps.
Cost per Mobile App Canceled Subscriptionscost_per_action_type_cancel_subscription_mobile_appCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per canceled subscription in mobile apps.
Cost per Mobile App Checkoutscost_per_action_type_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_initiated_checkoutCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per checkout in mobile apps.
Cost per Mobile App Contactscost_per_action_type_contact_mobile_appCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per contact in mobile apps.
Cost per Mobile App Content Viewscost_per_action_type_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_content_viewCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per content view in mobile apps.
Cost per Mobile App Credit Spendscost_per_action_type_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_spent_creditsCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per credit spend in mobile apps.
Cost per Mobile App Donationscost_per_action_type_donate_mobile_appCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per donation in mobile apps.
Cost per Mobile App Feature Unlockscost_per_action_type_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_achievement_unlockedCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per feature unlock in mobile apps.
Cost per Mobile App Installscost_per_action_type_mobile_app_installCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per mobile app install.
Cost per Mobile App Location Searchescost_per_action_type_find_location_mobile_appCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per location search in mobile apps.
Cost per Mobile App Payment Detailscost_per_action_type_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_add_payment_infoCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per payment detail submission in mobile apps.
Cost per Mobile App Products Customizedcost_per_action_type_customize_product_mobile_appCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per product customization in mobile apps.
Cost per Mobile App Purchasescost_per_action_type_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_purchaseCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per purchase in mobile apps.
Cost per Mobile App Ratingscost_per_action_type_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_rateNUMBERmetricThe average cost per rating submission in mobile apps.
Cost per Mobile App Recurring Subscription Paymentscost_per_action_type_recurring_subscription_payment_mobile_appCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per recurring subscription payment in mobile apps.
Cost per Mobile App Registrationscost_per_action_type_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_complete_registrationCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per registration in mobile apps.
Cost per Mobile App Searchescost_per_action_type_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_searchCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per search in mobile apps.
Cost per Mobile App Startscost_per_action_type_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_activate_appCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per mobile app start.
Cost per Mobile App Subscriptionscost_per_action_type_subscribe_mobile_appCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per subscription in mobile apps.
Cost per Mobile App Trials Startedcost_per_action_type_start_trial_mobile_appCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per trial started in mobile apps.
Cost per Mobile App Tutorial Completionscost_per_action_type_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_tutorial_completionCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per tutorial completion in mobile apps.
Cost per Offline App Appointments Scheduledcost_per_action_type_schedule_offlineCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per appointment scheduled offline.
Cost per Offline App Location Searchescost_per_action_type_find_location_offlineCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per location search offline.
Cost per Offline Applications Submittedcost_per_action_type_submit_application_offlineCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per application submitted offline.
Cost per Offline Canceled Subscriptionscost_per_action_type_cancel_subscription_offlineCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per canceled subscription offline.
Cost per Offline Contactscost_per_action_type_contact_offlineCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per contact offline.
Cost per Offline Conversion Add Payment Infocost_per_action_type_offline_conversion_add_payment_infoCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per offline conversion for add payment info.
Cost per Offline Conversion Add To Cartcost_per_action_type_offline_conversion_add_to_cartCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per offline conversion for add-to-cart.
Cost per Offline Conversion Add To Wishlistcost_per_action_type_offline_conversion_add_to_wishlistCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per offline conversion for add-to-wishlist.
Cost per Offline Conversion Complete Registrationcost_per_action_type_offline_conversion_complete_registrationCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per offline conversion for completed registrations.
Cost per Offline Conversion Initiate Checkoutcost_per_action_type_offline_conversion_initiate_checkoutCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per offline conversion for initiate checkout.
Cost per Offline Conversion Leadcost_per_action_type_offline_conversion_leadCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per offline conversion for leads.
Cost per Offline Conversion Othercost_per_action_type_offline_conversion_otherCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per offline conversion for other actions.
Cost per Offline Conversion Purchasecost_per_action_type_offline_conversion_purchaseCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per offline conversion for purchases.
Cost per Offline Conversion Searchcost_per_action_type_offline_conversion_searchCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per offline conversion for searches.
Cost per Offline Conversion View Contentcost_per_action_type_offline_conversion_view_contentCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per offline conversion for view content.
Cost per Offline Conversionscost_per_action_type_offline_conversionCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per all offline conversions.
Cost per Offline Donationscost_per_action_type_donate_offlineCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per offline donation.
Cost per Offline Products Customizedcost_per_action_type_customize_product_offlineCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per offline product customization.
Cost per Offline Recurring Subscription Paymentscost_per_action_type_recurring_subscription_payment_offlineCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per offline recurring subscription payment.
Cost per Offline Subscriptionscost_per_action_type_subscribe_offlineCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per offline subscription.
Cost per Offline Trials Startedcost_per_action_type_start_trial_offlineCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per offline trial started.
Cost per Omni Achievements Unlockedcost_per_action_type_omni_achievement_unlockedCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per omni achievement unlocked.
Cost per Omni Adds to Cartcost_per_action_type_omni_add_to_cartCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per omni add-to-cart event.
Cost per Omni App Activationscost_per_action_type_omni_activate_appCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per omni app activation.
Cost per Omni App Installscost_per_action_type_omni_app_installCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per omni app install.
Cost per Omni Checkouts Initiatedcost_per_action_type_omni_initiated_checkoutCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per omni checkout initiated.
Cost per Omni Content Viewscost_per_action_type_omni_view_contentCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per omni content view.
Cost per Omni Credit Spendscost_per_action_type_omni_spend_creditsCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per omni credit spend.
Cost per Omni Custom Eventscost_per_action_type_omni_customCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per omni custom event.
Cost per Omni Levels Achievedcost_per_action_type_omni_level_achievedCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per omni level achieved.
Cost per Omni Purchasescost_per_action_type_omni_purchaseCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per omni purchase.
Cost per Omni Ratings Submittedcost_per_action_type_omni_rateNUMBERmetricThe average cost per omni rating submission.
Cost per Omni Registrations Completedcost_per_action_type_omni_complete_registrationCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per omni registration completed.
Cost per Omni Searchescost_per_action_type_omni_searchCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per omni search.
Cost per Omni Tutorials Completedcost_per_action_type_omni_tutorial_completionCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per omni tutorial completion.
Cost per On Facebook Applications Submittedcost_per_action_type_submit_application_on_facebookCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per application submitted directly on Facebook.
Cost per On Facebook Donationscost_per_action_type_donate_on_facebookCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per donation made directly on Facebook.
Cost per On-Facebook Blocked Messaging Conversationscost_per_action_type_onsite_conversion_messaging_blockCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per blocked messaging conversation on Facebook.
Cost per On-Facebook leads coming from Messenger and Instant Formscost_per_action_type_leadgen_groupedCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per Facebook lead coming from Messenger and Instant Forms.
Cost per On-Facebook Messaging Conversations Startedcost_per_action_type_onsite_conversion_messaging_conversation_started_7dCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per messaging conversation started on Facebook.
Cost per On-Facebook New Messaging Conversationscost_per_action_type_onsite_conversion_messaging_first_replyCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per new messaging conversation on Facebook.
Cost per On-Facebook Post Savescost_per_action_type_onsite_conversion_post_saveCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per post save on Facebook.
Cost per On-Facebook Purchasescost_per_action_type_onsite_conversion_purchaseCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per purchase made directly on Facebook.
Cost per On-Facebook Workflow Completionscost_per_action_type_onsite_conversion_flow_completeCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per workflow completion on Facebook.
Cost per Other Mobile App Actionscost_per_action_type_app_custom_event_otherCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per other mobile app action.
Cost per Outbound Clickcost_per_outbound_click_outbound_clickCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per outbound click.
Cost per Outbound Clickscost_per_action_type_outbound_clickCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per outbound clicks.
Cost per Page Engagementcost_per_action_type_page_engagementCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per page engagement.
Cost per Page Likescost_per_action_type_likeCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per page like.
Cost per Page Photo Viewscost_per_action_type_photo_viewCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per page photo view.
Cost per Pixel Adds Payment Infocost_per_action_type_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_add_payment_infoCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per add payment info event tracked by a Facebook pixel.
Cost per Pixel Adds To Cartcost_per_action_type_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_add_to_cartCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per add-to-cart event tracked by a Facebook pixel.
Cost per Pixel Adds To Wishlistcost_per_action_type_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_add_to_wishlistCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per add-to-wishlist event tracked by a Facebook pixel.
Cost per Pixel Completed Registrationcost_per_action_type_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_complete_registrationCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per completed registration tracked by a Facebook pixel.
Cost per Pixel Customcost_per_action_type_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_customCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per custom event tracked by a Facebook pixel.
Cost per Pixel Initiates Checkoutcost_per_action_type_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_initiate_checkoutCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per initiate checkout event tracked by a Facebook pixel.
Cost per Pixel Leadscost_per_action_type_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_leadCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per lead event tracked by a Facebook pixel.
Cost per Pixel Purchasescost_per_action_type_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_purchaseCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per purchase event tracked by a Facebook pixel.
Cost per Pixel Searchescost_per_action_type_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_searchCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per search event tracked by a Facebook pixel.
Cost per Pixel View Contentscost_per_action_type_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_view_contentCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per view content event tracked by a Facebook pixel.
Cost per Post Commentscost_per_action_type_commentCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per post comment.
Cost per Post Engagementcost_per_action_type_post_engagementCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per post engagement.
Cost per Post Reactionscost_per_action_type_post_reactionCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per post reaction.
Cost per Post Sharescost_per_action_type_postCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per post share.
Cost per Products Customizedcost_per_action_type_customize_product_totalCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per product customization.
Cost per Purchasecost_per_action_type_purchaseCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per purchase.
Cost per Recurring Subscription Paymentscost_per_action_type_recurring_subscription_payment_totalCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per recurring subscription payment.
Cost per Searchcost_per_action_type_searchCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per search.
Cost per Subscriptionscost_per_action_type_subscribe_totalCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per subscription.
Cost per Thruplaycost_per_thruplay_video_viewCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per thruplay (completed video play).
Cost per Trials Startedcost_per_action_type_start_trial_totalCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per trial started.
Cost per Unique 3-Second Video Viewscost_per_unique_action_type_video_viewCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique 3-second video view.
Cost per Unique Add Payment Infocost_per_unique_action_type_add_payment_infoCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique add payment info event.
Cost per Unique Add To Cartcost_per_unique_action_type_add_to_cartCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique add-to-cart event.
Cost per Unique All On-Facebook Leadscost_per_unique_action_type_onsite_conversion_lead_groupedCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique Facebook lead.
Cost per Unique App Installscost_per_unique_action_type_app_installCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique app install.
Cost per Unique App Usescost_per_unique_action_type_app_useCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique app use.
Cost per Unique Applications Submittedcost_per_unique_action_type_submit_application_totalCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique application submitted.
Cost per Unique Appointments Scheduledcost_per_unique_action_type_schedule_totalCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique appointment scheduled.
Cost per Unique Call Confirmation Clickscost_per_unique_action_type_click_to_call_call_confirmCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique call confirmation click.
Cost per Unique Canceled Subscriptionscost_per_unique_action_type_cancel_subscription_totalCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique canceled subscription.
Cost per Unique Check-inscost_per_unique_action_type_checkinCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique check-in.
Cost per Unique Clickcost_per_unique_clickCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique click.
Cost per Unique Complete Registrationcost_per_unique_action_type_complete_registrationCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique completed registration.
Cost per Unique Contactscost_per_unique_action_type_contact_totalCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique contact.
Cost per Unique Credit Spendscost_per_unique_action_type_credit_spentCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique credit spend.
Cost per Unique Donationscost_per_unique_action_type_donate_totalCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique donation.
Cost per Unique Event Responsescost_per_unique_action_type_rsvpCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique event response.
Cost per Unique Game Playscost_per_unique_action_type_games_playsCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique game play.
Cost per Unique In-App Ad Clickscost_per_unique_action_type_ad_click_mobile_appCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique in-app ad click.
Cost per Unique In-App Ad Impressionscost_per_unique_action_type_ad_impression_mobile_appCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique in-app ad impression.
Cost per Unique Initiate Checkoutcost_per_unique_action_type_initiate_checkoutCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique initiate checkout.
Cost per Unique Inline Link Clickcost_per_unique_inline_link_clickCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique inline link click.
Cost per Unique Landing Page Viewscost_per_unique_action_type_landing_page_viewCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique landing page view.
Cost per Unique Leadscost_per_unique_action_type_leadCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique lead.
Cost per Unique Link Clickscost_per_unique_action_type_link_clickCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique link click.
Cost per Unique Location Searchescost_per_unique_action_type_find_location_totalCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique location search.
Cost per Unique Mobile App Achievementscost_per_unique_action_type_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_level_achievedCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique mobile app achievement.
Cost per Unique Mobile App Adds To Cartcost_per_unique_action_type_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_add_to_cartCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique mobile app add-to-cart event.
Cost per Unique Mobile App Adds to Wishlistcost_per_unique_action_type_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_add_to_wishlistCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique mobile app add-to-wishlist event.
Cost per Unique Mobile App Applications Submittedcost_per_unique_action_type_submit_application_mobile_appCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique mobile app application submitted.
Cost per Unique Mobile App Appointments Scheduledcost_per_unique_action_type_schedule_mobile_appCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique mobile app appointment scheduled.
Cost per Unique Mobile App Canceled Subscriptionscost_per_unique_action_type_cancel_subscription_mobile_appCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique mobile app canceled subscription.
Cost per Unique Mobile App Checkoutscost_per_unique_action_type_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_initiated_checkoutCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique mobile app checkout.
Cost per Unique Mobile App Contactscost_per_unique_action_type_contact_mobile_appCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique mobile app contact.
Cost per Unique Mobile App Content Viewscost_per_unique_action_type_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_content_viewCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique mobile app content view.
Cost per Unique Mobile App Credit Spendscost_per_unique_action_type_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_spent_creditsCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique mobile app credit spend.
Cost per Unique Mobile App Donationscost_per_unique_action_type_donate_mobile_appCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique mobile app donation.
Cost per Unique Mobile App Feature Unlockscost_per_unique_action_type_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_achievement_unlockedCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique mobile app feature unlock.
Cost per Unique Mobile App Installscost_per_unique_action_type_mobile_app_installCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique mobile app install.
Cost per Unique Mobile App Location Searchescost_per_unique_action_type_find_location_mobile_appCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique mobile app location search.
Cost per Unique Mobile App Payment Detailscost_per_unique_action_type_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_add_payment_infoCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique mobile app payment detail submission.
Cost per Unique Mobile App Products Customizedcost_per_unique_action_type_customize_product_mobile_appCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique mobile app product customization.
Cost per Unique Mobile App Purchasescost_per_unique_action_type_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_purchaseCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique mobile app purchase.
Cost per Unique Mobile App Ratingscost_per_unique_action_type_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_rateNUMBERmetricThe average cost per unique mobile app rating submission.
Cost per Unique Mobile App Recurring Subscription Paymentscost_per_unique_action_type_recurring_subscription_payment_mobile_appCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique mobile app recurring subscription payment.
Cost per Unique Mobile App Registrationscost_per_unique_action_type_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_complete_registrationCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique mobile app registration.
Cost per Unique Mobile App Searchescost_per_unique_action_type_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_searchCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique mobile app search.
Cost per Unique Mobile App Startscost_per_unique_action_type_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_activate_appCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique mobile app start.
Cost per Unique Mobile App Subscriptionscost_per_unique_action_type_subscribe_mobile_appCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique mobile app subscription.
Cost per Unique Mobile App Trials Startedcost_per_unique_action_type_start_trial_mobile_appCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique mobile app trial started.
Cost per Unique Mobile App Tutorial Completionscost_per_unique_action_type_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_tutorial_completionCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique mobile app tutorial completion.
Cost per Unique Offline App Appointments Scheduledcost_per_unique_action_type_schedule_offlineCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique offline app appointment scheduled.
Cost per Unique Offline App Location Searchescost_per_unique_action_type_find_location_offlineCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique offline app location search.
Cost per Unique Offline Applications Submittedcost_per_unique_action_type_submit_application_offlineCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique offline application submitted.
Cost per Unique Offline Canceled Subscriptionscost_per_unique_action_type_cancel_subscription_offlineCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique offline canceled subscription.
Cost per Unique Offline Contactscost_per_unique_action_type_contact_offlineCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique offline contact.
Cost per Unique Offline Conversion Add Payment Infocost_per_unique_action_type_offline_conversion_add_payment_infoCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique offline conversion for add payment info.
Cost per Unique Offline Conversion Add To Cartcost_per_unique_action_type_offline_conversion_add_to_cartCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique offline conversion for add-to-cart.
Cost per Unique Offline Conversion Add To Wishlistcost_per_unique_action_type_offline_conversion_add_to_wishlistCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique offline conversion for add-to-wishlist.
Cost per Unique Offline Conversion Complete Registrationcost_per_unique_action_type_offline_conversion_complete_registrationCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique offline conversion for completed registration.
Cost per Unique Offline Conversion Initiate Checkoutcost_per_unique_action_type_offline_conversion_initiate_checkoutCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique offline conversion for initiate checkout.
Cost per Unique Offline Conversion Leadcost_per_unique_action_type_offline_conversion_leadCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique offline conversion for leads.
Cost per Unique Offline Conversion Othercost_per_unique_action_type_offline_conversion_otherCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique offline conversion for other actions.
Cost per Unique Offline Conversion Purchasecost_per_unique_action_type_offline_conversion_purchaseCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique offline conversion for purchases.
Cost per Unique Offline Conversion Searchcost_per_unique_action_type_offline_conversion_searchCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique offline conversion for searches.
Cost per Unique Offline Conversion View Contentcost_per_unique_action_type_offline_conversion_view_contentCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique offline conversion for view content.
Cost per Unique Offline Conversionscost_per_unique_action_type_offline_conversionCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique offline conversion total.
Cost per Unique Offline Donationscost_per_unique_action_type_donate_offlineCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique offline donation.
Cost per Unique Offline Products Customizedcost_per_unique_action_type_customize_product_offlineCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique offline product customization.
Cost per Unique Offline Recurring Subscription Paymentscost_per_unique_action_type_recurring_subscription_payment_offlineCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique offline recurring subscription payment.
Cost per Unique Offline Subscriptionscost_per_unique_action_type_subscribe_offlineCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique offline subscription.
Cost per Unique Offline Trials Startedcost_per_unique_action_type_start_trial_offlineCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique offline trial started.
Cost per Unique Omni Achievements Unlockedcost_per_unique_action_type_omni_achievement_unlockedCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique omni achievement unlocked.
Cost per Unique Omni Adds to Cartcost_per_unique_action_type_omni_add_to_cartCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique omni add-to-cart event.
Cost per Unique Omni App Activationscost_per_unique_action_type_omni_activate_appCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique omni app activation.
Cost per Unique Omni App Installscost_per_unique_action_type_omni_app_installCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique omni app install.
Cost per Unique Omni Checkouts Initiatedcost_per_unique_action_type_omni_initiated_checkoutCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique omni checkout initiated.
Cost per Unique Omni Content Viewscost_per_unique_action_type_omni_view_contentCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique omni content view.
Cost per Unique Omni Credit Spendscost_per_unique_action_type_omni_spend_creditsCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique omni credit spend.
Cost per Unique Omni Custom Eventscost_per_unique_action_type_omni_customCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique omni custom event.
Cost per Unique Omni Levels Achievedcost_per_unique_action_type_omni_level_achievedCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique omni level achieved.
Cost per Unique Omni Purchasescost_per_unique_action_type_omni_purchaseCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique omni purchase.
Cost per Unique Omni Ratings Submittedcost_per_unique_action_type_omni_rateNUMBERmetricThe average cost per unique omni rating submitted.
Cost per Unique Omni Registrations Completedcost_per_unique_action_type_omni_complete_registrationCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique omni registration completed.
Cost per Unique Omni Searchescost_per_unique_action_type_omni_searchCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique omni search.
Cost per Unique Omni Tutorials Completedcost_per_unique_action_type_omni_tutorial_completionCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique omni tutorial completion.
Cost per Unique On Facebook Applications Submittedcost_per_unique_action_type_submit_application_on_facebookCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique Facebook application submitted.
Cost per Unique On Facebook Donationscost_per_unique_action_type_donate_on_facebookCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique Facebook donation.
Cost per Unique On-Facebook Blocked Messaging Conversationscost_per_unique_action_type_onsite_conversion_messaging_blockCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique blocked messaging conversation on Facebook.
Cost per Unique On-Facebook leads coming from Messenger and Instant Formscost_per_unique_action_type_leadgen_groupedCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique Facebook lead coming from Messenger and Instant Forms.
Cost per Unique On-Facebook Messaging Conversations Startedcost_per_unique_action_type_onsite_conversion_messaging_conversation_started_7dCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique Facebook messaging conversation started.
Cost per Unique On-Facebook New Messaging Conversationscost_per_unique_action_type_onsite_conversion_messaging_first_replyCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique new Facebook messaging conversation.
Cost per Unique On-Facebook Post Savescost_per_unique_action_type_onsite_conversion_post_saveCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique Facebook post save.
Cost per Unique On-Facebook Purchasescost_per_unique_action_type_onsite_conversion_purchaseCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique purchase made directly on Facebook.
Cost per Unique On-Facebook Workflow Completionscost_per_unique_action_type_onsite_conversion_flow_completeCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique workflow completion on Facebook.
Cost per Unique Other Mobile App Actionscost_per_unique_action_type_app_custom_event_otherCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique action performed in a mobile app that is not predefined.
Cost per Unique Outbound Clickcost_per_unique_outbound_click_outbound_clickCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique outbound click.
Cost per Unique Outbound Clickscost_per_unique_action_type_outbound_clickCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique outbound clicks.
Cost per Unique Page Engagementcost_per_unique_action_type_page_engagementCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique engagement on a Facebook page.
Cost per Unique Page Likescost_per_unique_action_type_likeCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique page like.
Cost per Unique Page Photo Viewscost_per_unique_action_type_photo_viewCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique photo view on a Facebook page.
Cost per Unique Pixel Adds Payment Infocost_per_unique_action_type_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_add_payment_infoCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique add payment info event tracked by a Facebook pixel.
Cost per Unique Pixel Adds To Cartcost_per_unique_action_type_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_add_to_cartCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique add-to-cart event tracked by a Facebook pixel.
Cost per Unique Pixel Adds To Wishlistcost_per_unique_action_type_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_add_to_wishlistCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique add-to-wishlist event tracked by a Facebook pixel.
Cost per Unique Pixel Completed Registrationscost_per_unique_action_type_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_complete_registrationCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique completed registration tracked by a Facebook pixel.
Cost per Unique Pixel Customcost_per_unique_action_type_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_customCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique custom event tracked by a Facebook pixel.
Cost per Unique Pixel Initiates Checkoutcost_per_unique_action_type_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_initiate_checkoutCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique initiate checkout event tracked by a Facebook pixel.
Cost per Unique Pixel Leadscost_per_unique_action_type_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_leadCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique lead event tracked by a Facebook pixel.
Cost per Unique Pixel Purchasescost_per_unique_action_type_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_purchaseCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique purchase event tracked by a Facebook pixel.
Cost per Unique Pixel Searchescost_per_unique_action_type_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_searchCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique search event tracked by a Facebook pixel.
Cost per Unique Pixel View Contentscost_per_unique_action_type_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_view_contentCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique view content event tracked by a Facebook pixel.
Cost per Unique Post Commentscost_per_unique_action_type_commentCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique post comment.
Cost per Unique Post Engagementcost_per_unique_action_type_post_engagementCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique post engagement.
Cost per Unique Post Reactionscost_per_unique_action_type_post_reactionCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique post reaction.
Cost per Unique Post Sharescost_per_unique_action_type_postCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique post share.
Cost per Unique Products Customizedcost_per_unique_action_type_customize_product_totalCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique product customization.
Cost per Unique Purchasecost_per_unique_action_type_purchaseCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique purchase.
Cost per Unique Recurring Subscription Paymentscost_per_unique_action_type_recurring_subscription_payment_totalCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique recurring subscription payment.
Cost per Unique Searchcost_per_unique_action_type_searchCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique search.
Cost per Unique Subscriptionscost_per_unique_action_type_subscribe_totalCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique subscription.
Cost per Unique Trials Startedcost_per_unique_action_type_start_trial_totalCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique trial started.
Cost per Unique View Contentcost_per_unique_action_type_view_contentCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique view content event.
Cost per Unique Website Applications Submittedcost_per_unique_action_type_submit_application_websiteCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique application submitted on a website.
Cost per Unique Website Appointments Scheduledcost_per_unique_action_type_schedule_websiteCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique appointment scheduled on a website.
Cost per Unique Website Canceled Subscriptionscost_per_unique_action_type_cancel_subscription_websiteCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique canceled subscription on a website.
Cost per Unique Website Contactscost_per_unique_action_type_contact_websiteCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique contact on a website.
Cost per Unique Website Donationscost_per_unique_action_type_donate_websiteCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique donation on a website.
Cost per Unique Website Location Searchescost_per_unique_action_type_find_location_websiteCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique location search on a website.
Cost per Unique Website Products Customizedcost_per_unique_action_type_customize_product_websiteCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique product customization on a website.
Cost per Unique Website Recurring Subscription Paymentscost_per_unique_action_type_recurring_subscription_payment_websiteCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique recurring subscription payment on a website.
Cost per Unique Website Subscriptionscost_per_unique_action_type_subscribe_websiteCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique subscription on a website.
Cost per Unique Website Trials Startedcost_per_unique_action_type_start_trial_websiteCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per unique trial started on a website.
Cost per View Contentcost_per_action_type_view_contentCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per view content event.
Cost per Website Applications Submittedcost_per_action_type_submit_application_websiteCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per application submitted on a website.
Cost per Website Appointments Scheduledcost_per_action_type_schedule_websiteCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per appointment scheduled on a website.
Cost per Website Canceled Subscriptionscost_per_action_type_cancel_subscription_websiteCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per canceled subscription on a website.
Cost per Website Contactscost_per_action_type_contact_websiteCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per contact on a website.
Cost per Website Donationscost_per_action_type_donate_websiteCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per donation on a website.
Cost per Website Location Searchescost_per_action_type_find_location_websiteCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per location search on a website.
Cost per Website Products Customizedcost_per_action_type_customize_product_websiteCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per product customization on a website.
Cost per Website Recurring Subscription Paymentscost_per_action_type_recurring_subscription_payment_websiteCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per recurring subscription payment on a website.
Cost per Website Subscriptionscost_per_action_type_subscribe_websiteCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per subscription on a website.
Cost per Website Trials Startedcost_per_action_type_start_trial_websiteCURRENCY_USDmetricThe average cost per trial started on a website.
Country Abbrev.countryCOUNTRYdimensionThe abbreviated form of the country name.
Country Namecountry_nameCOUNTRYdimensionThe full name of the country.
CPCcpcCURRENCY_USDmetricCost per click (CPC) is the average amount paid for each click on an ad.
CPMcpmCURRENCY_USDmetricCost per thousand impressions (CPM) is the average amount paid for every 1,000 impressions.
CPPcppCURRENCY_USDmetricCost per purchase (CPP) is the average amount paid per purchase made from the ad.
Credit Spendsactions_credit_spentNUMBERmetricThe total amount spent on credit card payments.
CTRctrNUMBERmetricClick-through rate (CTR) is the percentage of people who clicked on an ad after seeing it.
CTR (Website Link Click)website_ctr_link_clickNUMBERmetricThe click-through rate for website link clicks.
DatedateYEAR_MONTH_DAYdimensionThe specific date of the event or data entry.
Date Startdate_startTEXTdimensionThe start date of a campaign or report.
Date Stopdate_stopTEXTdimensionThe end date of a campaign or report.
Day of Monthday_of_monthDAYdimensionThe numeric day of the month.
Day of Weekday_of_weekDAY_OF_WEEKdimensionThe day of the week (e.g., Monday, Tuesday).
Description Asset Iddescription_asset_idTEXTdimensionThe unique ID of the description asset used in an ad.
Description Asset Textdescription_asset_textTEXTdimensionThe text description of the asset used in an ad.
Device Platformdevice_platformTEXTdimensionThe platform on which the device used to view the ad operates (e.g., mobile, desktop).
DMAdmaTEXTdimensionDesignated Market Area (DMA) for audience targeting.
DMA Codedma_codeMETRO_CODEdimensionThe code for the Designated Market Area (DMA).
Donationsactions_donate_totalNUMBERmetricThe total number of donations generated by the ad.
Engagement Rate Rankingengagement_rate_rankingURLdimensionThe ranking of the ad’s engagement rate compared to other ads with similar objectives.
Estimated Ad Recall Rateestimated_ad_recall_rateNUMBERmetricThe estimated recall rate of the ad, predicting how many users will remember the ad.
Estimated Ad Recallersestimated_ad_recallersNUMBERmetricThe estimated number of people who will recall seeing the ad.
Event Responsesactions_rsvpNUMBERmetricThe total number of event responses generated by the ad.
FrequencyfrequencyNUMBERmetricThe average number of times each person saw the ad.
Frequency Valuefrequency_valueTEXTdimensionThe total number of impressions divided by the number of unique users who saw the ad.
Full View Impressionsfull_view_impressionsNUMBERmetricThe number of impressions where the entire ad was viewed.
Full View Reachfull_view_reachNUMBERmetricThe number of unique users who saw the full ad.
Game Playsactions_games_playsNUMBERmetricThe total number of game plays generated by the ad.
GendergenderTEXTdimensionThe gender of the audience targeted by the ad.
Hourly Stats Aggregated By Advertiser Time Zonehourly_stats_aggregated_by_advertiser_time_zoneTEXTdimensionAggregated hourly statistics by the advertiser’s time zone.
Hourly Stats Aggregated By Audience Time Zonehourly_stats_aggregated_by_audience_time_zoneTEXTdimensionAggregated hourly statistics by the audience’s time zone.
Image Asset Hashimage_asset_hashTEXTdimensionThe hash value of the image asset used in the ad.
Image Asset Idimage_asset_idTEXTdimensionThe unique ID of the image asset used in the ad.
Image Asset Nameimage_asset_nameTEXTdimensionThe name of the image asset used in the ad.
Image Asset Urlimage_asset_urlURLdimensionThe URL of the image asset used in the ad.
Impression Deviceimpression_deviceTEXTdimensionThe device used to view the ad impression.
ImpressionsimpressionsNUMBERmetricThe total number of impressions generated by the ad.
In-App Ad Clicksactions_ad_click_mobile_appNUMBERmetricThe number of clicks on in-app ads.
In-App Ad Impressionsactions_ad_impression_mobile_appNUMBERmetricThe number of impressions from in-app ads.
Initiate Checkoutactions_initiate_checkoutNUMBERmetricThe number of initiate checkout events tracked by the ad.
Initiate Checkout Valuesaction_values_initiate_checkoutNUMBERmetricThe total value of initiate checkout events tracked by the ad.
Inline Link Click CTRinline_link_click_ctrNUMBERmetricThe click-through rate for inline link clicks.
Inline Link Clicksinline_link_clicksNUMBERmetricThe total number of inline link clicks on the ad.
Inline Post Engagementinline_post_engagementNUMBERmetricThe total number of engagements on inline posts.
Landing Page Viewsactions_landing_page_viewNUMBERmetricThe total number of landing page views generated by the ad.
Leadsactions_leadNUMBERmetricThe total number of leads generated by the ad.
Leads Valuesaction_values_leadNUMBERmetricThe total value of leads generated by the ad.
Link Clicksactions_link_clickNUMBERmetricThe total number of link clicks on the ad.
Link Url Asset Idlink_url_asset_idURLdimensionThe unique ID of the link URL asset used in the ad.
Link Url Asset Website Urllink_url_asset_website_urlURLdimensionThe website URL associated with the link URL asset.
Location Searchesactions_find_location_totalNUMBERmetricThe total number of location searches generated by the ad.
Mobile App Achievementsactions_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_level_achievedNUMBERmetricThe total number of mobile app achievements unlocked from the ad.
Mobile App Achievements Valuesaction_values_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_level_achievedNUMBERmetricThe total value of mobile app achievements unlocked from the ad.
Mobile App Adds To Cartactions_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_add_to_cartNUMBERmetricThe total number of add-to-cart events in mobile apps.
Mobile App Adds To Cart Valuesaction_values_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_add_to_cartNUMBERmetricThe total value of add-to-cart events in mobile apps.
Mobile App Adds to Wishlistactions_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_add_to_wishlistNUMBERmetricThe total number of add-to-wishlist events in mobile apps.
Mobile App Adds to Wishlist Valuesaction_values_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_add_to_wishlistNUMBERmetricThe total value of add-to-wishlist events in mobile apps.
Mobile App Applications Submittedactions_submit_application_mobile_appNUMBERmetricThe total number of applications submitted in mobile apps.
Mobile App Appointments Scheduledactions_schedule_mobile_appNUMBERmetricThe total number of appointments scheduled in mobile apps.
Mobile App Canceled Subscriptionsactions_cancel_subscription_mobile_appNUMBERmetricThe total number of canceled subscriptions in mobile apps.
Mobile App Checkoutsactions_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_initiated_checkoutNUMBERmetricThe total number of checkouts in mobile apps.
Mobile App Checkouts Valuesaction_values_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_initiated_checkoutNUMBERmetricThe total value of checkouts in mobile apps.
Mobile App Contactsactions_contact_mobile_appNUMBERmetricThe total number of contacts generated in mobile apps.
Mobile App Content Viewsactions_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_content_viewNUMBERmetricThe total number of content views in mobile apps.
Mobile App Content Views Valuesaction_values_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_content_viewNUMBERmetricThe total value of content views in mobile apps.
Mobile App Credit Spendsactions_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_spent_creditsNUMBERmetricThe total number of credit spends in mobile apps.
Mobile App Credit Spends Valuesaction_values_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_spent_creditsNUMBERmetricThe total value of credit spends in mobile apps.
Mobile App Donationsactions_donate_mobile_appNUMBERmetricThe total number of donations made through mobile apps.
Mobile App Event Valuesaction_values_app_custom_eventNUMBERmetricThe total value of events triggered in mobile apps.
Mobile App Eventsactions_app_custom_eventNUMBERmetricThe total number of events triggered in mobile apps.
Mobile App Feature Unlocksactions_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_achievement_unlockedNUMBERmetricThe total number of feature unlocks in mobile apps.
Mobile App Feature Unlocks Valuesaction_values_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_achievement_unlockedNUMBERmetricThe total value of feature unlocks in mobile apps.
Mobile App Installsactions_mobile_app_installNUMBERmetricThe total number of mobile app installs.
Mobile App Location Searchesactions_find_location_mobile_appNUMBERmetricThe total number of location searches in mobile apps.
Mobile App Payment Detailsactions_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_add_payment_infoNUMBERmetricThe total number of payment details submitted in mobile apps.
Mobile App Payment Details Valuesaction_values_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_add_payment_infoNUMBERmetricThe total value of payment details submitted in mobile apps.
Mobile App Products Customizedactions_customize_product_mobile_appNUMBERmetricThe total number of product customizations in mobile apps.
Mobile App Purchasesactions_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_purchaseNUMBERmetricThe total number of purchases made in mobile apps.
Mobile App Purchases Valuesaction_values_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_purchaseNUMBERmetricThe total value of purchases made in mobile apps.
Mobile App Ratingsactions_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_rateNUMBERmetricThe total number of ratings submitted in mobile apps.
Mobile App Ratings Valuesaction_values_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_rateNUMBERmetricThe total value of ratings submitted in mobile apps.
Mobile App Recurring Subscription Paymentsactions_recurring_subscription_payment_mobile_appNUMBERmetricThe total number of recurring subscription payments in mobile apps.
Mobile App Registrationsactions_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_complete_registrationNUMBERmetricThe total number of registrations completed in mobile apps.
Mobile App Registrations Valuesaction_values_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_complete_registrationNUMBERmetricThe total value of registrations completed in mobile apps.
Mobile App Searchesactions_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_searchNUMBERmetricThe total number of searches in mobile apps.
Mobile App Searches Valuesaction_values_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_searchNUMBERmetricThe total value of searches in mobile apps.
Mobile App Startsactions_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_activate_appNUMBERmetricThe total number of mobile app starts.
Mobile App Starts Valuesaction_values_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_activate_appNUMBERmetricThe total value of mobile app starts.
Mobile App Subscriptionsactions_subscribe_mobile_appNUMBERmetricThe total number of subscriptions in mobile apps.
Mobile App Trials Startedactions_start_trial_mobile_appNUMBERmetricThe total number of trials started in mobile apps.
Mobile App Tutorial Completionsactions_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_tutorial_completionNUMBERmetricThe total number of tutorial completions in mobile apps.
Mobile App Tutorial Completions Valuesaction_values_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_tutorial_completionNUMBERmetricThe total value of tutorial completions in mobile apps.
MonthmonthMONTHdimensionThe month when the event or data was recorded.
ObjectiveobjectiveTEXTdimensionThe main objective of the ad campaign (e.g., conversions, reach).
Offline App Appointments Scheduledactions_schedule_offlineNUMBERmetricThe total number of appointments scheduled offline.
Offline App Location Searchesactions_find_location_offlineNUMBERmetricThe total number of location searches offline.
Offline Applications Submittedactions_submit_application_offlineNUMBERmetricThe total number of applications submitted offline.
Offline Canceled Subscriptionsactions_cancel_subscription_offlineNUMBERmetricThe total number of canceled subscriptions offline.
Offline Contactsactions_contact_offlineNUMBERmetricThe total number of contacts generated offline.
Offline Conversion Adds Payment Infoactions_offline_conversion_add_payment_infoNUMBERmetricThe total number of offline conversions for add payment info events.
Offline Conversion Adds Payment Info Valuesaction_values_offline_conversion_add_payment_infoNUMBERmetricThe total value of offline conversions for add payment info events.
Offline Conversion Adds To Cartactions_offline_conversion_add_to_cartNUMBERmetricThe total number of offline conversions for add-to-cart events.
Offline Conversion Adds To Cart Valuesaction_values_offline_conversion_add_to_cartNUMBERmetricThe total value of offline conversions for add-to-cart events.
Offline Conversion Adds To Wishlistactions_offline_conversion_add_to_wishlistNUMBERmetricThe total number of offline conversions for add-to-wishlist events.
Offline Conversion Adds To Wishlist Valuesaction_values_offline_conversion_add_to_wishlistNUMBERmetricThe total value of offline conversions for add-to-wishlist events.
Offline Conversion Complete Registrationsactions_offline_conversion_complete_registrationNUMBERmetricThe total number of offline conversions for completed registrations.
Offline Conversion Complete Registrations Valuesaction_values_offline_conversion_complete_registrationNUMBERmetricThe total value of offline conversions for completed registrations.
Offline Conversion Initiate Checkoutsactions_offline_conversion_initiate_checkoutNUMBERmetricThe total number of offline conversions for initiate checkout events.
Offline Conversion Initiate Checkouts Valuesaction_values_offline_conversion_initiate_checkoutNUMBERmetricThe total value of offline conversions for initiate checkout events.
Offline Conversion Leadsactions_offline_conversion_leadNUMBERmetricThe total number of offline conversions for lead events.
Offline Conversion Leads Valuesaction_values_offline_conversion_leadNUMBERmetricThe total value of offline conversions for lead events.
Offline Conversion Otheractions_offline_conversion_otherNUMBERmetricThe total number of offline conversions for other actions.
Offline Conversion Other Valuesaction_values_offline_conversion_otherNUMBERmetricThe total value of offline conversions for other actions.
Offline Conversion Purchasesactions_offline_conversion_purchaseNUMBERmetricThe total number of offline conversions for purchases.
Offline Conversion Purchases Valuesaction_values_offline_conversion_purchaseNUMBERmetricThe total value of offline conversions for purchases.
Offline Conversion Searchesactions_offline_conversion_searchNUMBERmetricThe total number of offline conversions for searches.
Offline Conversion Searches Valuesaction_values_offline_conversion_searchNUMBERmetricThe total value of offline conversions for searches.
Offline Conversion View Contentsactions_offline_conversion_view_contentNUMBERmetricThe total number of offline conversions for view content events.
Offline Conversion View Contents Valuesaction_values_offline_conversion_view_contentNUMBERmetricThe total value of offline conversions for view content events.
Offline Conversionsactions_offline_conversionNUMBERmetricThe total number of all offline conversions.
Offline Conversions Valuesaction_values_offline_conversionNUMBERmetricThe total value of all offline conversions.
Offline Donationsactions_donate_offlineNUMBERmetricThe total number of offline donations.
Offline Products Customizedactions_customize_product_offlineNUMBERmetricThe total number of offline products customized.
Offline Recurring Subscription Paymentsactions_recurring_subscription_payment_offlineNUMBERmetricThe total number of offline recurring subscription payments.
Offline Subscriptionsactions_subscribe_offlineNUMBERmetricThe total number of offline subscriptions.
Offline Trials Startedactions_start_trial_offlineNUMBERmetricThe total number of offline trials
Omni Achievements Unlockedactions_omni_achievement_unlockedNUMBERmetricThe total number of achievements unlocked across different platforms.
Omni Adds to Cartactions_omni_add_to_cartNUMBERmetricThe total number of items added to carts across different platforms.
Omni App Activationsactions_omni_activate_appNUMBERmetricThe total number of app activations across different platforms.
Omni App Installsactions_omni_app_installNUMBERmetricThe total number of app installs across different platforms.
Omni Checkouts Initiatedactions_omni_initiated_checkoutNUMBERmetricThe total number of checkouts initiated across different platforms.
Omni Content Viewsactions_omni_view_contentNUMBERmetricThe total number of content views across different platforms.
Omni Credit Spendsactions_omni_spend_creditsNUMBERmetricThe total amount spent via credit across different platforms.
Omni Custom Eventsactions_omni_customNUMBERmetricThe total number of custom events triggered across different platforms.
Omni Levels Achievedactions_omni_level_achievedNUMBERmetricThe total number of levels achieved across different platforms.
Omni Purchasesactions_omni_purchaseNUMBERmetricThe total number of purchases made across different platforms.
Omni Ratings Submittedactions_omni_rateNUMBERmetricThe total number of ratings submitted across different platforms.
Omni Registrations Completedactions_omni_complete_registrationNUMBERmetricThe total number of registrations completed across different platforms.
Omni Searchesactions_omni_searchNUMBERmetricThe total number of searches performed across different platforms.
Omni Tutorials Completedactions_omni_tutorial_completionNUMBERmetricThe total number of tutorials completed across different platforms.
On Facebook Applications Submittedactions_submit_application_on_facebookNUMBERmetricThe total number of applications submitted directly on Facebook.
On Facebook Donationsactions_donate_on_facebookNUMBERmetricThe total amount of donations made directly on Facebook.
On-Facebook Blocked Messaging Conversationsactions_onsite_conversion_messaging_blockNUMBERmetricThe total number of blocked messaging conversations on Facebook.
On-Facebook Blocked Messaging Conversations Valuesaction_values_onsite_conversion_messaging_blockNUMBERmetricThe total value of blocked messaging conversations on Facebook.
On-Facebook leads coming from Messenger and Instant Formsactions_leadgen_groupedNUMBERmetricThe total number of leads generated from Messenger and Instant Forms on Facebook.
On-Facebook Messaging Conversations Startedactions_onsite_conversion_messaging_conversation_started_7dNUMBERmetricThe total number of messaging conversations started on Facebook.
On-Facebook Messaging Conversations Started Valuesaction_values_onsite_conversion_messaging_conversation_started_7dNUMBERmetricThe total value of messaging conversations started on Facebook.
On-Facebook New Messaging Conversationsactions_onsite_conversion_messaging_first_replyNUMBERmetricThe total number of new messaging conversations on Facebook.
On-Facebook New Messaging Conversations Valuesaction_values_onsite_conversion_messaging_first_replyNUMBERmetricThe total value of new messaging conversations on Facebook.
On-Facebook Post Savesactions_onsite_conversion_post_saveNUMBERmetricThe total number of posts saved on Facebook.
On-Facebook Post Saves Valuesaction_values_onsite_conversion_post_saveNUMBERmetricThe total value of posts saved on Facebook.
On-Facebook Purchasesactions_onsite_conversion_purchaseNUMBERmetricThe total number of purchases made directly on Facebook.
On-Facebook Purchases Valuesaction_values_onsite_conversion_purchaseNUMBERmetricThe total value of purchases made directly on Facebook.
On-Facebook Workflow Completionsactions_onsite_conversion_flow_completeNUMBERmetricThe total number of workflow completions on Facebook.
On-Facebook Workflow Completions Valuesaction_values_onsite_conversion_flow_completeNUMBERmetricThe total value of workflow completions on Facebook.
Optimization Goaloptimization_goalTEXTdimensionThe optimization goal for the ad set (e.g., conversions, reach).
Other Mobile App Actionsactions_app_custom_event_otherNUMBERmetricThe total number of other actions performed in a mobile app that are not predefined.
Outbound Clicksoutbound_clicks_outbound_clickNUMBERmetricThe total number of outbound clicks on an ad.
Outbound Clicks CTRoutbound_clicks_ctr_outbound_clickNUMBERmetricThe click-through rate for outbound clicks.
Page Engagementactions_page_engagementNUMBERmetricThe total number of engagements on a Facebook page.
Page Likesactions_likeNUMBERmetricThe total number of likes on a Facebook page.
Page Photo Viewsactions_photo_viewNUMBERmetricThe total number of photo views on a Facebook page.
Pixel Adds Payment Infoactions_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_add_payment_infoNUMBERmetricThe total number of add payment info events tracked by a Facebook pixel.
Pixel Adds Payment Info Valuesaction_values_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_add_payment_infoNUMBERmetricThe total value of add payment info events tracked by a Facebook pixel.
Pixel Adds To Cartactions_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_add_to_cartNUMBERmetricThe total number of add-to-cart events tracked by a Facebook pixel.
Pixel Adds To Cart Valuesaction_values_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_add_to_cartNUMBERmetricThe total value of add-to-cart events tracked by a Facebook pixel.
Pixel Adds To Wishlistactions_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_add_to_wishlistNUMBERmetricThe total number of add-to-wishlist events tracked by a Facebook pixel.
Pixel Adds To Wishlist Valuesaction_values_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_add_to_wishlistNUMBERmetricThe total value of add-to-wishlist events tracked by a Facebook pixel.
Pixel Completed Registrationsactions_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_complete_registrationNUMBERmetricThe total number of completed registrations tracked by a Facebook pixel.
Pixel Completed Registrations Valuesaction_values_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_complete_registrationNUMBERmetricThe total value of completed registrations tracked by a Facebook pixel.
Pixel Conversion Valuesaction_values_offsite_conversionNUMBERmetricThe total value of pixel conversions.
Pixel Conversionsactions_offsite_conversionNUMBERmetricThe total number of pixel conversions.
Pixel Customactions_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_customNUMBERmetricThe total number of custom events tracked by a Facebook pixel.
Pixel Custom Conversion Valuesaction_values_offsite_conversion_customNUMBERmetricThe total value of custom conversion events tracked by a Facebook pixel.
Pixel Custom Conversionsactions_offsite_conversion_customNUMBERmetricThe total number of custom conversions tracked by a Facebook pixel.
Pixel Custom Valuesaction_values_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_customNUMBERmetricThe total value of custom events tracked by a Facebook pixel.
Pixel Initiates Checkoutactions_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_initiate_checkoutNUMBERmetricThe total number of initiate checkout events tracked by a Facebook pixel.
Pixel Initiates Checkout Valuesaction_values_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_initiate_checkoutNUMBERmetricThe total value of initiate checkout events tracked by a Facebook pixel.
Pixel Leadsactions_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_leadNUMBERmetricThe total number of lead events tracked by a Facebook pixel.
Pixel Leads Valuesaction_values_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_leadNUMBERmetricThe total value of lead events tracked by a Facebook pixel.
Pixel Purchasesactions_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_purchaseNUMBERmetricThe total number of purchase events tracked by a Facebook pixel.
Pixel Purchases Valuesaction_values_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_purchaseNUMBERmetricThe total value of purchase events tracked by a Facebook pixel.
Pixel Searchesactions_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_searchNUMBERmetricThe total number of search events tracked by a Facebook pixel.
Pixel Searches Valuesaction_values_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_searchNUMBERmetricThe total value of search events tracked by a Facebook pixel.
Pixel View Contentsactions_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_view_contentNUMBERmetricThe total number of view content events tracked by a Facebook pixel.
Pixel View Contents Valuesaction_values_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_view_contentNUMBERmetricThe total value of view content events tracked by a Facebook pixel.
Place Page Idplace_page_idTEXTdimensionThe unique ID of the place page used in the ad.
Place Page Nameplace_page_nameTEXTdimensionThe name of the place page used in the ad.
Platform Positionplatform_positionTEXTdimensionThe position of the ad on the platform (e.g., feed, story).
Post Commentsactions_commentNUMBERmetricThe total number of comments on a post.
Post Engagementactions_post_engagementNUMBERmetricThe total number of engagements on a post.
Post Reactionsactions_post_reactionNUMBERmetricThe total number of reactions on a post (e.g., likes, loves).
Post Sharesactions_postNUMBERmetricThe total number of shares on a post.
Product Idproduct_idTEXTdimensionThe unique ID of the product used in the ad.
Products Customizedactions_customize_product_totalNUMBERmetricThe total number of products customized in the ad.
Publisher Platformpublisher_platformTEXTdimensionThe platform used to publish the ad (e.g., Facebook, Instagram).
Purchaseactions_purchaseNUMBERmetricThe total number of purchases made.
Purchase ROAS Omni Purchasepurchase_roas_omni_purchaseNUMBERmetricThe return on ad spend (ROAS) for omni purchases.
Purchase Valuesaction_values_purchaseNUMBERmetricThe total value of purchases made.
Qualifying Question Qualify Answer Ratequalifying_question_qualify_answer_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate at which people answered a qualifying question correctly.
Quality Rankingquality_rankingTEXTdimensionThe ranking of the ad’s quality compared to other ads with similar objectives.
Quality Score Organicquality_score_organicNUMBERmetricThe organic quality score of the ad, which impacts its delivery and performance.
ReachreachNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique users who saw the ad.
Recurring Subscription Paymentsactions_recurring_subscription_payment_totalNUMBERmetricThe total number of recurring subscription payments made.
RegionregionREGIONdimensionThe region where the audience or actions are located.
Searchactions_searchNUMBERmetricThe total number of searches performed.
Search Valuesaction_values_searchNUMBERmetricThe total value of searches performed.
Social Spendsocial_spendNUMBERmetricThe total amount of money spent on social media ads.
SpendspendCURRENCY_USDmetricThe total amount of money spent on the ad.
Sub Continentsub_continentSUB_CONTINENTdimensionThe sub-continent where the audience or actions are located.
Sub Continent Codesub_continent_codeSUB_CONTINENT_CODEdimensionThe code for the sub-continent where the audience or actions are located.
Subscriptionsactions_subscribe_totalNUMBERmetricThe total number of subscriptions generated by the ad.
Title Asset Idtitle_asset_idTEXTdimensionThe unique ID of the title asset used in the ad.
Title Asset Texttitle_asset_textTEXTdimensionThe text used in the title asset of the ad.
Trials Startedactions_start_trial_totalNUMBERmetricThe total number of trials started from the ad.
Unique 3-Second Video Viewsunique_actions_video_viewNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique 3-second video views.
Unique Add Payment Infounique_actions_add_payment_infoNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique add payment info events.
Unique Add To Cartunique_actions_add_to_cartNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique add-to-cart events.
Unique All On-Facebook Leadsunique_actions_onsite_conversion_lead_groupedNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique leads generated directly on Facebook.
Unique App Installsunique_actions_app_installNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique app installs.
Unique App Usesunique_actions_app_useNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique app uses.
Unique Applications Submittedunique_actions_submit_application_totalNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique applications submitted.
Unique Appointments Scheduledunique_actions_schedule_totalNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique appointments scheduled.
Unique Call Confirmation Clicksunique_actions_click_to_call_call_confirmNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique call confirmation clicks.
Unique Canceled Subscriptionsunique_actions_cancel_subscription_totalNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique canceled subscriptions.
Unique Check-insunique_actions_checkinNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique check-ins.
Unique Clicksunique_clicksNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique clicks on the ad.
Unique Complete Registrationunique_actions_complete_registrationNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique completed registrations.
Unique Contactsunique_actions_contact_totalNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique contacts generated.
Unique Credit Spendsunique_actions_credit_spentNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique credit spends.
Unique CTRunique_ctrNUMBERmetricThe click-through rate (CTR) for unique clicks.
Unique Donationsunique_actions_donate_totalNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique donations.
Unique Event Responsesunique_actions_rsvpNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique event responses.
Unique Game Playsunique_actions_games_playsNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique game plays.
Unique In-App Ad Clicksunique_actions_ad_click_mobile_appNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique in-app ad clicks.
Unique In-App Ad Impressionsunique_actions_ad_impression_mobile_appNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique in-app ad impressions.
Unique Initiate Checkoutunique_actions_initiate_checkoutNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique initiate checkout events.
Unique Inline Link Click CTRunique_inline_link_click_ctrNUMBERmetricThe click-through rate (CTR) for unique inline link clicks.
Unique Inline Link Clicksunique_inline_link_clicksNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique inline link clicks.
Unique Landing Page Viewsunique_actions_landing_page_viewNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique landing page views.
Unique Leadsunique_actions_leadNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique leads generated.
Unique Link Clicksunique_actions_link_clickNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique link clicks.
Unique Link Clicks CTRunique_link_clicks_ctrNUMBERmetricThe click-through rate (CTR) for unique link clicks.
Unique Location Searchesunique_actions_find_location_totalNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique location searches.
Unique Mobile App Achievementsunique_actions_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_level_achievedNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique mobile app achievements unlocked.
Unique Mobile App Adds To Cartunique_actions_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_add_to_cartNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique mobile app add-to-cart events.
Unique Mobile App Adds to Wishlistunique_actions_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_add_to_wishlistNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique mobile app add-to-wishlist events.
Unique Mobile App Applications Submittedunique_actions_submit_application_mobile_appNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique mobile app applications submitted.
Unique Mobile App Appointments Scheduledunique_actions_schedule_mobile_appNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique mobile app appointments scheduled.
Unique Mobile App Canceled Subscriptionsunique_actions_cancel_subscription_mobile_appNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique mobile app canceled subscriptions.
Unique Mobile App Checkoutsunique_actions_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_initiated_checkoutNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique checkouts completed in mobile apps.
Unique Mobile App Contactsunique_actions_contact_mobile_appNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique contacts generated in mobile apps.
Unique Mobile App Content Viewsunique_actions_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_content_viewNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique content views in mobile apps.
Unique Mobile App Credit Spendsunique_actions_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_spent_creditsNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique credit spends in mobile apps.
Unique Mobile App Donationsunique_actions_donate_mobile_appNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique donations made in mobile apps.
Unique Mobile App Feature Unlocksunique_actions_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_achievement_unlockedNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique feature unlocks in mobile apps.
Unique Mobile App Installsunique_actions_mobile_app_installNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique installs of mobile apps.
Unique Mobile App Location Searchesunique_actions_find_location_mobile_appNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique location searches in mobile apps.
Unique Mobile App Payment Detailsunique_actions_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_add_payment_infoNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique payment details submitted in mobile apps.
Unique Mobile App Products Customizedunique_actions_customize_product_mobile_appNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique products customized in mobile apps.
Unique Mobile App Purchasesunique_actions_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_purchaseNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique purchases made in mobile apps.
Unique Mobile App Ratingsunique_actions_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_rateNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique ratings submitted in mobile apps.
Unique Mobile App Recurring Subscription Paymentsunique_actions_recurring_subscription_payment_mobile_appNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique recurring subscription payments in mobile apps.
Unique Mobile App Registrationsunique_actions_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_complete_registrationNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique registrations completed in mobile apps.
Unique Mobile App Searchesunique_actions_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_searchNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique searches conducted in mobile apps.
Unique Mobile App Startsunique_actions_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_activate_appNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique mobile app starts.
Unique Mobile App Subscriptionsunique_actions_subscribe_mobile_appNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique subscriptions to mobile apps.
Unique Mobile App Trials Startedunique_actions_start_trial_mobile_appNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique trials started in mobile apps.
Unique Mobile App Tutorial Completionsunique_actions_app_custom_event_fb_mobile_tutorial_completionNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique tutorial completions in mobile apps.
Unique Offline App Appointments Scheduledunique_actions_schedule_offlineNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique appointments scheduled offline.
Unique Offline App Location Searchesunique_actions_find_location_offlineNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique location searches conducted offline.
Unique Offline Applications Submittedunique_actions_submit_application_offlineNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique applications submitted offline.
Unique Offline Canceled Subscriptionsunique_actions_cancel_subscription_offlineNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique canceled subscriptions offline.
Unique Offline Contactsunique_actions_contact_offlineNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique contacts generated offline.
Unique Offline Conversion Add Payment Infounique_actions_offline_conversion_add_payment_infoNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique offline conversions for add payment info events.
Unique Offline Conversion Add To Cartunique_actions_offline_conversion_add_to_cartNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique offline conversions for add-to-cart events.
Unique Offline Conversion Add To Wishlistunique_actions_offline_conversion_add_to_wishlistNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique offline conversions for add-to-wishlist events.
Unique Offline Conversion Complete Registrationunique_actions_offline_conversion_complete_registrationNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique offline conversions for completed registrations.
Unique Offline Conversion Initiate Checkoutunique_actions_offline_conversion_initiate_checkoutNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique offline conversions for initiate checkout events.
Unique Offline Conversion Leadunique_actions_offline_conversion_leadNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique offline conversions for leads.
Unique Offline Conversion Otherunique_actions_offline_conversion_otherNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique offline conversions for other actions.
Unique Offline Conversion Purchaseunique_actions_offline_conversion_purchaseNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique offline conversions for purchases.
Unique Offline Conversion Searchunique_actions_offline_conversion_searchNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique offline conversions for searches.
Unique Offline Conversion View Contentunique_actions_offline_conversion_view_contentNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique offline conversions for view content events.
Unique Offline Conversionsunique_actions_offline_conversionNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique offline conversions across all actions.
Unique Offline Donationsunique_actions_donate_offlineNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique offline donations.
Unique Offline Products Customizedunique_actions_customize_product_offlineNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique offline product customizations.
Unique Offline Recurring Subscription Paymentsunique_actions_recurring_subscription_payment_offlineNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique offline recurring subscription payments.
Unique Offline Subscriptionsunique_actions_subscribe_offlineNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique offline subscriptions.
Unique Offline Trials Startedunique_actions_start_trial_offlineNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique offline trials started.
Unique Omni Achievements Unlockedunique_actions_omni_achievement_unlockedNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique omni achievements unlocked across platforms.
Unique Omni Adds to Cartunique_actions_omni_add_to_cartNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique omni add-to-cart events across platforms.
Unique Omni App Activationsunique_actions_omni_activate_appNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique omni app activations across platforms.
Unique Omni App Installsunique_actions_omni_app_installNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique omni app installs across platforms.
Unique Omni Checkouts Initiatedunique_actions_omni_initiated_checkoutNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique omni checkouts initiated across platforms.
Unique Omni Content Viewsunique_actions_omni_view_contentNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique omni content views across platforms.
Unique Omni Credit Spendsunique_actions_omni_spend_creditsNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique omni credit spends across platforms.
Unique Omni Custom Eventsunique_actions_omni_customNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique omni custom events across platforms.
Unique Omni Levels Achievedunique_actions_omni_level_achievedNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique omni levels achieved across platforms.
Unique Omni Purchasesunique_actions_omni_purchaseNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique omni purchases across platforms.
Unique Omni Ratings Submittedunique_actions_omni_rateNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique omni ratings submitted across platforms.
Unique Omni Registrations Completedunique_actions_omni_complete_registrationNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique omni registrations completed across platforms.
Unique Omni Searchesunique_actions_omni_searchNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique omni searches across platforms.
Unique Omni Tutorials Completedunique_actions_omni_tutorial_completionNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique omni tutorials completed across platforms.
Unique On Facebook Applications Submittedunique_actions_submit_application_on_facebookNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique applications submitted on Facebook.
Unique On Facebook Donationsunique_actions_donate_on_facebookNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique donations made on Facebook.
Unique On-Facebook Blocked Messaging Conversationsunique_actions_onsite_conversion_messaging_blockNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique blocked messaging conversations on Facebook.
Unique On-Facebook leads coming from Messenger and Instant Formsunique_actions_leadgen_groupedNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique Facebook leads generated from Messenger and Instant Forms.
Unique On-Facebook Messaging Conversations Startedunique_actions_onsite_conversion_messaging_conversation_started_7dNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique messaging conversations started on Facebook.
Unique On-Facebook New Messaging Conversationsunique_actions_onsite_conversion_messaging_first_replyNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique new messaging conversations on Facebook.
Unique On-Facebook Post Savesunique_actions_onsite_conversion_post_saveNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique post saves on Facebook.
Unique On-Facebook Purchasesunique_actions_onsite_conversion_purchaseNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique purchases made on Facebook.
Unique On-Facebook Workflow Completionsunique_actions_onsite_conversion_flow_completeNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique workflow completions on Facebook.
Unique Other Mobile App Actionsunique_actions_app_custom_event_otherNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique other actions performed in mobile apps.
Unique Outbound Clicksunique_actions_outbound_clickNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique outbound clicks.
Unique Page Engagementunique_actions_page_engagementNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique engagements on a Facebook page.
Unique Page Likesunique_actions_likeNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique page likes.
Unique Page Photo Viewsunique_actions_photo_viewNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique photo views on a Facebook page.
Unique Pixel Adds Payment Infounique_actions_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_add_payment_infoNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique add payment info events tracked by a Facebook pixel.
Unique Pixel Adds To Cartunique_actions_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_add_to_cartNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique add-to-cart events tracked by a Facebook pixel.
Unique Pixel Adds To Wishlistunique_actions_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_add_to_wishlistNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique add-to-wishlist events tracked by a Facebook pixel.
Unique Pixel Completed Registrationunique_actions_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_complete_registrationNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique completed registrations tracked by a Facebook pixel.
Unique Pixel Customunique_actions_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_customNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique custom events tracked by a Facebook pixel.
Unique Pixel Initiates Checkoutunique_actions_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_initiate_checkoutNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique initiate checkout events tracked by a Facebook pixel.
Unique Pixel Leadsunique_actions_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_leadNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique lead events tracked by a Facebook pixel.
Unique Pixel Purchasesunique_actions_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_purchaseNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique purchase events tracked by a Facebook pixel.
Unique Pixel Searchesunique_actions_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_searchNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique search events tracked by a Facebook pixel.
Unique Pixel View Contentsunique_actions_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_view_contentNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique view content events tracked by a Facebook pixel.
Unique Post Commentsunique_actions_commentNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique post comments.
Unique Post Engagementunique_actions_post_engagementNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique post engagements.
Unique Post Reactionsunique_actions_post_reactionNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique post reactions.
Unique Post Sharesunique_actions_postNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique post shares.
Unique Products Customizedunique_actions_customize_product_totalNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique product customizations.
Unique Purchaseunique_actions_purchaseNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique purchases.
Unique Recurring Subscription Paymentsunique_actions_recurring_subscription_payment_totalNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique recurring subscription payments.
Unique Searchunique_actions_searchNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique searches.
Unique Subscriptionsunique_actions_subscribe_totalNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique subscriptions.
Unique Trials Startedunique_actions_start_trial_totalNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique trials started.
Unique View Contentunique_actions_view_contentNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique view content events.
Unique Website Applications Submittedunique_actions_submit_application_websiteNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique applications submitted on a website.
Unique Website Appointments Scheduledunique_actions_schedule_websiteNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique appointments scheduled on a website.
Unique Website Canceled Subscriptionsunique_actions_cancel_subscription_websiteNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique canceled subscriptions on a website.
Unique Website Contactsunique_actions_contact_websiteNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique contacts generated on a website.
Unique Website Donationsunique_actions_donate_websiteNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique donations made on a website.
Unique Website Location Searchesunique_actions_find_location_websiteNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique location searches conducted on a website.
Unique Website Products Customizedunique_actions_customize_product_websiteNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique products customized on a website.
Unique Website Recurring Subscription Paymentsunique_actions_recurring_subscription_payment_websiteNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique recurring subscription payments on a website.
Unique Website Subscriptionsunique_actions_subscribe_websiteNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique subscriptions generated on a website.
Unique Website Trials Startedunique_actions_start_trial_websiteNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique trials started on a website.
Updated Timeupdated_timeTEXTdimensionThe last time the event or data was updated.
Video 30 Sec Watched Actionsvideo_30_sec_watched_actionsNUMBERmetricThe total number of actions where a video was watched for 30 seconds.
Video Avg Time Watched Actionsvideo_avg_time_watched_actionsNUMBERmetricThe average time a video was watched in seconds.
Video P100 Watched Actionsvideo_p100_watched_actionsNUMBERmetricThe total number of times a video was watched 100% through.
Video P25 Watched Actionsvideo_p25_watched_actionsNUMBERmetricThe total number of times a video was watched 25% through.
Video P50 Watched Actionsvideo_p50_watched_actionsNUMBERmetricThe total number of times a video was watched 50% through.
Video P75 Watched Actionsvideo_p75_watched_actionsNUMBERmetricThe total number of times a video was watched 75% through.
Video P95 Watched Actionsvideo_p95_watched_actionsNUMBERmetricThe total number of times a video was watched 95% through.
Video Play Actionsvideo_play_actionsNUMBERmetricThe total number of video play actions.
Video Thruplay Watched Actionsvideo_thruplay_watched_actionsNUMBERmetricThe total number of video plays that reached the thruplay standard.
View Contentactions_view_contentNUMBERmetricThe total number of view content events.
View Content Valuesaction_values_view_contentNUMBERmetricThe total value of view content events.
Website Applications Submittedactions_submit_application_websiteNUMBERmetricThe total number of applications submitted on a website.
Website Appointments Scheduledactions_schedule_websiteNUMBERmetricThe total number of appointments scheduled on a website.
Website Canceled Subscriptionsactions_cancel_subscription_websiteNUMBERmetricThe total number of canceled subscriptions on a website.
Website Contactsactions_contact_websiteNUMBERmetricThe total number of contacts generated on a website.
Website Donationsactions_donate_websiteNUMBERmetricThe total number of donations made on a website.
Website Location Searchesactions_find_location_websiteNUMBERmetricThe total number of location searches conducted on a website.
Website Products Customizedactions_customize_product_websiteNUMBERmetricThe total number of products customized on a website.
Website Purchase ROASwebsite_purchase_roas_offsite_conversion_fb_pixel_purchaseNUMBERmetricThe return on ad spend (ROAS) for website purchases.
Website Recurring Subscription Paymentsactions_recurring_subscription_payment_websiteNUMBERmetricThe total number of recurring subscription payments on a website.
Website Subscriptionsactions_subscribe_websiteNUMBERmetricThe total number of subscriptions generated on a website.
Website Trials Startedactions_start_trial_websiteNUMBERmetricThe total number of trials started on a website.
YearyearYEARdimensionThe year in which the data was recorded.
Year & Monthyear_monthYEAR_MONTHdimensionThe combined value of the year and month for better data grouping.
Year & Quarteryear_quarterYEAR_QUARTERdimensionThe combined value of the year and quarter for better data grouping.
Year & Weekyear_weekYEAR_WEEKdimensionThe combined value of the year and week for better data grouping.

Facebook insights fields

Field titleField nameData typeDescriptionAttribute type
DatedateYEAR_MONTH_DAYDate (ie. 2022-01-01)dimension
Day of Monthday_of_monthDAYDay of month (ie. 31)dimension
Day of Weekday_of_weekDAY_OF_WEEKDay of week (ie. 7)dimension
MonthmonthMONTHMonth (ie. 12)dimension
YearyearYEARYear (ie. 2022)dimension
Year & Monthyear_monthYEAR_MONTHYear and month (ie. 2022-12)dimension
Year & Quarteryear_quarterYEAR_QUARTERYear and Quarter (ie. 01/2022)dimension
Year & Weekyear_weekYEAR_WEEKYear and week (ie. 2022-52)dimension
Page Aboutpage_aboutTEXTInformation about the Pagedimension
Page Categorypage_categoryTEXTThe Page’s category. e.g. Product/Service, Computers/Technology.dimension
Page Checkinspage_checkinsNUMBERNumber of checkins at a place represented by a Pagedimension
Page Country Page Likespage_country_page_likesNUMBERIf this is a Page in a Global Pages hierarchy, the number of people who are being directed to this Page.dimension
Page Descriptionpage_descriptionTEXTThe description of the Page.dimension
Page Display Subtextpage_display_subtextTEXTSubtext about the Page being viewed.dimension
Page Emailspage_emailsTEXTThe emails listed in the About section of a Page.dimension
Page Engagement Countpage_engagement_countNUMBERThe social sentence and like count information for this Page. This is the same info used for the like buttondimension
Page Engagement Social Sentencepage_engagement_social_sentenceTEXTThe social sentence and like count information for this Page. This is the same info used for the like buttondimension
Page Fan Countpage_fan_countNUMBERThe number of users who like the Page. For Global Pages this is the count for all Pages across the brand.dimension
Page Followers Countpage_followers_countNUMBERNumber of page followersdimension
Page General Infopage_general_infoTEXTGeneral information provided by the Page.dimension
Page Global Brand Page Namepage_global_brand_page_nameTEXTThe name of the Page with country codes appended for Global Pages. Only visible to the Page admin.dimension
Page Has Added Apppage_has_added_appBOOLEANIndicates whether this Page has added the app making the query in a Page tab.dimension
Page Has Transitioned To New Page Experiencepage_has_transitioned_to_new_page_experienceBOOLEANindicates whether a page has transitioned to new page experience or notdimension
Page Idpage_idTEXTThe ID representing a Facebook Page.dimension
Page Linkpage_linkTEXTThe Page’s Facebook URLdimension
Page Location Citypage_location_cityTEXTThe location of this place. Applicable to all Placesdimension
Page Location Countrypage_location_countryTEXTThe location of this place. Applicable to all Placesdimension
Page Location Statepage_location_stateTEXTThe location of this place. Applicable to all Placesdimension
Page Location Streetpage_location_streetTEXTThe location of this place. Applicable to all Placesdimension
Page Location Zippage_location_zipTEXTThe location of this place. Applicable to all Placesdimension
Pagepage_nameTEXTThe name of the Page with country codes appended for Global Pages. Only visible to the Page admin.dimension
Page New Like Countpage_new_like_countNUMBERThe number of people who have liked the Page, since the last login.dimension
Page Overall Star Ratingpage_overall_star_ratingNUMBEROverall page rating based on rating survey from users on a scale of 1-5. This value is normalized and is not guaranteed to be a strict average of user ratings. If there are 0 or a small number of ratings, this field will not be returned.dimension
Page Phonepage_phoneTEXTPhone number provided by a Page.dimension
Page Place Typepage_place_typeTEXTFor places, the category of the place. Value can be CITY, COUNTRY, EVENT, GEO_ENTITY, PLACE, RESIDENCE, STATE_PROVINCE, or TEXT.dimension
Page Rating Countpage_rating_countNUMBERNumber of ratings for the Page (limited to ratings that are publicly accessible).dimension
Page Store Location Descriptorpage_store_location_descriptorTEXTLocation Page’s store location descriptordimension
Page Store Numberpage_store_numberNUMBERUnique store number for this location Pagedimension
Page Talking About Countpage_talking_about_countNUMBERThe number of people talking about this Pagedimension
Page Websitepage_websiteURLThe URL of the Page’s website.dimension
Page Were Here Countpage_were_here_countNUMBERThe number of visits to this Page’s location. If the Page setting Show map, check-ins and star ratings on the Page (under Page Settings > Page Info > Address) is disabled, then this value will also be disabled.dimension
Page Actions Post Reactions Anger Totalpage_actions_post_reactions_anger_totalNUMBERDaily total post “anger” reactions of a page.metric
Page Actions Post Reactions Haha Totalpage_actions_post_reactions_haha_totalNUMBERDaily total post “haha” reactions of a page.metric
Page Actions Post Reactions Like Totalpage_actions_post_reactions_like_totalNUMBERDaily total post “like” reactions of a page.metric
Page Actions Post Reactions Love Totalpage_actions_post_reactions_love_totalNUMBERDaily total post “love” reactions of a page.metric
Page Actions Post Reactions Sorry Totalpage_actions_post_reactions_sorry_totalNUMBERDaily total post “sorry” reactions of a page.metric
Page Actions Post Reactions Wow Totalpage_actions_post_reactions_wow_totalNUMBERDaily total post “wow” reactions of a page.metric
Page Call Phone Clicks Logged In Uniquepage_call_phone_clicks_logged_in_uniqueNUMBERNumber of people who logged in to Facebook and clicked the Call Now button.metric
Page Consumptionspage_consumptionsNUMBERThe number of times people clicked on any of your content.metric
Page Consumptions Uniquepage_consumptions_uniqueNUMBERThe number of people who clicked on any of your content.metric
Page Content Activitypage_content_activityNUMBERThe number of stories created about your Page (Stories).metric
Page Engaged Userspage_engaged_usersNUMBERThe number of people who engaged with your Page. Engagement includes any click.metric
Page Fan Addspage_fan_addsNUMBERThe number of new people who have liked your Page.metric
Page Fan Adds Uniquepage_fan_adds_uniqueNUMBERThe number of new people who have liked your Page.metric
Page Fan Removespage_fan_removesNUMBERUnlikes of your Page.metric
Page Fan Removes Uniquepage_fan_removes_uniqueNUMBERUnlikes of your Page.metric
Page Get Directions Clicks Logged In Uniquepage_get_directions_clicks_logged_in_uniqueNUMBERNumber of people who logged in to Facebook and clicked the Get Directions button.metric
Page Impressionspage_impressionsNUMBERThe number of times any content from your Page or about your Page entered a person’s screen. This includes posts, stories, ads, as well other content or information on your Page.metric
Page Impressions Nonviralpage_impressions_nonviralNUMBERhe number of times any content from your Page entered a person’s screen. This does not include content created about your Page with social information attached. Social information displays when a person’s friend interacted with your Page, post or story. This includes when someone’s friend likes or follows your Page, engages with a post, shares a photo of your Page and checks into your Page.metric
Page Impressions Nonviral Uniquepage_impressions_nonviral_uniqueNUMBERThe number of people who had any content from your Page enter their screen. This does not include content created about your Page with social information attached. As a form of organic distribution, social information displays when a person’s friend interacted with your Page, post or story. This includes when someone’s friend likes or follows your Page, engages with a post, shares a photo of your Page and checks into your Page.metric
Page Impressions Organicpage_impressions_organicNUMBERThe number of times any post or story content from your Page or about your Page entered a person’s screen through unpaid distribution.metric
Page Impressions Organic Uniquepage_impressions_organic_uniqueNUMBERThe number of people who had any content from your Page or about your Page enter their screen through unpaid distribution. This includes posts, stories, check-ins, social information from people who interact with your Page and more.metric
Page Impressions Paidpage_impressions_paidNUMBERThe number of times any post or story content from your Page or about your Page entered a person’s screen through paid distribution such as an ad.metric
Page Impressions Paid Uniquepage_impressions_paid_uniqueNUMBERThe number of people who had any content from your Page or about your Page enter their screen through paid distribution such as an ad.metric
Page Impressions Uniquepage_impressions_uniqueNUMBERThe number of people who had any content from your Page or about your Page enter their screen. This includes posts, stories, check-ins, ads, social information from people who interact with your Page and more.metric
Page Impressions Viralpage_impressions_viralNUMBERThe number of times any content from your Page or about your Page entered a person’s screen with social information attached. Social information displays when a person’s friend interacted with your Page, post or story. This includes when someone’s friend likes or follows your Page, engages with a post, shares a photo of your Page and checks into your Page.metric
Page Impressions Viral Uniquepage_impressions_viral_uniqueNUMBERThe number of people who had any content from your Page or about your Page enter their screen through with social information attached. As a form of organic distribution, social information displays when a person’s friend interacted with your Page, post or story. This includes when someone’s friend likes or follows your Page, engages with a post, shares a photo of your Page and checks into your Page.metric
Page Negative Feedbackpage_negative_feedbackNUMBERThe number of times people took a negative action (e.g., un-liked or hid a post).metric
Page Negative Feedback By Type Unique Hide All Clickspage_negative_feedback_by_type_unique_hide_all_clicksNUMBERThe number of people who took a negative action broken down by type.metric
Page Negative Feedback By Type Unique Hide Clickspage_negative_feedback_by_type_unique_hide_clicksNUMBERThe number of people who took a negative action broken down by type.metric
Page Negative Feedback By Type Unique Report Spam Clickspage_negative_feedback_by_type_unique_report_spam_clicksNUMBERThe number of people who took a negative action broken down by type.metric
Page Negative Feedback By Type Unique Unlike Page Clickspage_negative_feedback_by_type_unique_unlike_page_clicksNUMBERThe number of people who took a negative action broken down by type.metric
Page Negative Feedback By Type Hide All Clickspage_negative_feedback_by_type_hide_all_clicksNUMBERThe number of times people took a negative action broken down by typemetric
Page Negative Feedback By Type Hide Clickspage_negative_feedback_by_type_hide_clicksNUMBERThe number of times people took a negative action broken down by typemetric
Page Negative Feedback By Type Report Spam Clickspage_negative_feedback_by_type_report_spam_clicksNUMBERThe number of times people took a negative action broken down by typemetric
Page Negative Feedback By Type Unlike Page Clickspage_negative_feedback_by_type_unlike_page_clicksNUMBERThe number of times people took a negative action broken down by typemetric
Page Negative Feedback Uniquepage_negative_feedback_uniqueNUMBERThe number of people who took a negative action (e.g., un-liked or hid a post).metric
Page Places Checkin Mobilepage_places_checkin_mobileNUMBERThe number of times people checked into a place using mobile phones.metric
Page Places Checkin Mobile Uniquepage_places_checkin_mobile_uniqueNUMBERThe number of people who checked into a place using mobile phones.metric
Page Places Checkin Totalpage_places_checkin_totalNUMBERThe number of times people checked into a place.metric
Page Places Checkin Total Uniquepage_places_checkin_total_uniqueNUMBERThe number of people who checked into a place.metric
Page Positive Feedback By Type Unique Answerpage_positive_feedback_by_type_unique_answerNUMBERThe number of people who took a positive action broken down by type.metric
Page Positive Feedback By Type Unique Claimpage_positive_feedback_by_type_unique_claimNUMBERThe number of people who took a positive action broken down by type.metric
Page Positive Feedback By Type Unique Commentpage_positive_feedback_by_type_unique_commentNUMBERThe number of people who took a positive action broken down by type.metric
Page Positive Feedback By Type Unique Likepage_positive_feedback_by_type_unique_likeNUMBERThe number of people who took a positive action broken down by type.metric
Page Positive Feedback By Type Unique Linkpage_positive_feedback_by_type_unique_linkNUMBERThe number of people who took a positive action broken down by type.metric
Page Positive Feedback By Type Unique Otherpage_positive_feedback_by_type_unique_otherNUMBERThe number of people who took a positive action broken down by type.metric
Page Positive Feedback By Type Unique Rsvppage_positive_feedback_by_type_unique_rsvpNUMBERThe number of people who took a positive action broken down by type.metric
Page Positive Feedback By Type Answerpage_positive_feedback_by_type_answerNUMBERThe number of times people took a positive action broken down by type.metric
Page Positive Feedback By Type Claimpage_positive_feedback_by_type_claimNUMBERThe number of times people took a positive action broken down by type.metric
Page Positive Feedback By Type Commentpage_positive_feedback_by_type_commentNUMBERThe number of times people took a positive action broken down by type.metric
Page Positive Feedback By Type Likepage_positive_feedback_by_type_likeNUMBERThe number of times people took a positive action broken down by type.metric
Page Positive Feedback By Type Linkpage_positive_feedback_by_type_linkNUMBERThe number of times people took a positive action broken down by type.metric
Page Positive Feedback By Type Otherpage_positive_feedback_by_type_otherNUMBERThe number of times people took a positive action broken down by type.metric
Page Positive Feedback By Type Rsvppage_positive_feedback_by_type_rsvpNUMBERThe number of times people took a positive action broken down by type.metric
Page Post Engagementspage_post_engagementsNUMBERThe number of times people have engaged with your posts through reactions, comments, shares and more.metric
Page Posts Impressionspage_posts_impressionsNUMBERThe number of times your Page’s posts entered a person’s screen. Posts include statuses, photos, links, videos and more.metric
Page Posts Impressions Nonviralpage_posts_impressions_nonviralNUMBERThe number of times your Page’s posts entered a person’s screen. This does not include content created about your Page with social information attached. Social information displays when a person’s friend interacted with you Page or post. This includes when someone’s friend likes or follows your Page, engages with a post, shares a photo of your Page and checks into your Page.metric
Page Posts Impressions Nonviral Uniquepage_posts_impressions_nonviral_uniqueNUMBERThe number of people who had any posts by your Page enter their screen. This does not include content created about your Page with social information attached. As a form of organic distribution, social information displays when a person’s friend interacted with you Page or post. This includes when someone’s friend likes or follows your Page, engages with a post, shares a photo of your Page and checks into your Page.metric
Page Posts Impressions Organicpage_posts_impressions_organicNUMBERThe number of times your Page’s posts entered a person’s screen through unpaid distribution.metric
Page Posts Impressions Organic Uniquepage_posts_impressions_organic_uniqueNUMBERThe number of people who had any of your Page’s posts enter their screen through unpaid distribution.metric
Page Posts Impressions Paidpage_posts_impressions_paidNUMBERThe number of times your Page’s posts entered a person’s screen through paid distribution such as an ad.metric
Page Posts Impressions Paid Uniquepage_posts_impressions_paid_uniqueNUMBERThe number of people who had any of your Page’s posts enter their screen through paid distribution such as an ad.metric
Page Posts Impressions Uniquepage_posts_impressions_uniqueNUMBERThe number of people who had any of your Page’s posts enter their screen. Posts include statuses, photos, links, videos and more.metric
Page Posts Impressions Viralpage_posts_impressions_viralNUMBERThe number of times your Page’s posts entered a person’s screen with social information attached. Social information displays when a person’s friend interacted with you Page or post. This includes when someone’s friend likes or follows your Page, engages with a post, shares a photo of your Page and checks into your Page.metric
Page Posts Impressions Viral Uniquepage_posts_impressions_viral_uniqueNUMBERThe number of people who had any of your Page’s posts enter their screen with social information attached. As a form of organic distribution, social information displays when a person’s friend interacted with you Page or post. This includes when someone’s friend likes or follows your Page, engages with a post, shares a photo of your Page and checks into your Page.metric
Page Posts Served Impressions Organic Uniquepage_posts_served_impressions_organic_uniqueNUMBERThe number of people who were served your Page’s posts in their Feed whether it entered their screen or not. Posts include statuses, photos, links, videos and more.metric
Page Actions Totalpage_total_actionsNUMBERThe number of clicks on your Page’s contact info and call-to-action button.metric
Page Video Complete Views 30Spage_video_complete_views_30sNUMBERThe number of times your Page’s videos played for at least 30 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they’re shorter than 30 seconds. During a single instance of a video playing, we’ll exclude any time spent replaying the video.metric
Page Video Complete Views 30S Autoplayedpage_video_complete_views_30s_autoplayedNUMBERThe number of times your Page’s automatically played videos played for at least 30 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they’re shorter than 30 seconds. During a single instance of a video playing, we’ll exclude any time spent replaying the video.metric
Page Video Complete Views 30S Click To Playpage_video_complete_views_30s_click_to_playNUMBERThe number of times your Page’s videos played for at least 30 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they’re shorter than 30 seconds, after people clicked play. During a single instance of a video playing, we’ll exclude any time spent replaying the video.metric
Page Video Complete Views 30S Organicpage_video_complete_views_30s_organicNUMBERThe number of times your Page’s videos played for at least 30 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they’re shorter than 30 seconds, by organic reach. During a single instance of a video playing, we’ll exclude any time spent replaying the video.metric
Page Video Complete Views 30S Paidpage_video_complete_views_30s_paidNUMBERThe number of times your Page’s promoted videos played for at least 30 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they’re shorter than 30 seconds. For each impression of a video, we’ll count video views separately and exclude any time spent replaying the video.metric
Page Video Complete Views 30S Repeat Viewspage_video_complete_views_30s_repeat_viewsNUMBERThe number of times your Page’s videos replayed for at least 30 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they’re shorter than 30 seconds.metric
Page Video Complete Views 30S Uniquepage_video_complete_views_30s_uniqueNUMBERThe number of people who viewed your Page’s videos for at least 30 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they’re shorter than 30 seconds. During a single instance of a video playing, we’ll exclude any time spent replaying the video.metric
Page Video Repeat Viewspage_video_repeat_viewsNUMBERThe number of times your Page’s videos were replayed for at least 3 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they’re shorter than 3 seconds.metric
Page Video View Timepage_video_view_timeNUMBERThe total time, in milliseconds, people viewed your Page’s video.metric
Page Video Viewspage_video_viewsNUMBERThe number of times your Page’s videos played for at least 3 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they’re shorter than 3 seconds. During a single instance of a video playing, we’ll exclude any time spent replaying the video.metric
Page Video Views 10Spage_video_views_10sNUMBERThe number of times your Page’s videos played for at least 10 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they’re shorter than 10 seconds. During a single instance of a video playing, we’ll exclude any time spent replaying the video.metric
Page Video Views 10S Autoplayedpage_video_views_10s_autoplayedNUMBERThe number of times your Page’s videos automatically played for at least 10 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they’re shorter than 10 seconds. During a single instance of a video playing, we’ll exclude any time spent replaying the video.metric
Page Video Views 10S Click To Playpage_video_views_10s_click_to_playNUMBERThe number of times your Page’s videos played for at least 10 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they’re shorter than 10 seconds, after people clicked play. During a single instance of a video playing, we’ll exclude any time spent replaying the video.metric
Page Video Views 10S Organicpage_video_views_10s_organicNUMBERThe number of times your Page’s videos played for at least 10 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they’re shorter than 10 seconds, by organic reach. During a single instance of a video playing, we’ll exclude any time spent replaying the video.metric
Page Video Views 10S Paidpage_video_views_10s_paidNUMBERThe number of times your Page’s promoted videos played for at least 10 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they’re shorter than 10 seconds. For each impression of a video, we’ll count video views separately and exclude any time spent replaying the video.metric
Page Video Views 10S Repeatpage_video_views_10s_repeatNUMBERThe number of times your Page’s videos replayed for at least 10 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they’re shorter than 10 seconds.metric
Page Video Views 10S Uniquepage_video_views_10s_uniqueNUMBERThe number of people who viewed your Page’s videos for at least 10 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they’re shorter than 10 seconds. During a single instance of a video playing, we’ll exclude any time spent replaying the video.metric
Page Video Views Autoplayedpage_video_views_autoplayedNUMBERThe number of times your Page’s videos automatically played for at least 3 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they’re shorter than 3 seconds. During a single instance of a video playing, we’ll exclude any time spent replaying the video.metric
Page Video Views Click To Playpage_video_views_click_to_playNUMBERThe number of times your Page’s videos played for at least 3 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they’re shorter than 3 seconds, after people clicked play. During a single instance of a video playing, we’ll exclude any time spent replaying the video.metric
Page Video Views Organicpage_video_views_organicNUMBERThe number of times your Page’s videos played for at least 3 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they’re shorter than 3 seconds, by organic reach. During a single instance of a video playing, we’ll exclude any time spent replaying the video.metric
Page Video Views Paidpage_video_views_paidNUMBERThe number of times your Page’s promoted videos played for at least 3 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they’re shorter than 3 seconds. For each impression of a video, we’ll count video views separately and exclude any time spent replaying the videometric
Page Video Views Uniquepage_video_views_uniqueNUMBERThe number of people who viewed your Page’s videos for at least 3 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they’re shorter than 3 seconds. During a single instance of a video playing, we’ll exclude any time spent replaying the video.metric
Page Views Logged In Totalpage_views_logged_in_totalNUMBERThe number of times a Page has been viewed by people logged in to Facebook.metric
Page Views Logged In Uniquepage_views_logged_in_uniqueNUMBERThe number of people who viewed your Page’s videos for at least 3 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they’re shorter than 3 seconds. During a single instance of a video playing, we’ll exclude any time spent replaying the video.metric
Page Views Totalpage_views_totalNUMBERThe number of times a Page has been viewed by logged-in and logged-out people.metric
Page Website Clicks Logged In Uniquepage_website_clicks_logged_in_uniqueNUMBERNumber of people who logged in to Facebook and clicked the goto website CTA button.metric
Post Can Reply Privatelypost_can_reply_privatelyBOOLEANWhether the page viewer can send a private reply to this postdimension
Post Created Timepost_created_timeYEAR_MONTH_DAY_SECONDThe time the post was published, expressed as UNIX timestampdimension
Post Full Picturepost_full_pictureTEXTIf the photo’s largest dimension exceeds 720 pixels, it is resized, with the largest dimension set to 720.dimension
Post Iconpost_iconTEXTA link to an icon representing the type of this post.dimension
Post Idpost_idTEXTThe post ID.dimension
Post Is Eligible For Promotionpost_is_eligible_for_promotionBOOLEANWhether the post is eligible for promotion.dimension
Post Is Expiredpost_is_expiredBOOLEANWhether the post has expiration time that has passeddimension
Post Is Hiddenpost_is_hiddenBOOLEANWhether a post has been set to hiddendimension
Post Is Instagram Eligiblepost_is_instagram_eligibleBOOLEANWhether this post can be promoted in Instagramdimension
Post Is Popularpost_is_popularBOOLEANWhether the post is currently popular. Based on whether the total actions as a percentage of reach exceeds a certain thresholddimension
Post Is Publishedpost_is_publishedBOOLEANIndicates whether a scheduled post was published (applies to scheduled Page Post only, for users post and instanlty published posts this value is always true)dimension
Post Messagepost_messageTEXTThe message written in the postdimension
Post Permalink Urlpost_permalink_urlTEXTThe permanent static URL to the post on Example:
Post Privacy Descriptionpost_privacy_descriptionTEXTThe privacy settings for a postdimension
Post Status Typepost_status_typeTEXTDescription of the type of a status update.dimension
Post Subscribedpost_subscribedBOOLEANWhether user is subscribed to the postdimension
Post Updated Timepost_updated_timeYEAR_MONTH_DAY_SECONDThe time the post was last updated, which occurs when a user comments on the post.dimension
Post Activitypost_activityNUMBERThe number of stories generated about your Page post (‘Stories’).metric
Post Activity Uniquepost_activity_uniqueNUMBERThe number of people who created a story about your Page post (‘People Talking About This’ / PTAT).metric
Post Clickspost_clicksNUMBERThe number of times people clicked on anywhere in your posts without generating a story.metric
Post Clicks Uniquepost_clicks_uniqueNUMBERThe number of people who clicked anywhere in your post without generating a story.metric
Post Engaged Fanpost_engaged_fanNUMBERPeople who have liked your Page and engaged with your post.metric
Post Post Engaged Userspost_post_engaged_usersNUMBERThe number of people who clicked anywhere in your posts.metric
Post Impressionspost_impressionsNUMBERThe number of times your Page’s post entered a person’s screen. Posts include statuses, photos, links, videos and more.metric
Post Impressions Fanpost_impressions_fanNUMBERThe number of impressions for your Page post by people who have liked your Page.metric
Post Impressions Fan Paidpost_impressions_fan_paidNUMBERThe number of impressions for your Page post by people who like your Page in an Ad or Sponsored Story.metric
Post Impressions Fan Paid Uniquepost_impressions_fan_paid_uniqueNUMBERThe number of people who have like your Page and saw your Page post in an Ad or Sponsored Story.metric
Post Impressions Fan Uniquepost_impressions_fan_uniqueNUMBERThe number of people who have like your Page who saw your Page post.metric
Post Impressions Nonviralpost_impressions_nonviralNUMBERThe number of times your Page’s post entered a person’s screen. This does not include content created about your Page with social information attached. Social information displays when a person’s friend interacted with you Page or post. This includes when someone’s friend likes or follows your Page, engages with a post, shares a photo of your Page and checks into your Page.metric
Post Impressions Nonviral Uniquepost_impressions_nonviral_uniqueNUMBERThe number of people who had your Page’s post enter their screen. This does not include content created about your Page with social information attached. As a form of organic distribution, social information displays when a person’s friend interacted with you Page or post. This includes when someone’s friend likes or follows your Page, engages with a post, shares a photo of your Page and checks into your Page.metric
Post Impressions Organicpost_impressions_organicNUMBERThe number of times your Page’s posts entered a person’s screen through unpaid distribution.metric
Post Impressions Organic Uniquepost_impressions_organic_uniqueNUMBERThe number of people who had your Page’s post enter their screen through unpaid distribution.metric
Post Impressions Paidpost_impressions_paidNUMBERThe number of times your Page’s post entered a person’s screen through paid distribution such as an ad.metric
Post Impressions Paid Uniquepost_impressions_paid_uniqueNUMBERThe number of people who had your Page’s post enter their screen through paid distribution such as an ad.metric
Post Impressions Uniquepost_impressions_uniqueNUMBERThe number of people who had your Page’s post enter their screen. Posts include statuses, photos, links, videos and more.metric
Post Impressions Viralpost_impressions_viralNUMBERThe number of times your Page’s post entered a person’s screen with social information attached. Social information displays when a person’s friend interacted with you Page or post. This includes when someone’s friend likes or follows your Page, engages with a post, shares a photo of your Page and checks into your Page.metric
Post Impressions Viral Uniquepost_impressions_viral_uniqueNUMBERThe number of people who had your Page’s post enter their screen with social information attached. As a form of organic distribution, social information displays when a person’s friend interacted with you Page or post. This includes when someone’s friend likes or follows your Page, engages with a post, shares a photo of your Page and checks into your Page.metric
Post Negative Feedbackpost_negative_feedbackNUMBERThe number of times people took a negative action in your post (e.g. hid it).metric
Post Negative Feedback Uniquepost_negative_feedback_uniqueNUMBERThe number of people who took a negative action in your post (e.g., hid it).metric
Post Reactions Anger Totalpost_reactions_anger_totalNUMBERTotal “anger” reactions of a post.metric
Post Reactions Haha Totalpost_reactions_haha_totalNUMBERTotal “haha” reactions of a post.metric
Post Reactions Like Totalpost_reactions_like_totalNUMBERTotal “like” reactions of a post.metric
Post Reactions Love Totalpost_reactions_love_totalNUMBERTotal “love” reactions of a post.metric
Post Reactions Sorry Totalpost_reactions_sorry_totalNUMBERTotal “sad” reactions of a post.metric
Post Reactions Wow Totalpost_reactions_wow_totalNUMBERTotal “wow” reactions of a post.metric
Post Video Avg Time Watchedpost_video_avg_time_watchedNUMBERThe average time, in milliseconds, people viewed your videos. Only available for videos created after August 25th 2016. Returns 0 for reshared videos.metric
Post Video Complete Views 30S Autoplayedpost_video_complete_views_30s_autoplayedNUMBERThe number of times your videos automatically played for at least 30 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they’re shorter than 30 seconds. During a single instance of a video playing, we’ll exclude any time spent replaying the video. Returns 0 for reshared videos.metric
Post Video Complete Views 30S Clicked To Playpost_video_complete_views_30s_clicked_to_playNUMBERThe number of times your videos played for at least 30 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they’re shorter than 30 seconds, after people clicked play. During a single instance of a video playing, we’ll exclude any time spent replaying the video. Returns 0 for reshared videos.metric
Post Video Complete Views 30S Organicpost_video_complete_views_30s_organicNUMBERThe number of times your videos played for at least 30 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they’re shorter than 30 seconds, by organic reach. During a single instance of a video playing, we’ll exclude any time spent replaying the video. Returns 0 for reshared videos.metric
Post Video Complete Views 30S Paidpost_video_complete_views_30s_paidNUMBERThe number of times your promoted videos played for at least 30 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they’re shorter than 30 seconds. For each impression of a video, we’ll count video views separately and exclude any time spent replaying the video. Returns 0 for reshared videos.metric
Post Video Complete Views 30S Uniquepost_video_complete_views_30s_uniqueNUMBERThe number of people who viewed your videos for at least 30 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they’re shorter than 30 seconds. During a single instance of a video playing, we’ll exclude any time spent replaying the video.metric
Post Video Complete Views Organicpost_video_complete_views_organicNUMBERThe number of times your videos played from the beginning to 95%, or more, of its length, by organic reach. During a single instance of a video playing, we’ll exclude any time spent replaying the video. Returns 0 for reshared videos.metric
Post Video Complete Views Organic Uniquepost_video_complete_views_organic_uniqueNUMBERThe number of people who viewed your videos from the beginning to 95%, or more, of its length, by organic reach. During a single instance of a video playing, we’ll exclude any time spent replaying the video. Returns 0 for reshared videos.metric
Post Video Complete Views Paidpost_video_complete_views_paidNUMBERThe number of times your promoted videos played from the beginning to 95%, or more, of its length. For each impression of a video, we’ll count video views separately and exclude any time spent replaying the video. Returns 0 for reshared videos.metric
Post Video Complete Views Paid Uniquepost_video_complete_views_paid_uniqueNUMBERThe number of people who viewed your promoted videos from the beginning to 95%, or more, of its length. For each impression of a video, we’ll count video views separately and exclude any time spent replaying the video.metric
Post Video Lengthpost_video_lengthNUMBERThe length, in milliseconds, of a video post.metric
Post Video View Timepost_video_view_timeNUMBERThe total time, in milliseconds, your videos played, including videos played for less than 3 seconds and replays. Returns 0 for reshared videos.metric
Post Video View Time Organicpost_video_view_time_organicNUMBERThe total time, in milliseconds, your videos played by organic reach. Returns 0 for reshared videos.metric
Post Video Viewspost_video_viewsNUMBERThe number of times your videos played for at least 3 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they’re shorter than 3 seconds. During a single instance of a video playing, we’ll exclude any time spent replaying the video. This includes live views.metric
Post Video Views 10Spost_video_views_10sNUMBERThe number of times your videos played for at least 10 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they’re shorter than 10 seconds. During a single instance of a video playing, we’ll exclude any time spent replaying the video.metric
Post Video Views 10S Autoplayedpost_video_views_10s_autoplayedNUMBERThe number of times your videos played automatically for at least 10 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they’re shorter than 10 seconds. During a single instance of a video playing, we’ll exclude any time spent replaying the video.metric
Post Video Views 10S Clicked To Playpost_video_views_10s_clicked_to_playNUMBERThe number of times your videos played for at least 10 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they’re shorter than 10 seconds, after people clicked play. During a single instance of a video playing, we’ll exclude any time spent replaying the video.metric
Post Video Views 10S Organicpost_video_views_10s_organicNUMBERThe number of times your videos played for at least 10 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they’re shorter than 10 seconds, by organic reach. During a single instance of a video playing, we’ll exclude any time spent replaying the video.metric
Post Video Views 10S Paidpost_video_views_10s_paidNUMBERThe number of times your promoted videos played for at least 10 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they’re shorter than 10 seconds. For each impression of a video, we’ll count video views separately and exclude any time spent replaying the video.metric
Post Video Views 10S Sound Onpost_video_views_10s_sound_onNUMBERThe number of times your videos played with sound on for at least 10 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they’re shorter than 10 seconds. During a single instance of a video playing, we’ll exclude any time spent replaying the video.metric
Post Video Views 10S Uniquepost_video_views_10s_uniqueNUMBERThe number of people who viewed your videos for at least 10 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they’re shorter than 10 seconds. For each impression of a video, we’ll count video views separately and exclude any time spent replaying the video.metric
Post Video Views 15Spost_video_views_15sNUMBERThe number of times your videos played for at least 15 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they’re shorter than 15 seconds. During a single instance of a video playing, we’ll exclude any time spent replaying the video.metric
Post Video Views 60S Excludes Shorterpost_video_views_60s_excludes_shorterNUMBERThe number of times your videos played for at least 60 seconds. This metric is counted only for videos that are 60 seconds or longer. During a single instance of a video playing, we’ll exclude any time spent replaying the video.metric
Post Video Views Autoplayedpost_video_views_autoplayedNUMBERThe number of times your videos automatically played for at least 3 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they’re shorter than 3 seconds. During a single instance of a video playing, we’ll exclude any time spent replaying the video.metric
Post Video Views Clicked To Playpost_video_views_clicked_to_playNUMBERThe number of times your videos played for at least 3 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they’re shorter than 3 seconds, after people clicked play. During a single instance of a video playing, we’ll exclude any time spent replaying the video.metric
Post Video Views Organicpost_video_views_organicNUMBERThe number of times your videos played for at least 3 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they’re shorter than 3 seconds, by organic reach. During a single instance of a video playing, we’ll exclude any time spent replaying the video.metric
Post Video Views Organic Uniquepost_video_views_organic_uniqueNUMBERThe number of people who viewed your videos for at least 3 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they’re shorter than 3 seconds, by organic reach. During a single instance of a video playing, we’ll exclude any time spent replaying the video.metric
Post Video Views Paidpost_video_views_paidNUMBERThe number of times your promoted videos played for at least 3 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they’re shorter than 3 seconds. For each impression of a video, we’ll count video views separately and exclude any time spent replaying the video.metric
Post Video Views Paid Uniquepost_video_views_paid_uniqueNUMBERThe number of people who viewed your promoted videos for at least 3 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they’re shorter than 3 seconds. For each impression of a video, we’ll count video views separately and exclude any time spent replaying the video.metric
Post Video Views Sound Onpost_video_views_sound_onNUMBERThe number of times your videos played with sound on for at least 3 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they’re shorter than 3 seconds. During a single instance of a video playing, we’ll exclude any time spent replaying the video.metric
Post Video Views Uniquepost_video_views_uniqueNUMBERThe number of people who viewed your videos for at least 3 seconds, or for nearly their total length if they’re shorter than 3 seconds. During a single instance of a video playing, we’ll exclude any time spent replaying the video.metric

Instagram fields

Field titleField nameData typeAttribute typeDescription
Account Biographyaccount_biographyTEXTdimensionProfile’s biography
Account Email Contactsaccount_email_contactsNUMBERmetricTotal number of taps on the email link in this profile within the specified period
Account Follower Countaccount_follower_countNUMBERmetricThe total number of followers the account has.
Account Followers Countaccount_followers_countNUMBERmetricTotal number of unique accounts following this profile
Account Follows Countaccount_follows_countNUMBERmetricTotal number of accounts this profile is following
Account Get Directions Clicksaccount_get_directions_clicksNUMBERmetricTotal number of taps on the directions link in this profile within the specified period
Account Idaccount_idTEXTdimensionA unique identifier for the account.
Account Ig Idaccount_ig_idTEXTdimensionThe unique Instagram ID associated with the account.
Account Impressionsaccount_impressionsNUMBERmetricTotal number of times this profile has been seen within the specified period
Account Media Countaccount_media_countNUMBERmetricTotal number of media for this profile
Account Nameaccount_nameTEXTdimensionProfile’s name
Account Phone Call Clicksaccount_phone_call_clicksNUMBERmetricTotal number of taps on the call link in this profile within the specified period
Account Profile Picture Urlaccount_profile_picture_urlTEXTdimensionThe URL of the profile picture for the account.
Account Profile Viewsaccount_profile_viewsNUMBERmetricTotal number of unique accounts that have viewed this profile within the specified period
Account Reachaccount_reachNUMBERmetricTotal number of unique accounts that have seen this profile within the specified period. NOTE: When reach is split by month, reach will display last 28 days of month
Account Text Message Clicksaccount_text_message_clicksNUMBERmetricTotal number of taps on the text message link in this profile within the specified period
Account Usernameaccount_usernameTEXTdimensionProfile’s username
Account Websiteaccount_websiteURLdimensionProfile’s website
Account Website Clicksaccount_website_clicksNUMBERmetricTotal number of taps on the website link in this profile within the specified period
Carousel Album Engagementcarousel_album_engagementNUMBERmetricThe total engagement (likes, comments, shares) for the carousel album.
Carousel Album Impressionscarousel_album_impressionsNUMBERmetricThe number of times the carousel album was displayed to users.
Carousel Album Reachcarousel_album_reachNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique users who saw the carousel album.
Carousel Album Savedcarousel_album_savedNUMBERmetricThe number of times users saved the carousel album.
Carousel Album Video Viewscarousel_album_video_viewsNUMBERmetricThe number of video views within the carousel album.
DatedateYEAR_MONTH_DAYdimensionThe specific date of the event or metric in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Day of Monthday_of_monthDAYdimensionThe numeric day of the month (1-31).
Day of Weekday_of_weekDAY_OF_WEEKdimensionThe day of the week (e.g., Monday, Tuesday).
Media Captionmedia_captionTEXTdimensionCaption of the post
Media Comments Countmedia_comments_countNUMBERmetricTotal number of comments on the media object including replies
Media Engagementmedia_engagementNUMBERmetricTotal number of likes and comments on the media object
Media Idmedia_idTEXTdimensionGraph ID of the media object
Media Ig Idmedia_ig_idTEXTdimensionThe unique Instagram ID associated with the media.
Media Impressionsmedia_impressionsNUMBERmetricTotal number of impressions of the media object
Media Is Comment Enabledmedia_is_comment_enabledTEXTdimensionWhether or not the comments are enabled
Media Like Countmedia_like_countNUMBERmetricTotal number of likes on the media object including replies
Media Owner Idmedia_owner_idTEXTdimensionThe unique identifier of the owner of the media.
Media Permalinkmedia_permalinkURLdimensionURL of the post on Instagram
Media Product Typemedia_product_typeTEXTdimensionSurface where the media is published. Can be AD, FEED, IGTV, or STORY
Media Reachmedia_reachNUMBERmetricTotal reach of the media object
Media Savedmedia_savedNUMBERmetricTotal number of unique accounts that have saved the media object
Media Shortcodemedia_shortcodeTEXTdimensionShortcode of the post on Instagram
Media Thumbnail Urlmedia_thumbnail_urlURLdimensionURL of the video thumbnail
Media Timestampmedia_timestampTEXTdimensionDate and time media was added
Media Typemedia_typeTEXTdimensionType of the media object. PHOTO, VIDEO, …
Media Urlmedia_urlURLdimensionURL of the media object
Media Usernamemedia_usernameTEXTdimensionThe username of the account that posted the media.
MonthmonthMONTHdimensionThe month in which the event occurred.
Page Idpage_idTEXTdimensionPage Id
Page IG Business Account Idpage_instagram_business_account_idTEXTdimensionPage Instagram business account Id
Page Namepage_nameTEXTdimensionPage name
Story Exitsstory_exitsNUMBERmetricThe number of times users exited the story before it finished.
Story Idstory_idTEXTdimensionStory Id
Story Impressionsstory_impressionsNUMBERmetricThe total number of impressions for the story.
Story Reachstory_reachNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique users who saw the story.
Story Repliesstory_repliesNUMBERmetricThe number of replies received on the story.
Story Taps Backstory_taps_backNUMBERmetricThe number of times users tapped back to view the previous story.
Story Taps Forwardstory_taps_forwardNUMBERmetricThe number of times users tapped forward to view the next story.
Video Viewsvideo_viewsNUMBERmetricThe total number of video views.
YearyearYEARdimensionThe year in which the event occurred.
Year & Monthyear_monthYEAR_MONTHdimensionA combined value of the year and month.
Year & Quarteryear_quarterYEAR_QUARTERdimensionA combined value of the year and quarter.
Year & Weekyear_weekYEAR_WEEKdimensionA combined value of the year and week for data grouping purposes.

Jira fields

Field titleField nameData typeAttribute typeDescription
Aggregate Progress Progressaggregate_progress_progressTEXTdimensionThe amount of progress made on a task, measured in proportion to the total estimated time.
Aggregate Progress Totalaggregate_progress_totalTEXTdimensionThe total estimated progress required to complete the task or issue.
Aggregate Time Original Estimateaggregate_time_original_estimateNUMBERmetricThe original estimated time to complete the task or issue, before any changes.
Aggregate Time Spentaggregate_time_spentNUMBERmetricThe total time spent on the task or issue so far.
Asignee Display Nameasignee_display_nameTEXTdimensionThe name of the person assigned to the task or issue.
Asignee Email Addressasignee_email_addressTEXTdimensionThe email address of the person assigned to the task or issue.
Assignee Time Zoneassignee_time_zoneTEXTdimensionThe time zone of the person assigned to the task or issue.
CreatedcreatedYEAR_MONTH_DAY_SECONDdimensionThe date and time when the task or issue was created.
Creator Account Typecreator_account_typeTEXTdimensionThe type of account the creator of the task or issue holds (e.g., admin, user).
Creator Display Namecreator_display_nameTEXTdimensionThe name of the person who created the task or issue.
Creator Email Addresscreator_email_addressTEXTdimensionThe email address of the person who created the task or issue.
Creator Time Zonecreator_time_zoneTEXTdimensionThe time zone of the person who created the task or issue.
DescriptiondescriptionTEXTdimensionA detailed explanation of the task or issue.
Due DateduedateYEAR_MONTH_DAYdimensionThe date when the task or issue is expected to be completed.
EnvironmentenvironmentTEXTdimensionThe specific environment or system where the task or issue occurred (e.g., operating system, browser).
IdidTEXTdimensionA unique identifier for the task or issue.
Is Watchingis_watchingBOOLEANdimensionIndicates if a user is currently watching or following the task or issue.
Issue Linkissue_linkTEXTdimensionA URL link to the task or issue.
Issue Type Descriptionissue_type_descriptionTEXTdimensionA description of the type of issue (e.g., bug, task, story).
Issue Type Nameissue_type_nameTEXTdimensionThe name of the issue type (e.g., bug, task, story).
Issue Type Subtaskissue_type_subtaskBOOLEANdimensionIndicates whether the issue is a subtask of a larger task.
KeykeyTEXTdimensionA unique key used to identify the task or issue.
LabelslabelsTEXTdimensionTags or labels applied to categorize the task or issue.
Last Viewedlast_viewedYEAR_MONTH_DAY_SECONDdimensionThe date and time when the issue was last viewed by a user.
Parent Idparent_idTEXTdimensionThe unique identifier of the parent task if the issue is a subtask.
Parent Keyparent_keyTEXTdimensionThe unique key of the parent task if the issue is a subtask.
Parent Selfparent_selfTEXTdimensionThe API link to the parent task if the issue is a subtask.
Priority Idpriority_idTEXTdimensionThe unique identifier for the priority of the task or issue.
Priority Namepriority_nameTEXTdimensionThe name of the priority level (e.g., high, medium, low).
Progress Progressprogress_progressTEXTdimensionThe amount of work completed on the task or issue.
Progress Totalprogress_totalTEXTdimensionThe total amount of work required to complete the task or issue.
Project Keyproject_keyTEXTdimensionThe unique key associated with the project the task or issue belongs to.
Project Nameproject_nameTEXTdimensionThe name of the project the task or issue is part of.
Reporter Account Typereporter_account_typeTEXTdimensionThe type of account the reporter of the issue holds (e.g., admin, user).
Reporter Display Namereporter_display_nameTEXTdimensionThe name of the person who reported the issue.
Reporter Email Addressreporter_email_addressTEXTdimensionThe email address of the person who reported the issue.
Reporter Time Zonereporter_time_zoneTEXTdimensionThe time zone of the person who reported the issue.
Resolution Descriptionresolution_descriptionTEXTdimensionA detailed explanation of how the issue was resolved.
Resolution Nameresolution_nameTEXTdimensionThe name of the resolution status (e.g., fixed, won’t fix, duplicate).
Status Category Change Datestatus_category_change_dateYEAR_MONTH_DAY_SECONDdimensionThe date when the issue’s status category last changed.
Status Namestatus_nameTEXTdimensionThe current status of the issue (e.g., open, in progress, resolved).
SummarysummaryTEXTdimensionA brief summary or title of the issue.
Time Original Estimatetime_original_estimateNUMBERmetricThe original estimated time to resolve the issue.
Timespenttime_spentNUMBERmetricThe total amount of time spent working on the issue.
UpdatedupdatedYEAR_MONTH_DAY_SECONDdimensionThe date and time when the issue was last updated.
VotesvotesNUMBERmetricThe number of votes the issue has received from users.
Votes Has Votedvotes_has_votedTEXTdimensionIndicates whether the current user has voted on the issue.
Watch Countwatch_countNUMBERmetricThe number of users watching or following the issue.
WorkratioworkratioNUMBERmetricThe ratio of work completed to the original estimate.
DescriptiondescriptionTEXTdimensionA detailed description of the specific task or issue.
IdidTEXTdimensionA unique identifier for the issue.
Last Issue Update Timeinsight_last_issue_update_timeYEAR_MONTH_DAY_SECONDdimensionThe date and time when the issue was last updated.
Total Issue Countinsight_total_issue_countNUMBERmetricThe total number of issues in the project or system.
KeykeyTEXTdimensionA unique identifier used to track the issue or task.
NamenameTEXTdimensionThe name of the project or issue.
Project Type Keyproject_type_keyTEXTdimensionA key representing the type of project (e.g., software, business).
Author Activeauthor_activeBOOLEANdimensionIndicates whether the author of the issue is currently active.
Author Display Nameauthor_display_nameTEXTdimensionThe name of the author who created the issue.
Author Email Addressauthor_email_addressTEXTdimensionThe email address of the author who created the issue.
CreatedcreatedYEAR_MONTH_DAY_SECONDdimensionThe date and time when the issue was created.
IdidTEXTdimensionA unique identifier for the issue.
Issue Idissue_idTEXTdimensionA unique identifier for the issue or task.
StartedstartedYEAR_MONTH_DAY_SECONDdimensionThe date and time when work on the issue began.
Time Spenttime_spentTEXTdimensionThe total amount of time spent working on the issue.
Time Spent Secondstime_spent_secondsNUMBERmetricThe total amount of time spent working on the issue, measured in seconds.
Update Author Activeupdate_author_activeBOOLEANdimensionIndicates whether the user who last updated the issue is active.
Update Author Display Nameupdate_author_display_nameTEXTdimensionThe name of the user who last updated the issue.
Update Author Emailupdate_author_emailTEXTdimensionThe email address of the user who last updated the issue.
UpdatedupdatedYEAR_MONTH_DAY_SECONDdimensionThe date and time when the issue was last updated.

LinkedIn Ads fields

Field titleField nameData typeAttribute typeDescription
Account Currency Codeaccount_currency_codeTEXTdimensionThe currency in which the financial metrics are denominated typically follows ISO 4217 standards (e.g., USD, EUR).
Account Idaccount_idTEXTdimensionA unique identifier for the advertising account.
Account Nameaccount_nameTEXTdimensionThe name of the advertising account associated with the campaigns.
Account Statusaccount_statusTEXTdimensionThe current status of the account (e.g., active, paused, closed).
Action Clicksanalytics_action_clicksNUMBERmetricThe number of clicks on actionable items such as buttons or links in the ad.
Ad Unit Clicksanalytics_ad_unit_clicksNUMBERmetricThe total number of clicks on the ad unit.
Reachanalytics_approximate_unique_impressionsNUMBERmetricThe estimated number of unique users who viewed the ad.
Clicksanalytics_clicksNUMBERmetricThe total number of clicks received on the ad.
Comment Likesanalytics_comment_likesNUMBERmetricThe number of likes on comments made in response to the ad.
Commentsanalytics_commentsNUMBERmetricThe total number of comments made on the ad.
Company Page Clicksanalytics_company_page_clicksNUMBERmetricThe number of clicks to the company page from the ad.
Conversion Valueanalytics_conversion_value_in_local_currencyNUMBERmetricThe total value of conversions attributed to the ad, represented in local currency.
Spendanalytics_cost_in_local_currencyNUMBERmetricThe total cost of the ad campaign, measured in the local currency.
Conversionsanalytics_external_website_conversionsNUMBERmetricThe number of conversions that occurred on an external website after interacting with the ad.
Conversions (Post Click)analytics_external_website_post_click_conversionsNUMBERmetricThe number of conversions on an external website that resulted from a click on the ad.
Conversions (Post View)analytics_external_website_post_view_conversionsNUMBERmetricThe number of conversions on an external website that occurred after viewing (but not clicking) the ad.
Followsanalytics_followsNUMBERmetricThe number of follows generated as a result of the ad.
Impressionsanalytics_impressionsNUMBERmetricThe total number of times the ad was shown to users.
Landing Page Clicksanalytics_landing_page_clicksNUMBERmetricThe number of clicks that led users to the designated landing page.
Lead Form Generation Mail Contact Info Sharesanalytics_lead_generation_mail_contact_info_sharesNUMBERmetricThe number of times users shared contact information via a lead generation form.
Lead Form Generation Mail Interest Clicksanalytics_lead_generation_mail_interested_clicksNUMBERmetricThe number of clicks indicating interest through a lead generation form.
Likesanalytics_likesNUMBERmetricThe total number of likes received on the ad.
Lead Form Opensanalytics_one_click_lead_form_opensNUMBERmetricThe number of times users opened a lead form from the ad.
Leadsanalytics_one_click_leadsNUMBERmetricThe total number of leads generated from one-click lead forms.
Opensanalytics_opensNUMBERmetricThe total number of opens for the ad content, including emails or messages.
Other Engagementsanalytics_other_engagementsNUMBERmetricThe number of other types of engagement (such as shares or clicks) the ad received.
Reactionsanalytics_reactionsNUMBERmetricThe number of reactions (e.g., likes, loves, claps) to the ad content.
Sendsanalytics_sendsNUMBERmetricThe number of times the ad was shared or forwarded by users.
Sharesanalytics_sharesNUMBERmetricThe total number of times users shared the ad content.
Text URL Clicksanalytics_text_url_clicksNUMBERmetricThe number of clicks on text URLs within the ad.
Total Engagementsanalytics_total_engagementsNUMBERmetricThe total number of engagements with the ad, including clicks, shares, and comments.
Video Completionsanalytics_video_completionsNUMBERmetricThe number of times users watched the entire video ad.
Video Views at 25%analytics_video_first_quartile_completionsNUMBERmetricThe number of times users watched the first 25% of the video ad.
Video Views at 50%analytics_video_midpoint_completionsNUMBERmetricThe number of times users watched 50% of the video ad.
Video Startsanalytics_video_startsNUMBERmetricThe number of times users started watching the video ad.
Video Views at 75%analytics_video_third_quartile_completionsNUMBERmetricThe number of times users watched 75% of the video ad.
Video Viewsanalytics_video_viewsNUMBERmetricThe total number of views the video ad received.
Viral Clicksanalytics_viral_clicksNUMBERmetricThe number of viral clicks (organic, unpaid) that the ad received after being shared.
Viral Comment Likesanalytics_viral_comment_likesNUMBERmetricThe number of likes on comments made on the ad in viral (organic) shares.
Viral Commentsanalytics_viral_commentsNUMBERmetricThe total number of comments on the ad in viral (organic) shares.
Viral Company Page Clicksanalytics_viral_company_page_clicksNUMBERmetricThe number of clicks to the company page from viral (organic) shares of the ad.
Viral Conversionsanalytics_viral_external_website_conversionsNUMBERmetricThe number of conversions on external websites resulting from viral (organic) shares.
Viral Conversions (Post Click)analytics_viral_external_website_post_click_conversionsNUMBERmetricThe number of conversions on external websites that occurred after a click on the ad in viral (organic) shares.
Viral Conversions (Post View)analytics_viral_external_website_post_view_conversionsNUMBERmetricThe number of conversions on external websites that occurred after viewing the ad in viral (organic) shares.
Viral Followsanalytics_viral_followsNUMBERmetricThe number of followers gained as a result of viral (organic) shares of the ad.
Viral Full Screen Playsanalytics_viral_full_screen_playsNUMBERmetricThe number of times the video ad was played in full screen in viral (organic) shares.
Viral Impressionsanalytics_viral_impressionsNUMBERmetricThe total number of impressions the ad received from viral (organic) shares.
Viral Landing Page Clicksanalytics_viral_landing_page_clicksNUMBERmetricThe number of clicks to landing pages from viral (organic) shares.
Viral Likesanalytics_viral_likesNUMBERmetricThe total number of likes on viral (organic) shares of the ad.
Viral Form Opensanalytics_viral_one_click_lead_form_opensNUMBERmetricThe number of times users opened a lead form from viral (organic) shares of the ad.
Viral Leadsanalytics_viral_one_click_leadsNUMBERmetricThe number of leads generated from one-click lead forms in viral (organic) shares.
Viral Other Engagementsanalytics_viral_other_engagementsNUMBERmetricOther types of engagement (such as clicks, shares) that the ad received from viral (organic) shares.
Viral Reactionsanalytics_viral_reactionsNUMBERmetricThe number of reactions to viral (organic) shares of the ad.
Viral Sharesanalytics_viral_sharesNUMBERmetricThe number of times users shared the ad, creating viral (organic) shares.
Viral Total Engagementsanalytics_viral_total_engagementsNUMBERmetricThe total number of engagements with viral (organic) shares of the ad.
Viral Video Completionsanalytics_viral_video_completionsNUMBERmetricThe number of times users completed watching the video ad from viral (organic) shares.
Viral Video Views at 25%analytics_viral_video_first_quartile_completionsNUMBERmetricThe number of times users watched the first 25% of the video ad in viral (organic) shares.
Viral Video Views at 50%analytics_viral_video_midpoint_completionsNUMBERmetricThe number of times users watched 50% of the video ad in viral (organic) shares.
Viral Video Startsanalytics_viral_video_startsNUMBERmetricThe number of times users started watching the video ad in viral (organic) shares.
Viral Video Views at 75%analytics_viral_video_third_quartile_completionsNUMBERmetricThe number of times users watched 75% of the video ad in viral (organic) shares.
Viral Video Viewsanalytics_viral_video_viewsNUMBERmetricThe total number of video views generated from viral (organic) shares.
Campaign Cost Typecampaign_cost_typeTEXTdimensionSpecifies how the campaign’s cost is calculated (e.g., cost-per-click, cost-per-impression).
Campaign Created Datecampaign_created.timeTEXTdimensionThe time when the campaign was created.
Campaign Daily Budgetcampaign_daily_budget_amountNUMBERdimensionThe daily budget allocated for the campaign.
Campaign Group Daily Budgetcampaign_group_daily_budget_amountNUMBERdimensionThe daily budget for the campaign group.
Campaign Group Idcampaign_group_idTEXTdimensionA unique identifier for the campaign group.
Campaign Group Namecampaign_group_nameTEXTdimensionThe name assigned to the campaign group.
Campaign GroupEnd Datecampaign_group_run_schedule_endTEXTdimensionThe date when the campaign group is set to end.
Campaign GroupStart Datecampaign_group_run_schedule_startTEXTdimensionThe date when the campaign group is set to start.
Campaign Group Statuscampaign_group_statusTEXTdimensionThe current status of the campaign group (active, paused).
Campaign GroupTotal Budgetcampaign_group_total_budget_amountNUMBERdimensionThe total budget for the campaign group.
Campaign Idcampaign_idTEXTdimensionA unique identifier for the campaign.
Campaign Namecampaign_nameTEXTdimensionThe name assigned to the campaign.
Campaign Objective Typecampaign_objective_typeTEXTdimensionThe main objective of the campaign (e.g., lead generation, brand awareness).
Campaign Optimization Target Typecampaign_optimization_target_typeTEXTdimensionThe target metric that the campaign optimizes for (e.g., conversions, impressions).
Campaign End Datecampaign_run_schedule_endTEXTdimensionThe date when the campaign is set to end.
Campaign Start Datecampaign_run_schedule_startTEXTdimensionThe date when the campaign is set to start.
Campaign Statuscampaign_statusTEXTdimensionThe current status of the campaign (active, paused).
Campaign Total Budgetcampaign_total_budget_amountNUMBERdimensionThe total budget allocated for the campaign.
Campaign Typecampaign_typeTEXTdimensionThe type of campaign being run (e.g., search, display).
Campaign Unit Costcampaign_unit_cost_amountNUMBERdimensionThe cost per unit of the ad (e.g., per impression or per click).
Creative Create Datecreative_created_timeTEXTdimensionThe time when the creative was created.
Creative Idcreative_idTEXTdimensionA unique identifier for the creative.
Creative Last Modifiedcreative_last_modified_timeTEXTdimensionThe last time the creative was modified.
Creative Statuscreative_statusTEXTdimensionThe current status of the creative (active, paused).
Creative Typecreative_typeTEXTdimensionThe type of creative used in the ad (e.g., image, video).
DatedateYEAR_MONTH_DAYdimensionThe exact date of the data in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Day of Monthday_of_monthDAYdimensionNumeric day of the month (1-31).
Day of Weekday_of_weekDAY_OF_WEEKdimensionThe day of the week (e.g., Monday, Tuesday).
Cost Per Conversionformula_cost_per_conversionNUMBERmetricThe cost incurred for each conversion achieved.
Cost Per Leadformula_cost_per_leadNUMBERmetricThe cost incurred for each lead generated.
CPCformula_cpcNUMBERmetricThe cost-per-click, representing the average cost for each click on the ad.
CPMformula_cpmNUMBERmetricThe cost-per-thousand impressions, representing the cost for every thousand views of the ad.
CTRformula_ctrNUMBERmetricThe click-through rate, calculated as the ratio of clicks to impressions.
Engagement Rateformula_engagement_rateNUMBERmetricThe engagement rate, representing the ratio of total engagements to total impressions.
Total Social Actionsformula_total_social_actionsNUMBERmetricThe total number of social interactions (likes, shares, comments) generated by the ad.
Member Company Sizemember_company_sizeTEXTdimensionThe size of the company in terms of employees or revenue.
Member Countrymember_countryCOUNTRYdimensionThe country where the member or company is located.
Member Industrymember_industryTEXTdimensionThe industry the member’s company belongs to.
Member Job Functionmember_job_functionTEXTdimensionThe functional area of the job (e.g., marketing, sales) for the member.
Member Job Titlemember_job_titleTEXTdimensionThe job title of the member.
Member Regionmember_regionTEXTdimensionThe geographic region where the member or company is located.
Member Senioritymember_seniorityTEXTdimensionThe seniority level of the member (e.g., entry-level, executive).
MonthmonthMONTHdimensionThe month when the data was recorded (1-12).
YearyearYEARdimensionThe year when the data was recorded.
Year & Monthyear_monthYEAR_MONTHdimensionA combination of year and month for better grouping of data.
Year & Quarteryear_quarterYEAR_QUARTERdimensionRepresents the quarter of the year (e.g., Q1, Q2).
Year & Weekyear_weekYEAR_WEEKdimensionRepresents the week number within the year.

Microsoft Ads fields

Field titleField nameData typeAttribute typeDescription
DatedateYEAR_MONTH_DAYdimensionThe exact date the data relates to in YYYY-MM-DD format.
Day of Monthday_of_monthDAYdimensionNumeric day of the month (1-31).
Day of Weekday_of_weekDAY_OF_WEEKdimensionThe day of the week (e.g., Monday, Tuesday).
MonthmonthMONTHdimensionThe month in which the data was recorded (1-12).
YearyearYEARdimensionThe year in which the data was recorded.
Year & Monthyear_monthYEAR_MONTHdimensionA combined value of year and month for data grouping.
Year & Quarteryear_quarterYEAR_QUARTERdimensionRepresents the fiscal quarter in the format of year and quarter (e.g., Q1 2024).
Year & Weekyear_weekYEAR_WEEKdimensionRepresents the week number within the year for better weekly segmentation.
Account Idaccount_idTEXTdimensionUnique identifier assigned to the advertising account.
Account Nameaccount_nameTEXTdimensionThe name associated with the advertising account.
Account Numberaccount_numberTEXTdimensionThe account’s unique numeric identifier.
Account Life Cycle Statusaccount_life_cycle_statusTEXTdimensionIndicates the current life cycle stage of the account (e.g., active, paused).
Account Pause Reasonaccount_pause_reasonNUMBERdimensionSpecifies the reason why an account is paused, if applicable.
Campaign Idcampaign_idTEXTdimensionUnique identifier for each campaign.
Campaign Namecampaign_nameTEXTdimensionThe name assigned to the campaign for identification purposes.
Campaign Audience Ads Bid Adjustmentcampaign_audience_ads_bid_adjustmentNUMBERdimensionThe bid adjustment applied to audience-based ads within the campaign.
Campaign Typecampaign_typeTEXTdimensionDescribes the type of campaign (e.g., search, display).
Campaign Statuscampaign_statusTEXTdimensionThe current status of the campaign (active, paused, completed).
Campaign Sub Typecampaign_sub_typeTEXTdimensionFurther categorizes the campaign type (e.g., shopping, video).
Campaign Final Url Suffixcampaign_final_url_suffixTEXTdimensionParameters attached to the final URL for tracking purposes.
Campaign Daily Budgetcampaign_daily_budgetNUMBERdimensionThe allocated daily budget for the campaign.
Campaign Budget Idcampaign_budget_idTEXTdimensionUnique identifier for the budget assigned to the campaign.
Campaign Budget Typecampaign_budget_typeTEXTdimensionDefines whether the budget is shared or individual to the campaign.
Campaign Tracking Url Templatecampaign_tracking_url_templateTEXTdimensionTemplate for tracking the campaign’s performance with added URL parameters.
Campaign Time zonecampaign_time_zoneTEXTdimensionThe time zone in which the campaign operates.
Ad Group Idad_group_idTEXTdimensionUnique identifier for each ad group within a campaign.
Ad Group Namead_group_nameTEXTdimensionThe name assigned to the ad group.
Ad Group Statusad_group_statusTEXTdimensionThe current status of the ad group (active, paused).
Ad Group Languagead_group_languageTEXTdimensionThe target language for the ad group.
Ad Group Start Datead_group_start_dateTEXTdimensionThe start date when the ad group became active.
Ad Group End Datead_group_end_dateTEXTdimensionThe end date when the ad group is set to finish or finished.
Ad Group Networkad_group_networkTEXTdimensionSpecifies the network where the ad group is displayed (search, display, etc.).
Ad Idad_idTEXTdimensionUnique identifier for each ad within the ad group.
Ad Statusad_statusTEXTdimensionIndicates the current status of the ad (active, paused, etc.).
Ad Typead_typeTEXTdimensionThe format or type of ad (e.g., text, image, video).
Ad Domainad_domainTEXTdimensionThe domain associated with the ad.
Ad Descriptionsad_descriptionsTEXTdimensionThe text description used in the ad.
Ad Headlinesad_headlinesTEXTdimensionThe headline text for the ad.
Ad Path 1ad_path_1TEXTdimensionA customizable display path in the ad’s URL to improve relevance.
Ad Path 2ad_path_2TEXTdimensionA second customizable display path in the ad’s URL.
Video Views At 50 Percentfact_video_views_at_50_percentNUMBERmetricThe number of video views where at least 50% of the video was watched.
Average Watch Time Per Impressionfact_average_watch_time_per_impressionNUMBERmetricAverage time (in seconds) a video is watched per impression.
Completed Video Viewsfact_completed_video_viewsNUMBERmetricNumber of views where the entire video was watched.
Video Viewsfact_video_viewsNUMBERmetricTotal number of video views.
Total Watch Time In Msfact_total_watch_time_in_msNUMBERmetricThe total accumulated watch time for the video in milliseconds.
Business Namefact_business_nameTEXTmetricName of the business associated with the advertising account.
Average Cpvfact_average_cpvNUMBERmetricThe average cost-per-view for video ads.
View Through Revenuefact_view_through_revenueNUMBERmetricRevenue generated from view-through conversions (users who viewed the ad but didn’t click).
Video Completion Ratefact_video_completion_rateNUMBERmetricPercentage of users who watched the video to completion.
View Through Ratefact_view_through_rateNUMBERmetricPercentage of impressions that resulted in a view-through conversion.
Video Views At 25 Percentfact_video_views_at_25_percentNUMBERmetricThe number of video views where at least 25% of the video was watched.
Video Views At 75 Percentfact_video_views_at_75_percentNUMBERmetricThe number of video views where at least 75% of the video was watched.
Average Watch Time Per Video Viewfact_average_watch_time_per_video_viewNUMBERmetricThe average duration (in seconds) viewers watched the video per view.
Average Cpmfact_average_cpmNUMBERmetricThe total advertising cost divided by the number of impressions (in thousands).<br/ In Latin; mille means a thousand. Also; sometimes called average cost per thousand (CPT).  This is a standard advertising industry performance metric that we calculate based on your spend and number of impressions.  The goal of CPM-based ad budgeting is to build awareness of your brand to large audiences. CPM tells you how much it costs to get an ad to the type of users you’re targeting.  This performance statistic is available in multiple reports; for example see KeywordPerformanceReportColumn Value Set.
Assistsfact_assistsNUMBERmetricThe number of conversions from other ads within the same account that were preceded by one or more clicks from this ad.  An ad is considered to have assisted the conversion if it was clicked before the most recently clicked ad that was credited with the conversion. Additionally; the click corresponding to the assist must occur within the conversion period of the goal. Available for accounts that are setup to use analytics with Microsoft Advertising Universal Event Tracking. For more information; see the Track sales and other conversions help topic.
Audience Impression Lost To Budget Percentfact_audience_impression_lost_to_budget_percentNUMBERmetricThe percentage of impression share you lost due to insufficient budget on the Microsoft Audience Network.  If this number is high; you may want to increase your budget.  The value of this column is empty if the data is not available. If you try to include this column with Hourly or HourOfDay aggregation the service will return code 2053.  If you include this column; then you may not include restricted attributes such as TopVsOther in the same report request. Likewise if you include any of the restricted attribute columns; then you must exclude this column. For more information; see Column Restrictions. Data for this column is typically updated 14-18 hours after the UTC day ends.
Average Cpcfact_average_cpcNUMBERmetricThe average cost per click (CPC). The total cost of all clicks on an ad divided by the number of clicks. This is the average amount you’re actually charged each time your ad is clicked. For example; if you paid a total of 48.35 for 300 clicks; your average CPC is 0.16.  The formula for calculating the average CPC is (Spend /Clicks).
Average Positionfact_average_positionNUMBERmetricThe average position of the ad on a webpage.  This column is deprecated as of March 31st; 2021. Going forward; performance reports will return average position of ‘0’ (zero). Historical average position data for time periods prior to the deprecation date will still be available according to the published data retention period per report type.
Conversionsfact_conversionsNUMBERmetricThe number of conversions.  A conversion is the completion of an action by a customer after viewing your ad. The action could be purchasing your product; registering for your webinar; joining an organization; or whatever you consider your goal and best measure of the ad’s success.  Conversions are measured by adding a small bit of code to your website pages so that a visitor’s progress through your site can be tracked.  Data will be excluded from the Conversions report column for any conversion goal with the ExcludeFromBidding property set to true. The AllConversions column will include data for all conversion goals regardless of their ExcludeFromBidding setting.  Available for accounts that are setup to use analytics with Microsoft Advertising Universal Event Tracking. For more information; see the Track sales and other conversions help topic.  This column will be deprecated in 2022; so you should use the ConversionsQualified column instead. Going forward; performance reports will return ‘0’ (zero) in this column. Historical data for time periods prior to the deprecation date will still be available according to the published data retention period.
Low Quality Conversionsfact_low_quality_conversionsNUMBERmetricThe number of conversions that originate from low-quality clicks.  Available for accounts that are setup to use analytics with Microsoft Advertising Universal Event Tracking. For more information; see the Track sales and other conversions help topic.  This column is deprecated as of March 31st; 2022; so you should use the LowQualityConversionsQualified column instead. Going forward; performance reports will return ‘0’ (zero) in this column. Historical data for time periods prior to the deprecation date will still be available according to the published data retention period.
Revenuefact_revenueNUMBERmetricThe revenue optionally reported by the advertiser as a result of conversions.  Data will be excluded from the Revenue report column for any conversion goal with the ExcludeFromBidding property set to true. The AllRevenue column will include data for all conversion goals regardless of their ExcludeFromBidding setting.  Available for accounts that are setup to use analytics with Microsoft Advertising Universal Event Tracking. For more information; see the Track sales and other conversions help topic.
All Cost Per Conversionfact_all_cost_per_conversionNUMBERmetricThe cost per conversion. The formula for calculating the cost per conversion is (Spend / Conversions).  Only ads in campaigns that enable conversion tracking contribute to the conversion number; so unless all campaigns in the account enable conversion tracking; the number will not be accurate.  Data will be excluded from the CostPerConversion report column for any conversion goal with the ExcludeFromBidding property set to true. The AllCostPerConversion column will include data for all conversion goals regardless of their ExcludeFromBidding setting.  Available for accounts that are setup to use analytics with Microsoft Advertising Universal Event Tracking. For more information; see the Track sales and other conversions help topic.
Return On Ad Spendfact_return_on_ad_spendNUMBERmetricThe return on ad spend (ROAS).  The formula for calculating the ROAS is (Revenue / Spend).  Data will be excluded from the ReturnOnAdSpend report column for any conversion goal with the ExcludeFromBidding property set to true. The AllReturnOnAdSpend column will include data for all conversion goals regardless of their ExcludeFromBidding setting.  Available for accounts that are setup to use analytics with Microsoft Advertising Universal Event Tracking. For more information; see the Track sales and other conversions help topic.
Ctrfact_ctrNUMBERmetricThe click-through rate (CTR) is the number of times an ad was clicked; divided by the number of times the ad was shown (impressions). For example; if your ads got 50 clicks given 2;348 impressions; your CTR is 2.13 (%).  The formula for calculating CTR is (Clicks / Impressions) x 100.
Exact Match Impression Share Percentfact_exact_match_impression_share_percentNUMBERmetricThe estimated percentage of impressions that your account received for searches that exactly matched your keyword; out of the total available exact match impressions you were eligible to receive.  Reports on exact match impression share highlight how your keywords perform only on those searches that exactly match your keywords. Use this data together with impression share to diagnose your non-exact match keywords; and make changes to be more competitive and gain more impressions.  The value of this column is empty if the data is not available. Neither Hourly or HourOfDay aggregation are supported. If you include this column with Hourly or HourOfDay aggregation the service will not return an error and you should ignore any performance data returned for this column.  If you include this column; then you may not include restricted attributes such as TopVsOther in the same report request. Likewise if you include any of the restricted attribute columns; then you must exclude this column. For more information; see Column Restrictions.
View Through Conversionsfact_view_through_conversionsNUMBERmetricView-through conversions are conversions that people make after they have seen your ad; even though they did not click the ad.  View-through conversions don’t have a click associated but do have an impression associated within the advertiser defined conversion window. If the user also clicked on an ad that was delivered via the Microsoft Audience or Search network; there won’t be any view-through conversion counted. Only the click-based conversion would be counted.  View-through conversions are only counted for ads in the Microsoft Audience network.  This column will be deprecated in 2022; so you should use the ViewThroughConversionsQualified column instead. Going forward; performance reports will return ‘0’ (zero) in this column. Historical data for time periods prior to the deprecation date will still be available according to the published data retention period.
Click Share Percentfact_click_share_percentNUMBERmetricThe percentage of clicks that went to your ads. It is the share of the prospective customer’s mindshare and buying intent you captured. You can use this performance metric to see where your growth opportunites are.  For example; your click share percent is 30% if 10 ads were clicked; and three of the 10 ads were yours.  The value of this column is empty if the data is not available. If you try to include this column with Hourly or HourOfDay aggregation the service will return code 2053.  If you include this column; then you may not include restricted attributes such as TopVsOther in the same report request. Likewise if you include any of the restricted attribute columns; then you must exclude this column. For more information; see Column Restrictions.
Impression Lost To Rank Agg Percentfact_impression_lost_to_rank_agg_percentNUMBERmetricThe estimated percentage of impressions your ad did not receive due to issues with your ad ranking.  The value of this column is empty if the data is not available. If you try to include this column with Hourly or HourOfDay aggregation the service will return code 2053.  If you include this column; then you may not include restricted attributes such as TopVsOther in the same report request. Likewise if you include any of the restricted attribute columns; then you must exclude this column. For more information; see Column Restrictions.  Data for this column is typically updated 14-18 hours after the UTC day ends. For Microsoft Shopping Campaigns; this data is only available with the campaign; ad group; product dimension; and product partition performance reports. It is not available with other reports e.g.; the share of voice report.
Low Quality Conversions Qualifiedfact_low_quality_conversions_qualifiedNUMBERmetricThe number of conversions that originate from low-quality clicks.  Available for accounts that are setup to use analytics with Microsoft Advertising Universal Event Tracking. For more information; see the Track sales and other conversions help topic.  You should expect the data type as double whether or not there are partial externally attributed offline conversions.
Top Impression Rate Percentfact_top_impression_rate_percentNUMBERmetricThe percentage of times your ad showed in the mainline; the top placement where ads appear above the search results; out of your total impressions.  This indicates how changes in ad position can impact performance.  The value of this column is empty if the data is not available. Neither Hourly or HourOfDay aggregation are supported. If you include this column with Hourly or HourOfDay aggregation the service will not return an error and you should ignore any performance data returned for this column.  If you include this column; then you may not include restricted attributes such as TopVsOther in the same report request. Likewise if you include any of the restricted attribute columns; then you must exclude this column. For more information; see Column Restrictions.
Absolute Top Impression Share Percentfact_absolute_top_impression_share_percentNUMBERmetricThe number of times your ad is shown in the top position as a percentage of the total available impressions in the market you were targeting.  Reports on impression highlight information about how many impressions you’re missing in the top slot and why. You can use this data to inform you about making changes to get more impressions; increase the likelihood of more clicks on those ads; and as a result; increase the likelihood of more sales.  The value of this column is empty if the data is not available. Neither Hourly or HourOfDay aggregation are supported. If you include this column with Hourly or HourOfDay aggregation the service will not return an error and you should ignore any performance data returned for this column.  If you include this column; then you may not include restricted attributes such as TopVsOther in the same report request. Likewise if you include any of the restricted attribute columns; then you must exclude this column. For more information; see Column Restrictions.  Prior to April 20; 2019 this performance statistic was only calculated for Microsoft Shopping campaigns.
Top Impression Share Percentfact_top_impression_share_percentNUMBERmetricThe percentage of impressions for your ad in the mainline; the top ad placements above the search results; out of the estimated number of mainline impressions you were eligible to receive.  A lower number indicates there might be something about your ad’s eligibility that affects its position. Eligibility for top impression is based on your ad’s approval status; quality score; targeting settings; and bids.  The value of this column is empty if the data is not available. Neither Hourly or HourOfDay aggregation are supported. If you include this column with Hourly or HourOfDay aggregation the service will not return an error and you should ignore any performance data returned for this column.  If you include this column; then you may not include restricted attributes such as TopVsOther in the same report request. Likewise if you include any of the restricted attribute columns; then you must exclude this column. For more information; see Column Restrictions.
Clicksfact_clicksNUMBERmetricClicks are what you pay for. Clicks typically include a customer clicking an ad on a search results page or on a website on the search network. Clicks can also come from other sources (for example; spiders; robots; and test servers). For more information; see Microsoft Advertising click measurement: description of methodology.
All Conversion Ratefact_all_conversion_rateNUMBERmetricThe conversion rate as a percentage. The number of conversions; divided by the total number of clicks. For example; if the ads in your campaign got 300 clicks and four conversions; the conversion rate is 1.33 (%).  The formula for calculating the conversion rate is (Conversions / Clicks) x 100.  Data will be excluded from the ConversionRate report column for any conversion goal with the ExcludeFromBidding property set to true. The AllConversionRate column will include data for all conversion goals regardless of their ExcludeFromBidding setting.  Available for accounts that are setup to use analytics with Microsoft Advertising Universal Event Tracking. For more information; see the Track sales and other conversions help topic.
All Conversionsfact_all_conversionsNUMBERmetricThe number of conversions.  A conversion is the completion of an action by a customer after viewing your ad. The action could be purchasing your product; registering for your webinar; joining an organization; or whatever you consider your goal and best measure of the ad’s success.  Conversions are measured by adding a small bit of code to your website pages so that a visitor’s progress through your site can be tracked.  Data will be excluded from the Conversions report column for any conversion goal with the ExcludeFromBidding property set to true. The AllConversions column will include data for all conversion goals regardless of their ExcludeFromBidding setting.  Available for accounts that are setup to use analytics with Microsoft Advertising Universal Event Tracking. For more information; see the Track sales and other conversions help topic.  This column will be deprecated in 2022;; so you should use the AllConversionsQualified column instead. Going forward; performance reports will return ‘0’ (zero) in this column. Historical data for time periods prior to the deprecation date will still be available according to the published data retention period.
Low Quality Clicks Percentfact_low_quality_clicks_percentNUMBERmetricThe low-quality clicks as a percentage.  The formula for calculating the low quality clicks percentage is (LowQualityClicks / Clicks) * 100.
Relative Ctrfact_relative_ctrNUMBERmetricYour click-through rate divided by the average click-through rate of all ads that appear in the same sections of websites that show your ads.  Relative CTR can help you understand campaign and ad group performance; particularly if you have little or no conversion information.  The value of this column is empty if the data is not available. If you try to include this column with Hourly or HourOfDay aggregation the service will return code 2053.  If you include this column; then you may not include restricted attributes such as TopVsOther in the same report request. Likewise if you include any of the restricted attribute columns; then you must exclude this column. For more information; see Column Restrictions. Data for this column is typically updated 14-18 hours after the UTC day ends.
Impression Share Percentfact_impression_share_percentNUMBERmetricThe estimated percentage of impressions; out of the total available impressions in the market you were targeting.  Example: Out of estimated 59;000 impressions that occurred on this day in your targeted market; you got only about 2;300; or 3%.  The value of this column is empty if the data is not available. If you try to include this column with Hourly or HourOfDay aggregation the service will return code 2053.  If you include this column; then you may not include restricted attributes such as TopVsOther in the same report request. Likewise if you include any of the restricted attribute columns; then you must exclude this column. For more information; see Column Restrictions.  Data for this column is typically updated 14-18 hours after the UTC day ends. For Microsoft Shopping Campaigns; this data is only available with the campaign; ad group; product dimension; and product partition performance reports. It is not available with other reports e.g.; the share of voice report.
Low Quality Impressions Percentfact_low_quality_impressions_percentNUMBERmetricThe low-quality impressions as a percentage.  The formula for calculating the percentage is (LowQualityImpressions / Impressions) x 100.
Top Impression Share Lost To Budget Percentfact_top_impression_share_lost_to_budget_percentNUMBERmetricThe estimated percentage of mainline impressions; where ads appear above the search results; that were lost due to insufficient budget.  This indicates where increasing your budget might help improve ad position.  The value of this column is empty if the data is not available. Neither Hourly or HourOfDay aggregation are supported. If you include this column with Hourly or HourOfDay aggregation the service will not return an error and you should ignore any performance data returned for this column.  If you include this column; then you may not include restricted attributes such as TopVsOther in the same report request. Likewise if you include any of the restricted attribute columns; then you must exclude this column. For more information; see Column Restrictions.
All Revenue Per Conversionfact_all_revenue_per_conversionNUMBERmetricThe revenue per conversion.  The formula for calculating the revenue per conversion is (Revenue / Conversions).  Data will be excluded from the RevenuePerConversion report column for any conversion goal with the ExcludeFromBidding property set to true. The AllRevenuePerConversion column will include data for all conversion goals regardless of their ExcludeFromBidding setting.  Available for accounts that are setup to use analytics with Microsoft Advertising Universal Event Tracking. For more information; see the Track sales and other conversions help topic.
Low Quality Impressionsfact_low_quality_impressionsNUMBERmetricThe number of impressions that result from low-quality keyword searches.
Low Quality Sophisticated Clicksfact_low_quality_sophisticated_clicksNUMBERmetricInvalid clicks that use sophisticated means to appear valid. You are not billed for these clicks. For more information; see Microsoft Advertising click measurement: description of methodology.
All Return On Ad Spendfact_all_return_on_ad_spendNUMBERmetricThe return on ad spend (ROAS).  The formula for calculating the ROAS is (Revenue / Spend).  Data will be excluded from the ReturnOnAdSpend report column for any conversion goal with the ExcludeFromBidding property set to true. The AllReturnOnAdSpend column will include data for all conversion goals regardless of their ExcludeFromBidding setting.  Available for accounts that are setup to use analytics with Microsoft Advertising Universal Event Tracking. For more information; see the Track sales and other conversions help topic.
Audience Impression Share Percentfact_audience_impression_share_percentNUMBERmetricThe estimated percentage of impressions; out of the total available impressions you could have received on the Microsoft Audience Network.  Use this to compare your share of impressions to the impression share of advertisers competing against you.  Example: Out of estimated 59;000 impressions that occurred on this day in your targeted market; you got only about 2;300; or 3%.  The value of this column is empty if the data is not available. If you try to include this column with Hourly or HourOfDay aggregation the service will return code 2053.  If you include this column; then you may not include restricted attributes such as TopVsOther in the same report request. Likewise if you include any of the restricted attribute columns; then you must exclude this column. For more information; see Column Restrictions. Data for this column is typically updated 14-18 hours after the UTC day ends.
Absolute Top Impression Rate Percentfact_absolute_top_impression_rate_percentNUMBERmetricHow often your ad was in the first position of all results; as a percentage of your total impressions.  A higher number indicates your ad is frequently showing in the best ad position.  The value of this column is empty if the data is not available. Neither Hourly or HourOfDay aggregation are supported. If you include this column with Hourly or HourOfDay aggregation the service will not return an error and you should ignore any performance data returned for this column.  If you include this column; then you may not include restricted attributes such as TopVsOther in the same report request. Likewise if you include any of the restricted attribute columns; then you must exclude this column. For more information; see Column Restrictions.
All Revenuefact_all_revenueNUMBERmetricThe revenue optionally reported by the advertiser as a result of conversions.  Data will be excluded from the Revenue report column for any conversion goal with the ExcludeFromBidding property set to true. The AllRevenue column will include data for all conversion goals regardless of their ExcludeFromBidding setting.  Available for accounts that are setup to use analytics with Microsoft Advertising Universal Event Tracking. For more information; see the Track sales and other conversions help topic.
Phone Callsfact_phone_callsNUMBERmetricThe number of total calls to the tracked phone number that showed with your ad.
All Conversions Qualifiedfact_all_conversions_qualifiedNUMBERmetricThe number of conversions.  A conversion is the completion of an action by a customer after viewing your ad. The action could be purchasing your product; registering for your webinar; joining an organization; or whatever you consider your goal and best measure of the ad’s success.  Conversions are measured by adding a small bit of code to your website pages so that a visitor’s progress through your site can be tracked.  Data will be excluded from the Conversions report column for any conversion goal with the ExcludeFromBidding property set to true. The AllConversions column will include data for all conversion goals regardless of their ExcludeFromBidding setting.  Available for accounts that are setup to use analytics with Microsoft Advertising Universal Event Tracking. For more information; see the Track sales and other conversions help topic.  You should expect the data type as double whether or not there are partial externally attributed offline conversions.
Conversions Qualifiedfact_conversions_qualifiedNUMBERmetricThe number of conversions.  A conversion is the completion of an action by a customer after viewing your ad. The action could be purchasing your product; registering for your webinar; joining an organization; or whatever you consider your goal and best measure of the ad’s success.  Conversions are measured by adding a small bit of code to your website pages so that a visitor’s progress through your site can be tracked.  Data will be excluded from the Conversions report column for any conversion goal with the ExcludeFromBidding property set to true. The AllConversions column will include data for all conversion goals regardless of their ExcludeFromBidding setting.  Available for accounts that are setup to use analytics with Microsoft Advertising Universal Event Tracking. For more information; see the Track sales and other conversions help topic.  You should expect the data type as double whether or not there are partial externally attributed offline conversions.
Ptrfact_ptrNUMBERmetricThe phone-through rate (Ptr).  The formula for calculating the Ptr is (PhoneCalls / PhoneImpressions) x 100.
Top Impression Share Lost To Rank Percentfact_top_impression_share_lost_to_rank_percentNUMBERmetricA percentage estimate of how often poor ad rank kept your ad from showing in the mainline; the top ad placements above the search results.  Use this metric to help you assess why your ads are missing out on the best ad positions. Ad rank determines where your ad shows relative to other ads; based on factors including your bid amount; ad performance; ad relevance; ad extensions; other competing ads; and more.  The value of this column is empty if the data is not available. Neither Hourly or HourOfDay aggregation are supported. If you include this column with Hourly or HourOfDay aggregation the service will not return an error and you should ignore any performance data returned for this column.  If you include this column; then you may not include restricted attributes such as TopVsOther in the same report request. Likewise if you include any of the restricted attribute columns; then you must exclude this column. For more information; see Column Restrictions.
Absolute Top Impression Share Lost To Budget Percentfact_absolute_top_impression_share_lost_to_budget_percentNUMBERmetricThe estimated percentage of how often your ad missed showing in the very top ad position; above search results; due to insufficient budget.  This indicates where increasing your budget might improve your chances at the top ad position; which is more likely to win clicks and conversions.  The value of this column is empty if the data is not available. Neither Hourly or HourOfDay aggregation are supported. If you include this column with Hourly or HourOfDay aggregation the service will not return an error and you should ignore any performance data returned for this column.  If you include this column; then you may not include restricted attributes such as TopVsOther in the same report request. Likewise if you include any of the restricted attribute columns; then you must exclude this column. For more information; see Column Restrictions.
Revenue Per Assistfact_revenue_per_assistNUMBERmetricThe revenue per assist.  The formula for calculating the revenue per assist is (Revenue / Assists). Available for accounts that are setup to use analytics with Microsoft Advertising Universal Event Tracking. For more information; see the Track sales and other conversions help topic.
Low Quality Conversion Ratefact_low_quality_conversion_rateNUMBERmetricThe low-quality conversion rate as a percentage.  The formula for calculating the conversion rate is (LowQualityConversions / LowQualityClicks) x 100. Available for accounts that are setup to use analytics with Microsoft Advertising Universal Event Tracking. For more information; see the Track sales and other conversions help topic.
Spendfact_spendNUMBERmetricThe cost per click (CPC) summed for each click.
Phone Impressionsfact_phone_impressionsNUMBERmetricThe number of times your tracked number was shown on all devices.
Revenue Per Conversionfact_revenue_per_conversionNUMBERmetricThe revenue per conversion.  The formula for calculating the revenue per conversion is (Revenue / Conversions).  Data will be excluded from the RevenuePerConversion report column for any conversion goal with the ExcludeFromBidding property set to true. The AllRevenuePerConversion column will include data for all conversion goals regardless of their ExcludeFromBidding setting.  Available for accounts that are setup to use analytics with Microsoft Advertising Universal Event Tracking. For more information; see the Track sales and other conversions help topic.
View Through Conversions Qualifiedfact_view_through_conversions_qualifiedNUMBERmetricView-through conversions are conversions that people make after they have seen your ad; even though they did not click the ad.  View-through conversions don’t have a click associated but do have an impression associated within the advertiser defined conversion window. If the user also clicked on an ad that was delivered via the Microsoft Audience or Search network; there won’t be any view-through conversion counted. Only the click-based conversion would be counted.  View-through conversions are only counted for ads in the Microsoft Audience network.  You should expect the data type as double whether or not there are partial externally attributed offline conversions.  Not everyone has this feature yet. If you don’t; don’t worry – it’s coming soon!
Absolute Top Impression Share Lost To Rank Percentfact_absolute_top_impression_share_lost_to_rank_percentNUMBERmetricThe estimated percentage of how often poor ad rank kept your ad from showing in the first ad position at the top of search results.  Use this data to help you assess reasons your ads are missing out on the top ad position; which is more likely to win clicks and conversions. Ad rank determines where your ad shows relative to other ads; based on factors including your bid amount; ad performance; ad relevance; ad extensions; other competing ads; and more.  The value of this column is empty if the data is not available. Neither Hourly or HourOfDay aggregation are supported. If you include this column with Hourly or HourOfDay aggregation the service will not return an error and you should ignore any performance data returned for this column.  If you include this column; then you may not include restricted attributes such as TopVsOther in the same report request. Likewise if you include any of the restricted attribute columns; then you must exclude this column. For more information; see Column Restrictions.
Conversion Ratefact_conversion_rateNUMBERmetricThe conversion rate as a percentage. The number of conversions; divided by the total number of clicks. For example; if the ads in your campaign got 300 clicks and four conversions; the conversion rate is 1.33 (%).  The formula for calculating the conversion rate is (Conversions / Clicks) x 100.  Data will be excluded from the ConversionRate report column for any conversion goal with the ExcludeFromBidding property set to true. The AllConversionRate column will include data for all conversion goals regardless of their ExcludeFromBidding setting.  Available for accounts that are setup to use analytics with Microsoft Advertising Universal Event Tracking. For more information; see the Track sales and other conversions help topic.
Low Quality Clicksfact_low_quality_clicksNUMBERmetricClicks that exhibit a low likelihood of commercial intent. You are not billed for these clicks. For more information; see Microsoft Advertising click measurement: description of methodology.
Impressionsfact_impressionsNUMBERmetricThe number of times an ad has been displayed on search results pages. Without impressions there are no clicks or conversions.
Audience Impression Lost To Rank Percentfact_audience_impression_lost_to_rank_percentNUMBERmetricThe percentage of impression share you lost due to low rank on the Microsoft Audience Network.  Ad rank determines your ad position and whether your ad is able to show at all. It’s calculated using your bid; quality; and the expected impact of ad formats.  The value of this column is empty if the data is not available. If you try to include this column with Hourly or HourOfDay aggregation the service will return code 2053.  If you include this column; then you may not include restricted attributes such as TopVsOther in the same report request. Likewise if you include any of the restricted attribute columns; then you must exclude this column. For more information; see Column Restrictions. Data for this column is typically updated 14-18 hours after the UTC day ends.
Low Quality General Clicksfact_low_quality_general_clicksNUMBERmetricClicks that are filtered by general methods; such as deny lists and activity-based detection; and that exhibit a low likelihood of commercial intent. You are not billed for these clicks. For more information; see Microsoft Advertising click measurement: description of methodology.
Impression Lost To Budget Percentfact_impression_lost_to_budget_percentNUMBERmetricThe estimated percentage of impressions your ad did not receive due to issues with your daily or monthly budget.  The value of this column is empty if the data is not available. If you try to include this column with Hourly or HourOfDay aggregation the service will return code 2053.  If you include this column; then you may not include restricted attributes such as TopVsOther in the same report request. Likewise if you include any of the restricted attribute columns; then you must exclude this column. For more information; see Column Restrictions.  Data for this column is typically updated 14-18 hours after the UTC day ends. For Microsoft Shopping Campaigns; this data is only available with the campaign; ad group; product dimension; and product partition performance reports. It is not available with other reports e.g.; the share of voice report.
Cost Per Conversionfact_cost_per_conversionNUMBERmetricThe cost per conversion. The formula for calculating the cost per conversion is (Spend / Conversions).  Only ads in campaigns that enable conversion tracking contribute to the conversion number; so unless all campaigns in the account enable conversion tracking; the number will not be accurate.  Data will be excluded from the CostPerConversion report column for any conversion goal with the ExcludeFromBidding property set to true. The AllCostPerConversion column will include data for all conversion goals regardless of their ExcludeFromBidding setting.  Available for accounts that are setup to use analytics with Microsoft Advertising Universal Event Tracking. For more information; see the Track sales and other conversions help topic.
Cost Per Assistfact_cost_per_assistNUMBERmetricThe cost per assist. The formula for calculating the cost per assist is (Spend / Assists).  Available for accounts that are setup to use analytics with Microsoft Advertising Universal Event Tracking. For more information; see the Track sales and other conversions help topic.
Base Campaign Idfact_base_campaign_idTEXTmetricThe Microsoft Advertising assigned identifier of an experiment campaign.
Bid Match Typefact_bid_match_typeTEXTmetricThe keyword bid match type. This can be different from the DeliveredMatchType column; for example if you bid on a broad match and the search term was an exact match. For more information; see Budget and Bid Strategies.
Budget Association Statusfact_budget_association_statusTEXTmetricIndicates whether or not the campaign is currently spending from the budget mentioned in the BudgetName column. The possible values are Current and Ended.
Budget Namefact_budget_nameTEXTmetricThe name of the budget.
Budget Statusfact_budget_statusTEXTmetricThe budget status. The possible values are Active and Deleted.
Customer Idfact_customer_idTEXTmetricThe Microsoft Advertising assigned identifier of a customer.
Customer Namefact_customer_nameTEXTmetricThe customer name.
Custom Parametersfact_custom_parametersTEXTmetricDepending on which report you submit; this value represents the current custom parameter set of the campaign; ad group; ad; keyword; or criterion.
Delivered Match Typefact_delivered_match_typeTEXTmetricThe match type used to deliver an ad. This can be different from the BidMatchType column; for example if you bid on a broad match and the search term was an exact match. For more information; see Budget and Bid Strategies.
Destination Urlfact_destination_urlTEXTmetricThe destination URL attribute of the ad; keyword; or ad group criterion.
Device Osfact_device_osTEXTmetricThe operating system of the device reported in the DeviceType column.
Device Typefact_device_typeTEXTmetricThe device name attribute of a device OS target bid. The type of device which showed ads.
Display Urlfact_display_urlTEXTmetricThe ad display URL.
Expected Ctrfact_expected_ctrTEXTmetricHow well your keyword competes against other keywords targeting the same traffic. Ads that are relevant to searchers’ queries or other input are more likely to have a higher click-through rate. This metric tells you if a keyword is underperforming and causing a loss in impression share; so you can make keyword changes or remove ads altogether.
Final App Urlfact_final_app_urlTEXTmetricReserved for future use.
Final Mobile Urlfact_final_mobile_urlTEXTmetricDepending on which report you submit; this value represents the Final Mobile URL of the ad; keyword; or criterion.
Final Urlfact_final_urlTEXTmetricDepending on which report you submit; this value represents the Final URL of the ad; keyword; or criterion.
Final Url Suffixfact_final_url_suffixTEXTmetricA place in your final URL where you can add parameters that will be attached to the end of your landing page URL.
Goalfact_goalTEXTmetricThe name of the goal you set for the conversions you want; meaning actions customers take after clicking your ad.
Goal Typefact_goal_typeTEXTmetricThe type of conversion goal.
Headlinefact_headlineTEXTmetricFor Dynamic Search Ads campaigns; Headline is the Dynamic Search Ad headline that was dynamically generated by Microsoft Advertising. For Audience campaigns; Headline is the shorter of two possible responsive ad headlines.
Historical Ad Relevancefact_historical_ad_relevanceTEXTmetricHistorical average of ad relevance scores back as far as 18 months from the current date.
Historical Expected Ctrfact_historical_expected_ctrTEXTmetricHistorical average of expected click-through rate scores going back as far as 18 months from the current date.
Historical Landing Page Experiencefact_historical_landing_page_experienceTEXTmetricHistorical average of landing page experience scores back as far as 18 months from the current date.
Historical Quality Scorefact_historical_quality_scoreTEXTmetricThe historical quality score of the keyword. The historical quality score for each row is the value that was calculated for quality score on that date.
Landing Page Experiencefact_landing_page_experienceTEXTmetricAn aggregate quality assessment of all landing pages on your site. The landing page experience score measures whether your landing page is likely to provide a good experience to customers who click your ad and land on your website.
Languagefact_languageTEXTmetricThe language of the publisher where the ad was shown.
Long Headlinefact_long_headlineTEXTmetricFor Audience campaigns; LongHeadline is the longer of two possible responsive ad headlines.
Networkfact_networkTEXTmetricThe entire Microsoft Advertising Network made up of Microsoft sites and select traffic; and only partner traffic. Use this data to make the best decision on network selection for your ad groups. The possible values include AOL search; Audience; Microsoft sites and select traffic; Content; and Syndicated search partners.
Path 1fact_path_1TEXTmetricThe path 1 attribute of an ad.
Path 2fact_path_2TEXTmetricThe path 2 attribute of an ad.
Quality Scorefact_quality_scoreTEXTmetricThe numeric score shows you how competitive your ads are in the marketplace by measuring how relevant your keywords and landing pages are to customers’ search terms. The quality score is calculated by Microsoft Advertising using the ExpectedCtr; AdRelevance; and LandingPageExperience sub scores. If available; the quality score can range from a low of 1 to a high of 10.
Title Part 1fact_title_part_1TEXTmetricThe title part 1 attribute of an ad.
Title Part 2fact_title_part_2TEXTmetricThe title part 2 attribute of an ad.
Title Part 3fact_title_part_3TEXTmetricThe title part 3 attribute of an ad.
Top Vs Otherfact_top_vs_otherTEXTmetricIndicates whether the ad impression appeared in a top position or elsewhere. The possible values include AOL search – Top; AOL search – Other; Audience network; Bing and Yahoo! search – Top; Bing and Yahoo! search – Other; Syndicated search partners – Top; Syndicated search partners – Other; Content network; and Unknown.
Tracking Templatefact_tracking_templateTEXTmetricDepending on which report you submit; this value represents the current tracking template of the campaign; ad group; ad; keyword; or criterion.
Currency Codefact_currency_codeTEXTmetricThe currency in which the financial values are represented, typically following the ISO 4217 standard (e.g., USD, EUR).

Google Business Profile fields

Field titleField nameData typeDescriptionAttribute type

The specific date of the event or data entry in a YYYY-MM-DD format.

Day of Monthday_of_monthDAYThe numeric day of the month (1-31).dimension
Day of Weekday_of_weekDAY_OF_WEEKThe day of the week (e.g., Monday, Tuesday).dimension
MonthmonthMONTHThe month in which the event occurred.dimension
YearyearYEARThe year in which the event occurred.dimension
Year & Monthyear_monthYEAR_MONTHA combined value of the year and month for better data grouping.dimension
Year & Quarteryear_quarterYEAR_QUARTERA combined value of the year and quarter for better data grouping.dimension
Year & Weekyear_weekYEAR_WEEKA combined value of the year and week for better data grouping.dimension
Account IDaccount_idTEXTA unique identifier assigned to the account.dimension
Account Nameaccount_nameTEXTThe name associated with the account.dimension
Location Address Lines (Street)location_address_address_linesTEXTUnstructured address lines describing the lower levels of an address.dimension
Location Address Administrative Area (State)location_address_administrative_areaTEXTHighest administrative subdivision which is used for postal addresses of a country or region. For example, this can be a state, a province, an oblast, or a prefecturedimension
Location Address Language Codelocation_address_language_codeTEXTBCP-47 language code of the contents of this address (if known). This is often the UI language of the input form or is expected to match one of the languages used in the address’ country/region, or their transliterated equivalents.dimension
Location Address Locality (City)location_address_localityTEXTGenerally refers to the city/town portion of the address. Examples: US city, IT comune, UK post town. In regions of the world where localities are not well defined or do not fit into this structure well, leave locality empty and use addressLines.dimension
Location Address Organizationlocation_address_organizationTEXTThe name of the organization at the address.dimension
Location Address Postal Codelocation_address_postal_codeTEXTPostal code of the address.dimension
Location Address Region Codelocation_address_region_codeTEXTCLDR region code of the country/region of the address.dimension
Location Calls Answeredlocation_calls_answeredNUMBERThe number of calls answered at the specified location.dimension
Location Calls Missedlocation_calls_missedNUMBERThe number of calls missed at the specified location.dimension
Location IDlocation_idTEXTID of the business locationdimension
Location Namelocation_nameTEXTName of the businessdimension
Location Primary Phonelocation_primary_phoneTEXTA phone number that connects to the individual business location as directly as possibledimension
Location Review Countlocation_review_countNUMBERThe total number of reviews for the specified location.dimension
Location Review Ratinglocation_review_ratingNUMBERThe average rating based on the reviews for the specified location.dimension
Business Bookingsbusiness_bookingsNUMBERThe number of bookings received from the business profile.metric
Business Conversationsbusiness_conversationsNUMBERThe number of message conversations received on the business profile.metric
Business Direction Requestsbusiness_direction_requestsNUMBERThe number of times a direction request was requested to the business location.metric
Business Food Menu Clicksbusiness_food_menu_clicksNUMBERThe number of clicks to view or interact with the menu content on the business profile. Multiple clicks by a unique user within a single day are counted as 1.metric
Business Food Ordersbusiness_food_ordersNUMBERThe number of food orders received from the business profile.metric
Business Impressions Desktop Mapsbusiness_impressions_desktop_mapsNUMBERBusiness impressions on Google Maps on Desktop devices. Multiple impressions by a unique user within a single day are counted as a single impression.metric
Business Impressions Desktop Searchbusiness_impressions_desktop_searchNUMBERBusiness impressions on Google Search on Desktop devices. Multiple impressions by a unique user within a single day are counted as a single impression.metric
Business Impressions Mobile Mapsbusiness_impressions_mobile_mapsNUMBERBusiness impressions on Google Maps on Mobile devices. Multiple impressions by a unique user within a single day are counted as a single impression.metric
Business Impressions Mobile Searchbusiness_impressions_mobile_searchNUMBERBusiness impressions on Google Search on Mobile devices. Multiple impressions by a unique user within a single day are counted as a single impression.metric
Call Clickscall_clicksNUMBERThe number of times the business profile call button was clicked.metric
Website Clickswebsite_clicksNUMBERThe number of times the business profile website was clicked.metric
Post alert typepost_alert_typeTEXTThe type of event for which the alert post was created.dimension
Post action typepost_call_to_action_typeTEXTThe type of action that will be performeddimension
Post action URLpost_call_to_action_urlTEXTThe URL the user will be directed to upon clickingdimension
Post creation timepost_create_timeTEXTTime of the creation of the local postdimension
Post IDpost_idTEXTThe ID of the local postdimension
Post language codepost_language_codeTEXTThe language of the local postdimension
Post URL on Google searchpost_search_urlTEXTThe link to the local post on Google searchdimension
Post statepost_stateTEXTThe state of the post, indicating what part of its lifecycle it is indimension
Post summarypost_summaryTEXTDescription of the local postdimension
Post topic typepost_topic_typeTEXTThe topic type of the local postdimension
Post modification timepost_update_timeTEXTTime of the last modification of the local postdimension
Avg. review star ratingreview_avg_star_ratingTEXTAverage star rating within the selected time framedimension
Review commentreview_commentTEXTThe body of the reviewdimension
Review creation datereview_create_dateTEXTThe date when review was createddimension
Review creation timereview_create_timeTEXTThe time when review was createddimension
Review IDreview_idTEXTID of the reviewdimension
Review reply commentreview_reply_commentTEXTThe body of the reply to the reviewdimension
Review time to respond (minutes)review_reply_response_timeTEXTNumber of minutes it took to reply to the reviewdimension
Review reply timereview_reply_update_timeTEXTThe time when review was replied todimension
Review Reviewer namereview_reviewer_nameTEXTThe name of the reviewerdimension
Review Star ratingreview_star_ratingNUMBERThe star rating out of five, where five is the highest rateddimension
Reviewsreview_total_countTEXTThe total number of reviews within the selected time framedimension
Review modification datereview_update_dateTEXTThe date when review was updateddimension
Review modification timereview_update_timeTEXTThe time when review was updateddimension

Snapchat Ads fields

Field titleField nameData typeAttribute typeDescription
Ad Ad Squad Idad_ad_squad_idTEXTdimensionA unique identifier for the ad squad associated with the ad.
Ad Created Atad_created_atTEXTdimensionThe date and time the ad was created.
Ad Creative Idad_creative_idTEXTdimensionA unique identifier for the ad creative used in the ad.
Ad Idad_idTEXTdimensionA unique identifier for the ad itself.
Ad Namead_nameTEXTdimensionThe name assigned to the ad for identification.
Ad Render Typead_render_typeTEXTdimensionThe type of rendering method used for the ad (e.g., video, static image).
Ad Review Statusad_review_statusTEXTdimensionThe current review status of the ad (e.g., pending, approved).
Ad Statusad_statusTEXTdimensionThe current status of the ad (e.g., active, paused).
Ad Typead_typeTEXTdimensionThe type or format of the ad (e.g., carousel, video).
Ad Updated Atad_updated_atTEXTdimensionThe date and time the ad was last updated.
Ad Account Advertiser Organization Idad_account_advertiser_organization_idTEXTdimensionThe organization ID of the advertiser managing the ad account.
Ad Account Agency Representing Clientad_account_agency_representing_clientBOOLEANdimensionIndicates whether the ad account is represented by an agency on behalf of a client.
Ad Account Billing Center Idad_account_billing_center_idTEXTdimensionThe billing center ID associated with the ad account.
Ad Account Billing Typead_account_billing_typeTEXTdimensionThe type of billing method used by the ad account (e.g., prepay, postpay).
Ad Account Client Paying Invoicesad_account_client_paying_invoicesBOOLEANdimensionIndicates whether the client is responsible for paying invoices.
Ad Account Created Atad_account_created_atTEXTdimensionThe date and time the ad account was created.
Ad Account Currencyad_account_currencyTEXTdimensionThe currency used by the ad account for billing and payments.
Ad Account Idad_account_idTEXTdimensionA unique identifier for the ad account.
Ad Account Lifetime Spend Cap Microad_account_lifetime_spend_cap_microNUMBERdimensionThe lifetime spending cap for the ad account, measured in micro-units of the currency.
Ad Account Namead_account_nameTEXTdimensionThe name of the ad account.
Ad Account Organization Idad_account_organization_idTEXTdimensionThe organization ID associated with the ad account.
Ad Account Statusad_account_statusTEXTdimensionThe current status of the ad account (e.g., active, closed).
Ad Account Timezonead_account_timezoneTEXTdimensionThe timezone associated with the ad account.
Ad Account Typead_account_typeTEXTdimensionThe type of ad account (e.g., business, personal).
Ad Account Updated Atad_account_updated_atTEXTdimensionThe date and time the ad account was last updated.
Ad Squad Bid Strategyad_squad_bid_strategyTEXTdimensionThe bid strategy applied to the ad squad (e.g., target CPA, lowest cost).
Ad Squad Billing Eventad_squad_billing_eventTEXTdimensionThe event that triggers billing for the ad squad (e.g., impressions, clicks).
Ad Squad Campaign Idad_squad_campaign_idTEXTdimensionThe unique identifier of the campaign that the ad squad belongs to.
Ad Squad Child Ad Typead_squad_child_ad_typeTEXTdimensionThe type of child ad associated with the ad squad.
Ad Squad Created Atad_squad_created_atTEXTdimensionThe date and time the ad squad was created.
Ad Squad Creation Statead_squad_creation_stateTEXTdimensionThe current creation state of the ad squad (e.g., in progress, completed).
Ad Squad Delivery Constraintad_squad_delivery_constraintTEXTdimensionThe delivery constraints applied to the ad squad (e.g., pacing, frequency caps).
Ad Squad End Timead_squad_end_timeTEXTdimensionThe end time of the ad squad’s scheduled run.
Ad Squad Forced View Settingad_squad_forced_view_settingTEXTdimensionIndicates whether forced view settings are applied to the ad squad.
Ad Squad Idad_squad_idTEXTdimensionA unique identifier for the ad squad.
Ad Squad Lifetime Budget Microad_squad_lifetime_budget_microNUMBERdimensionThe total lifetime budget for the ad squad, measured in micro-units of the currency.
Ad Squad Namead_squad_nameTEXTdimensionThe name assigned to the ad squad.
Ad Squad Optimization Goalad_squad_optimization_goalTEXTdimensionThe primary optimization goal for the ad squad (e.g., conversions, reach).
Ad Squad Pacing Typead_squad_pacing_typeTEXTdimensionThe pacing strategy used for the ad squad (e.g., standard, accelerated).
Ad Squad Placementad_squad_placementTEXTdimensionThe placement options for the ad squad (e.g., Instagram Feed, Facebook Stories).
Ad Squad Skadnetwork Properties.Statusad_squad_skadnetwork_properties_statusTEXTdimensionThe SKAdNetwork status for the ad squad’s properties.
Ad Squad Start Timead_squad_start_timeTEXTdimensionThe start time of the ad squad’s scheduled run.
Ad Squad Statusad_squad_statusTEXTdimensionThe current status of the ad squad (e.g., active, paused).
Ad Squad Targeting Reach Statusad_squad_targeting_reach_statusTEXTdimensionThe status of the ad squad’s targeting reach (e.g., limited, broad).
Ad Squad Typead_squad_typeTEXTdimensionThe type of ad squad (e.g., direct response, branding).
Ad Squad Updated Atad_squad_updated_atTEXTdimensionThe date and time the ad squad was last updated.
Campaign Ad Account Idcampaign_ad_account_idTEXTdimensionA unique identifier for the ad account associated with the campaign.
Campaign Buy Modelcampaign_buy_modelTEXTdimensionThe buying model for the campaign (e.g., auction, fixed price).
Campaign Created Atcampaign_created_atTEXTdimensionThe date and time the campaign was created.
Campaign Daily Budget Microcampaign_daily_budget_microNUMBERdimensionThe daily budget for the campaign, measured in micro-units of the currency.
Campaign End Timecampaign_end_timeTEXTdimensionThe end time of the campaign’s scheduled run.
Campaign Idcampaign_idTEXTdimensionA unique identifier for the campaign.
Campaign Lifetime Spend Cap Microcampaign_lifetime_spend_cap_microNUMBERdimensionThe lifetime spending cap for the campaign, measured in micro-units of the currency.
Campaign Namecampaign_nameTEXTdimensionThe name assigned to the campaign.
Campaign Objectivecampaign_objectiveTEXTdimensionThe primary objective of the campaign (e.g., conversions, brand awareness).
Campaign Start Timecampaign_start_timeTEXTdimensionThe start time of the campaign’s scheduled run.
Campaign Statuscampaign_statusTEXTdimensionThe current status of the campaign (e.g., active, paused).
Campaign Updated Atcampaign_updated_atTEXTdimensionThe date and time the campaign was last updated.
Creative Ad Account Idcreative_ad_account_idTEXTdimensionA unique identifier for the ad account associated with the creative.
Creative Ad Productcreative_ad_productTEXTdimensionThe product or service being advertised in the creative.
Creative App Install Properties Android App Urlcreative_app_install_properties_android_app_urlTEXTdimensionThe Android app URL for the creative’s app install properties.
Creative App Install Properties App Namecreative_app_install_properties_app_nameTEXTdimensionThe name of the app in the creative’s app install properties.
Creative App Install Properties Icon Media Idcreative_app_install_properties_icon_media_idTEXTdimensionThe media ID of the icon used in the creative’s app install properties.
Creative App Install Properties Ios App Idcreative_app_install_properties_ios_app_idTEXTdimensionThe iOS app ID for the creative’s app install properties.
Creative App Install Properties Product Page Idcreative_app_install_properties_product_page_idTEXTdimensionThe product page ID associated with the app install properties in the creative.
Creative Created Atcreative_created_atTEXTdimensionThe date and time the creative was created.
Creative Deep Link Properties Android App Urlcreative_deep_link_properties_android_app_urlTEXTdimensionThe Android app URL for the creative’s deep link properties.
Creative Deep Link Properties App Namecreative_deep_link_properties_app_nameTEXTdimensionThe name of the app in the creative’s deep link properties.
Creative Deep Link Properties Deep Link Uricreative_deep_link_properties_deep_link_uriTEXTdimensionThe deep link URI used in the creative.
Creative Deep Link Properties Fallback Typecreative_deep_link_properties_fallback_typeTEXTdimensionThe fallback type used in the creative’s deep link properties (e.g., web fallback).
Creative Deep Link Properties Icon Media Idcreative_deep_link_properties_icon_media_idTEXTdimensionThe media ID of the icon used in the creative’s deep link properties.
Creative Deep Link Properties Ios App Idcreative_deep_link_properties_ios_app_idTEXTdimensionThe iOS app ID for the creative’s deep link properties.
Creative Deep Link Properties Product Page Idcreative_deep_link_properties_product_page_idTEXTdimensionThe product page ID associated with the deep link properties in the creative.
Creative Deep Link Properties Web View Fallback Urlcreative_deep_link_properties_web_view_fallback_urlTEXTdimensionThe web view fallback URL for the creative’s deep link properties.
Creative Forced View Eligibilitycreative_forced_view_eligibilityTEXTdimensionIndicates whether the creative is eligible for forced view settings.
Creative Headlinecreative_headlineTEXTdimensionThe headline text used in the creative.
Creative Idcreative_idTEXTdimensionA unique identifier for the creative.
Creative Longform Video Properties Video Media Idcreative_longform_video_properties_video_media_idTEXTdimensionThe video media ID used in the creative’s longform video properties.
Creative Namecreative_nameTEXTdimensionThe name assigned to the creative.
Creative Packaging Statuscreative_packaging_statusTEXTdimensionThe current packaging status of the creative (e.g., ready, in progress).
Creative Preview Properties Logo Media Idcreative_preview_properties_logo_media_idTEXTdimensionThe logo media ID used in the creative’s preview properties.
Creative Preview Properties Preview Headlinecreative_preview_properties_preview_headlineTEXTdimensionThe headline text used in the creative’s preview properties.
Creative Preview Properties Preview Media Idcreative_preview_properties_preview_media_idTEXTdimensionThe media ID of the preview used in the creative.
Creative Profile Properties Profile Idcreative_profile_properties_profile_idTEXTdimensionThe profile ID associated with the creative’s profile properties.
Creative Render Typecreative_render_typeTEXTdimensionThe type of rendering method used for the creative (e.g., video, static image).
Creative Review Statuscreative_review_statusTEXTdimensionThe current review status of the creative (e.g., pending, approved).
Creative Review Status Detailscreative_review_status_detailsTEXTdimensionDetails about the review status of the creative.
Creative Shareablecreative_shareableBOOLEANdimensionIndicates whether the creative is shareable.
Creative Top Snap Crop Positioncreative_top_snap_crop_positionTEXTdimensionThe crop position used for the top snap of the creative.
Creative Top Snap Media Idcreative_top_snap_media_idTEXTdimensionThe media ID used for the top snap of the creative.
Creative Typecreative_typeTEXTdimensionThe type of creative (e.g., video, static image).
Creative Updated Atcreative_updated_atTEXTdimensionThe date and time the creative was last updated.
Creative Web View Properties Allow Snap Javascript Sdkcreative_web_view_properties_allow_snap_javascript_sdkBOOLEANdimensionIndicates whether the Snap JavaScript SDK is allowed for the creative’s web view properties.
Creative Web View Properties Block Preloadcreative_web_view_properties_block_preloadBOOLEANdimensionIndicates whether preloading is blocked for the creative’s web view properties.
Creative Web View Properties Urlcreative_web_view_properties_urlTEXTdimensionThe URL used in the creative’s web view properties.
Creative Web View Properties Use Immersive Modecreative_web_view_properties_use_immersive_modeBOOLEANdimensionIndicates whether immersive mode is enabled for the creative’s web view properties.
DatedateYEAR_MONTH_DAY The specific date of the event or data entry.
Day of Monthday_of_monthDAY The numeric day of the month (1-31).
Day of Weekday_of_weekDAY_OF_WEEK The day of the week (e.g., Monday, Tuesday).
MonthmonthMONTH The month in which the event occurred.
YearyearYEAR The year in which the event occurred.
Year & Monthyear_monthYEAR_MONTH A combined value of the year and month for better data grouping.
Year & Quarteryear_quarterYEAR_QUARTER A combined value of the year and quarter for better data grouping.
Year & Weekyear_weekYEAR_WEEK A combined value of the year and week for better data grouping.
Funding Source Card Typefunding_source_card_typeTEXTdimensionThe type of card used for the funding source (e.g., Visa, MasterCard).
Funding Source Created Atfunding_source_created_atTEXTdimensionThe date and time the funding source was created.
Funding Source Daily Spend Limit Currencyfunding_source_daily_spend_limit_currencyTEXTdimensionThe daily spend limit for the funding source in the currency specified.
Funding Source Daily Spend Limit Microfunding_source_daily_spend_limit_microNUMBERdimensionThe daily spend limit for the funding source, measured in micro-units of the currency.
Funding Source Expiration Monthfunding_source_expiration_monthTEXTdimensionThe expiration month of the funding source.
Funding Source Expiration Yearfunding_source_expiration_yearTEXTdimensionThe expiration year of the funding source.
Funding Source Idfunding_source_idTEXTdimensionA unique identifier for the funding source.
Funding Source Last 4funding_source_last_4TEXTdimensionThe last four digits of the funding source.
Funding Source Namefunding_source_nameTEXTdimensionThe name of the funding source.
Funding Source Organization Idfunding_source_organization_idTEXTdimensionThe organization ID associated with the funding source.
Funding Source Statusfunding_source_statusTEXTdimensionThe current status of the funding source (e.g., active, inactive).
Funding Source Typefunding_source_typeTEXTdimensionThe type of funding source (e.g., credit card, PayPal).
Funding Source Updated Atfunding_source_updated_atTEXTdimensionThe date and time the funding source was last updated.
Media Ad Account Idmedia_ad_account_idTEXTdimensionA unique identifier for the ad account associated with the media.
Media Created Atmedia_created_atTEXTdimensionThe date and time the media was created.
Media Download Linkmedia_download_linkTEXTdimensionThe download link for the media file.
Media Duration In Secondsmedia_duration_in_secondsNUMBERdimensionThe duration of the media in seconds.
Media File Namemedia_file_nameTEXTdimensionThe file name of the media.
Media File Size In Bytesmedia_file_size_in_bytesNUMBERdimensionThe size of the media file in bytes.
Media Idmedia_idTEXTdimensionA unique identifier for the media.
Media Statusmedia_statusTEXTdimensionThe current status of the media (e.g., active, inactive).
Media Typemedia_typeTEXTdimensionThe type of media (e.g., image, video).
Media Updated Atmedia_updated_atTEXTdimensionThe date and time the media was last updated.
Media Visibilitymedia_visibilityTEXTdimensionThe visibility status of the media (e.g., public, private).
AgeageTEXTdimensionThe age of the audience targeted by the ad.
GendergenderTEXTdimensionThe gender of the audience targeted by the ad.
Operating SystemosTEXTdimensionThe operating system used by the audience targeted by the ad (e.g., Android, iOS).
CountrycountryTEXTdimensionThe country where the audience or actions are located.
Android Installsandroid_installsNUMBERmetricThe number of Android installs generated by the ad.
Attachment Avg View Time Millisattachment_avg_view_time_millisNUMBERmetricThe average view time for the attachment in milliseconds.
Attachment Frequencyattachment_frequencyNUMBERmetricThe frequency of views for the attachment.
Attachment Quartile 1attachment_quartile_1NUMBERmetricThe percentage of viewers who reached the first quartile of the attachment.
Attachment Quartile 2attachment_quartile_2NUMBERmetricThe percentage of viewers who reached the second quartile of the attachment.
Attachment Quartile 3attachment_quartile_3NUMBERmetricThe percentage of viewers who reached the third quartile of the attachment.
Attachment Total View Time Millisattachment_total_view_time_millisNUMBERmetricThe total view time for the attachment in milliseconds.
Attachment Uniquesattachment_uniquesNUMBERmetricThe number of unique viewers of the attachment.
Attachment Video Viewsattachment_video_viewsNUMBERmetricThe total number of video views for the attachment.
Attachment View Completionattachment_view_completionNUMBERmetricThe completion rate of views for the attachment.
Avg Position Screen Time Millisavg_position_screen_time_millisNUMBERmetricThe average screen time for the ad’s position in milliseconds.
Avg Screen Time Millisavg_screen_time_millisNUMBERmetricThe average screen time for the ad in milliseconds.
Avg View Time Millisavg_view_time_millisNUMBERmetricThe average view time for the ad in milliseconds.
Conversion Achievement Unlockedconversion_achievement_unlockedNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions for the achievement unlocked event.
Conversion Achievement Unlocked Sk Ad Networkconversion_achievement_unlocked_sk_ad_networkNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions for the achievement unlocked event via SKAdNetwork.
Conversion Achievement Unlocked Sk Ad Network Totalconversion_achievement_unlocked_sk_ad_network_totalNUMBERmetricThe total conversions for the achievement unlocked event via SKAdNetwork (including all).
Conversion Achievement Unlocked Sk Ad Network Viewconversion_achievement_unlocked_sk_ad_network_viewNUMBERmetricThe number of views for the achievement unlocked event via SKAdNetwork.
Conversion Ad Clickconversion_ad_clickNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from ad clicks.
Conversion Ad Click Sk Ad Networkconversion_ad_click_sk_ad_networkNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from ad clicks via SKAdNetwork.
Conversion Ad Click Sk Ad Network Totalconversion_ad_click_sk_ad_network_totalNUMBERmetricThe total conversions from ad clicks via SKAdNetwork (including all).
Conversion Ad Click Sk Ad Network Viewconversion_ad_click_sk_ad_network_viewNUMBERmetricThe number of views for ad click conversions via SKAdNetwork.
Conversion Ad Viewconversion_ad_viewNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from ad views.
Conversion Ad View Sk Ad Networkconversion_ad_view_sk_ad_networkNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from ad views via SKAdNetwork.
Conversion Ad View Sk Ad Network Totalconversion_ad_view_sk_ad_network_totalNUMBERmetricThe total conversions from ad views via SKAdNetwork (including all
Conversion Ad View Sk Ad Network Viewconversion_ad_view_sk_ad_network_viewNUMBERmetric

The total number of conversions from ad views via SKAdNetwork.

Conversion Add Billingconversion_add_billingNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from adding billing information.
Conversion Add Billing Sk Ad Networkconversion_add_billing_sk_ad_networkNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from adding billing information via SKAdNetwork.
Conversion Add Billing Sk Ad Network Totalconversion_add_billing_sk_ad_network_totalNUMBERmetricThe total conversions from adding billing information via SKAdNetwork (including all).
Conversion Add Billing Sk Ad Network Viewconversion_add_billing_sk_ad_network_viewNUMBERmetricThe number of views for adding billing information conversions via SKAdNetwork.
Conversion Add Cartconversion_add_cartNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from adding to cart.
Conversion Add Cart Sk Ad Networkconversion_add_cart_sk_ad_networkNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from adding to cart via SKAdNetwork.
Conversion Add Cart Sk Ad Network Totalconversion_add_cart_sk_ad_network_totalNUMBERmetricThe total conversions from adding to cart via SKAdNetwork (including all).
Conversion Add Cart Sk Ad Network Viewconversion_add_cart_sk_ad_network_viewNUMBERmetricThe number of views for adding to cart conversions via SKAdNetwork.
Conversion Add To Wishlistconversion_add_to_wishlistNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from adding to wishlist.
Conversion Add To Wishlist Sk Ad Networkconversion_add_to_wishlist_sk_ad_networkNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from adding to wishlist via SKAdNetwork.
Conversion Add To Wishlist Sk Ad Network Totalconversion_add_to_wishlist_sk_ad_network_totalNUMBERmetricThe total conversions from adding to wishlist via SKAdNetwork (including all).
Conversion Add To Wishlist Sk Ad Network Viewconversion_add_to_wishlist_sk_ad_network_viewNUMBERmetricThe number of views for adding to wishlist conversions via SKAdNetwork.
Conversion App Opensconversion_app_opensNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from app opens.
Conversion App Opens Sk Ad Networkconversion_app_opens_sk_ad_networkNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from app opens via SKAdNetwork.
Conversion App Opens Sk Ad Network Totalconversion_app_opens_sk_ad_network_totalNUMBERmetricThe total conversions from app opens via SKAdNetwork (including all).
Conversion App Opens Sk Ad Network Viewconversion_app_opens_sk_ad_network_viewNUMBERmetricThe number of views for app open conversions via SKAdNetwork.
Conversion Assist Install Sk Ad Networkconversion_assist_install_sk_ad_networkNUMBERmetricThe number of conversions from assisted installs via SKAdNetwork.
Conversion Assist Install Sk Ad Network Totalconversion_assist_install_sk_ad_network_totalNUMBERmetricThe total conversions from assisted installs via SKAdNetwork (including all).
Conversion Assist Install Sk Ad Network Viewconversion_assist_install_sk_ad_network_viewNUMBERmetricThe number of views for assisted install conversions via SKAdNetwork.
Conversion Complete Tutorialconversion_complete_tutorialNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from completing a tutorial.
Conversion Complete Tutorial Sk Ad Networkconversion_complete_tutorial_sk_ad_networkNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from completing a tutorial via SKAdNetwork.
Conversion Complete Tutorial Sk Ad Network Totalconversion_complete_tutorial_sk_ad_network_totalNUMBERmetricThe total conversions from completing a tutorial via SKAdNetwork (including all).
Conversion Complete Tutorial Sk Ad Network Viewconversion_complete_tutorial_sk_ad_network_viewNUMBERmetricThe number of views for tutorial completion conversions via SKAdNetwork.
Conversion Inviteconversion_inviteNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from invites.
Conversion Invite Sk Ad Networkconversion_invite_sk_ad_networkNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from invites via SKAdNetwork.
Conversion Invite Sk Ad Network Totalconversion_invite_sk_ad_network_totalNUMBERmetricThe total conversions from invites via SKAdNetwork (including all).
Conversion Invite Sk Ad Network Viewconversion_invite_sk_ad_network_viewNUMBERmetricThe number of views for invite conversions via SKAdNetwork.
Conversion Ios Installs Sk Ad Networkconversion_ios_installs_sk_ad_networkNUMBERmetricThe total number of iOS installs via SKAdNetwork.
Conversion Ios Installs Sk Ad Network Totalconversion_ios_installs_sk_ad_network_totalNUMBERmetricThe total conversions from iOS installs via SKAdNetwork (including all).
Conversion Ios Installs Sk Ad Network Viewconversion_ios_installs_sk_ad_network_viewNUMBERmetricThe number of views for iOS install conversions via SKAdNetwork.
Conversion Level Completesconversion_level_completesNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from completing a level.
Conversion Level Completes Sk Ad Networkconversion_level_completes_sk_ad_networkNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from completing a level via SKAdNetwork.
Conversion Level Completes Sk Ad Network Totalconversion_level_completes_sk_ad_network_totalNUMBERmetricThe total conversions from completing a level via SKAdNetwork (including all).
Conversion Level Completes Sk Ad Network Viewconversion_level_completes_sk_ad_network_viewNUMBERmetricThe number of views for level completion conversions via SKAdNetwork.
Conversion List Viewconversion_list_viewNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from list views.
Conversion List View Sk Ad Networkconversion_list_view_sk_ad_networkNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from list views via SKAdNetwork.
Conversion List View Sk Ad Network Totalconversion_list_view_sk_ad_network_totalNUMBERmetricThe total conversions from list views via SKAdNetwork (including all).
Conversion List View Sk Ad Network Viewconversion_list_view_sk_ad_network_viewNUMBERmetricThe number of views for list view conversions via SKAdNetwork.
Conversion Loginconversion_loginNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from logins.
Conversion Login Sk Ad Networkconversion_login_sk_ad_networkNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from logins via SKAdNetwork.
Conversion Login Sk Ad Network Totalconversion_login_sk_ad_network_totalNUMBERmetricThe total conversions from logins via SKAdNetwork (including all).
Conversion Login Sk Ad Network Viewconversion_login_sk_ad_network_viewNUMBERmetricThe number of views for login conversions via SKAdNetwork.
Conversion Null Sk Ad Networkconversion_null_sk_ad_networkNUMBERmetricThe total number of null conversions via SKAdNetwork.
Conversion Null Sk Ad Network Totalconversion_null_sk_ad_network_totalNUMBERmetricThe total conversions from null actions via SKAdNetwork (including all).
Conversion Null Sk Ad Network Viewconversion_null_sk_ad_network_viewNUMBERmetricThe number of views for null conversions via SKAdNetwork.
Conversion Page Viewsconversion_page_viewsNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from page views.
Conversion Page Views Sk Ad Networkconversion_page_views_sk_ad_networkNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from page views via SKAdNetwork.
Conversion Page Views Sk Ad Network Totalconversion_page_views_sk_ad_network_totalNUMBERmetricThe total conversions from page views via SKAdNetwork (including all).
Conversion Page Views Sk Ad Network Viewconversion_page_views_sk_ad_network_viewNUMBERmetricThe number of views for page view conversions via SKAdNetwork.
Conversion Purchasesconversion_purchasesNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from purchases.
Conversion Purchases Sk Ad Networkconversion_purchases_sk_ad_networkNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from purchases via SKAdNetwork.
Conversion Purchases Sk Ad Network Totalconversion_purchases_sk_ad_network_totalNUMBERmetricThe total conversions from purchases via SKAdNetwork (including all).
Conversion Purchases Sk Ad Network Viewconversion_purchases_sk_ad_network_viewNUMBERmetricThe number of views for purchase conversions via SKAdNetwork.
Conversion Purchases Valueconversion_purchases_valueNUMBERmetricThe total value of purchases resulting from conversions.
Conversion Rateconversion_rateNUMBERmetricThe conversion rate, calculated as the percentage of actions leading to conversions.
Conversion Rate Sk Ad Networkconversion_rate_sk_ad_networkNUMBERmetricThe conversion rate via SKAdNetwork.
Conversion Rate Sk Ad Network Totalconversion_rate_sk_ad_network_totalNUMBERmetricThe total conversion rate via SKAdNetwork (including all).
Conversion Rate Sk Ad Network Viewconversion_rate_sk_ad_network_viewNUMBERmetricThe conversion rate via SKAdNetwork based on views.
Conversion Reserveconversion_reserveNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from reservations.
Conversion Reserve Sk Ad Networkconversion_reserve_sk_ad_networkNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from reservations via SKAdNetwork.
Conversion Reserve Sk Ad Network Totalconversion_reserve_sk_ad_network_totalNUMBERmetricThe total conversions from reservations via SKAdNetwork (including all).
Conversion Reserve Sk Ad Network Viewconversion_reserve_sk_ad_network_viewNUMBERmetricThe number of views for reservation conversions via SKAdNetwork.
Conversion Saveconversion_saveNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from saves.
Conversion Save Sk Ad Networkconversion_save_sk_ad_networkNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from saves via SKAdNetwork.
Conversion Save Sk Ad Network Totalconversion_save_sk_ad_network_totalNUMBERmetricThe total conversions from saves via SKAdNetwork (including all).
Conversion Save Sk Ad Network Viewconversion_save_sk_ad_network_viewNUMBERmetricThe number of views for save conversions via SKAdNetwork.
Conversion Searchesconversion_searchesNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from searches.
Conversion Searches Sk Ad Networkconversion_searches_sk_ad_networkNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from searches via SKAdNetwork.
Conversion Searches Sk Ad Network Totalconversion_searches_sk_ad_network_totalNUMBERmetricThe total conversions from searches via SKAdNetwork (including all).
Conversion Searches Sk Ad Network Viewconversion_searches_sk_ad_network_viewNUMBERmetricThe number of views for search conversions via SKAdNetwork.
Conversion Shareconversion_shareNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from shares.
Conversion Share Sk Ad Networkconversion_share_sk_ad_networkNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from shares via SKAdNetwork.
Conversion Share Sk Ad Network Totalconversion_share_sk_ad_network_totalNUMBERmetricThe total conversions from shares via SKAdNetwork (including all).
Conversion Share Sk Ad Network Viewconversion_share_sk_ad_network_viewNUMBERmetricThe number of views for share conversions via SKAdNetwork.
Conversion Sign Upsconversion_sign_upsNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from sign-ups.
Conversion Sign Ups Sk Ad Networkconversion_sign_ups_sk_ad_networkNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from sign-ups via SKAdNetwork.
Conversion Sign Ups Sk Ad Network Totalconversion_sign_ups_sk_ad_network_totalNUMBERmetricThe total conversions from sign-ups via SKAdNetwork (including all).
Conversion Sign Ups Sk Ad Network Viewconversion_sign_ups_sk_ad_network_viewNUMBERmetricThe number of views for sign-up conversions via SKAdNetwork.
Conversion Spend Creditsconversion_spend_creditsNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from spending credits.
Conversion Spend Credits Sk Ad Networkconversion_spend_credits_sk_ad_networkNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from spending credits via SKAdNetwork.
Conversion Spend Credits Sk Ad Network Totalconversion_spend_credits_sk_ad_network_totalNUMBERmetricThe total conversions from spending credits via SKAdNetwork (including all).
Conversion Spend Credits Sk Ad Network Viewconversion_spend_credits_sk_ad_network_viewNUMBERmetricThe number of views for spending credit conversions via SKAdNetwork.
Conversion Start Checkoutconversion_start_checkoutNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from starting a checkout.
Conversion Start Checkout Sk Ad Networkconversion_start_checkout_sk_ad_networkNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from starting a checkout via SKAdNetwork.
Conversion Start Checkout Sk Ad Network Totalconversion_start_checkout_sk_ad_network_totalNUMBERmetricThe total conversions from starting a checkout via SKAdNetwork (including all).
Conversion Start Checkout Sk Ad Network Viewconversion_start_checkout_sk_ad_network_viewNUMBERmetricThe number of views for starting a checkout conversion via SKAdNetwork.
Conversion Start Trialconversion_start_trialNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from starting a trial.
Conversion Start Trial Sk Ad Networkconversion_start_trial_sk_ad_networkNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from starting a trial via SKAdNetwork.
Conversion Start Trial Sk Ad Network Totalconversion_start_trial_sk_ad_network_totalNUMBERmetricThe total conversions from starting a trial via SKAdNetwork (including all).
Conversion Start Trial Sk Ad Network Viewconversion_start_trial_sk_ad_network_viewNUMBERmetricThe number of views for trial start conversions via SKAdNetwork.
Conversion Subscribeconversion_subscribeNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from subscriptions.
Conversion Subscribe Sk Ad Networkconversion_subscribe_sk_ad_networkNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from subscriptions via SKAdNetwork.
Conversion Subscribe Sk Ad Network Totalconversion_subscribe_sk_ad_network_totalNUMBERmetricThe total conversions from subscriptions via SKAdNetwork (including all).
Conversion Subscribe Sk Ad Network Viewconversion_subscribe_sk_ad_network_viewNUMBERmetricThe number of views for subscription conversions via SKAdNetwork.
Conversion Total Installs Sk Ad Networkconversion_total_installs_sk_ad_networkNUMBERmetricThe total number of installs via SKAdNetwork.
Conversion Total Installs Sk Ad Network Totalconversion_total_installs_sk_ad_network_totalNUMBERmetricThe total conversions from installs via SKAdNetwork (including all).
Conversion Total Installs Sk Ad Network Viewconversion_total_installs_sk_ad_network_viewNUMBERmetricThe number of views for install conversions via SKAdNetwork.
Conversion View Contentconversion_view_contentNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from viewing content.
Conversion View Content Sk Ad Networkconversion_view_content_sk_ad_networkNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from viewing content via SKAdNetwork.
Conversion View Content Sk Ad Network Totalconversion_view_content_sk_ad_network_totalNUMBERmetricThe total conversions from viewing content via SKAdNetwork (including all).
Conversion View Content Sk Ad Network Viewconversion_view_content_sk_ad_network_viewNUMBERmetricThe number of views for view content conversions via SKAdNetwork.
Conversion Visitconversion_visitNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions from visits.
Custom Event 1custom_event_1NUMBERmetricCustom event 1 conversion tracking data.
Custom Event 1 Sk Ad Networkcustom_event_1_sk_ad_networkNUMBERmetricCustom event 1 conversion tracking data via SKAdNetwork.
Custom Event 1 Sk Ad Network Totalcustom_event_1_sk_ad_network_totalNUMBERmetricThe total conversions for custom event 1 via SKAdNetwork (including all).
Custom Event 1 Sk Ad Network Viewcustom_event_1_sk_ad_network_viewNUMBERmetricThe number of views for custom event 1 via SKAdNetwork.
Custom Event 2custom_event_2NUMBERmetricCustom event 2 conversion tracking data.
Custom Event 2 Sk Ad Networkcustom_event_2_sk_ad_networkNUMBERmetricCustom event 2 conversion tracking data via SKAdNetwork.
Custom Event 2 Sk Ad Network Totalcustom_event_2_sk_ad_network_totalNUMBERmetricThe total conversions for custom event 2 via SKAdNetwork (including all).
Custom Event 2 Sk Ad Network Viewcustom_event_2_sk_ad_network_viewNUMBERmetricThe number of views for custom event 2 via SKAdNetwork.
Custom Event 3custom_event_3NUMBERmetricCustom event 3 conversion tracking data.
Custom Event 3 Sk Ad Networkcustom_event_3_sk_ad_networkNUMBERmetricCustom event 3 conversion tracking data via SKAdNetwork.
Custom Event 3 Sk Ad Network Totalcustom_event_3_sk_ad_network_totalNUMBERmetricThe total conversions for custom event 3 via SKAdNetwork (including all).
Custom Event 3 Sk Ad Network Viewcustom_event_3_sk_ad_network_viewNUMBERmetricThe number of views for custom event 3 via SKAdNetwork.
Custom Event 4custom_event_4NUMBERmetricCustom event 4 conversion tracking data.
Custom Event 4 Sk Ad Networkcustom_event_4_sk_ad_networkNUMBERmetricCustom event 4 conversion tracking data via SKAdNetwork.
Custom Event 4 Sk Ad Network Totalcustom_event_4_sk_ad_network_totalNUMBERmetricThe total conversions for custom event 4 via SKAdNetwork (including all).
Custom Event 4 Sk Ad Network Viewcustom_event_4_sk_ad_network_viewNUMBERmetricThe number of views for custom event 4 via SKAdNetwork.
Custom Event 5custom_event_5NUMBERmetricCustom event 5 conversion tracking data.
Custom Event 5 Sk Ad Networkcustom_event_5_sk_ad_networkNUMBERmetricCustom event 5 conversion tracking data via SKAdNetwork.
Custom Event 5 Sk Ad Network Totalcustom_event_5_sk_ad_network_totalNUMBERmetricThe total conversions for custom event 5 via SKAdNetwork (including all).
Custom Event 5 Sk Ad Network Viewcustom_event_5_sk_ad_network_viewNUMBERmetricThe number of views for custom event 5 via SKAdNetwork.
Earned Impressionsearned_impressionsNUMBERmetricThe total number of earned impressions generated by the ad.
Earned Reachearned_reachNUMBERmetricThe total reach of the ad’s earned impressions.
FrequencyfrequencyNUMBERmetricThe average number of times each user saw the ad.
ImpressionsimpressionsNUMBERmetricThe total number of impressions generated by the ad.
Ios Installsios_installsNUMBERmetricThe total number of iOS installs generated by the ad.
Native Leadsnative_leadsNUMBERmetricThe total number of native leads generated by the ad.
Paid Impressionspaid_impressionsNUMBERmetricThe total number of paid impressions generated by the ad.
Play Time Millisplay_time_millisNUMBERmetricThe total play time of the ad in milliseconds.
Position Impressionsposition_impressionsNUMBERmetricThe total number of impressions for the ad’s position.
Position Screen Time Millisposition_screen_time_millisNUMBERmetricThe average screen time for the ad’s position in milliseconds.
Position Swipe Up Percentposition_swipe_up_percentNUMBERmetricThe percentage of users who swiped up on the ad.
Quartile 1quartile_1NUMBERmetricThe percentage of viewers who reached the first quartile of the ad.
Quartile 2quartile_2NUMBERmetricThe percentage of viewers who reached the second quartile of the ad.
Quartile 3quartile_3NUMBERmetricThe percentage of viewers who reached the third quartile of the ad.
SavessavesNUMBERmetricThe total number of saves generated by the ad.
Screen Time Millisscreen_time_millisNUMBERmetricThe total screen time for the ad in milliseconds.
SharessharesNUMBERmetricThe total number of shares generated by the ad.
SpendspendNUMBERmetricThe total amount spent on the ad.
Story Completesstory_completesNUMBERmetricThe total number of story completions generated by the ad.
Story Opensstory_opensNUMBERmetricThe total number of story opens generated by the ad.
Swipe Up Percentswipe_up_percentNUMBERmetricThe percentage of users who swiped up on the ad.
SwipesswipesNUMBERmetricThe total number of swipes generated by the ad.
Total Impressionstotal_impressionsNUMBERmetricThe total number of impressions generated by the ad across all platforms.
Total Installstotal_installsNUMBERmetricThe total number of installs generated by the ad across all platforms.
Total Reachtotal_reachNUMBERmetricThe total reach of the ad across all platforms.
UniquesuniquesNUMBERmetricThe total number of unique users who engaged with the ad.
Unknown Sk Ad Networkunknown_sk_ad_networkNUMBERmetricThe total number of unknown conversions via SKAdNetwork.
Unknown Sk Ad Network Totalunknown_sk_ad_network_totalNUMBERmetricThe total number of unknown conversions via SKAdNetwork (including all).
Unknown Sk Ad Network Viewunknown_sk_ad_network_viewNUMBERmetricThe number of views for unknown conversions via SKAdNetwork.
Video Viewsvideo_viewsNUMBERmetricThe total number of video views generated by the ad.
Video Views 15Svideo_views_15sNUMBERmetricThe total number of 15-second video views generated by the ad.
Video Views Time Basedvideo_views_time_basedNUMBERmetricThe total number of video views based on time thresholds.
View Completionview_completionNUMBERmetricThe total number of video views that reached completion.
View Time Millisview_time_millisNUMBERmetricThe total view time for the ad in milliseconds.
Organization Administrative District Level 1organization_administrative_district_level_1TEXTdimensionThe administrative district level (e.g., state or province) associated with the organization.
Organization Business Typeorganization_business_typeTEXTdimensionThe type of business the organization operates (e.g., retail, service).
Organization Countryorganization_countryTEXTdimensionThe country where the organization is located.
Organization Created Atorganization_created_atTEXTdimensionThe date and time the organization was created.
Organization Idorganization_idTEXTdimensionA unique identifier assigned to the organization.
Organization Localityorganization_localityTEXTdimensionThe locality (e.g., city or town) where the organization is located.
Organization Nameorganization_nameTEXTdimensionThe name of the organization.
Organization Postal Codeorganization_postal_codeTEXTdimensionThe postal code associated with the organization’s address.
Organization Stateorganization_stateTEXTdimensionThe state or region where the organization is located.
Organization Typeorganization_typeTEXTdimensionThe type or classification of the organization (e.g., nonprofit, corporation).
Organization Updated Atorganization_updated_atTEXTdimensionThe date and time when the organization’s details were last updated.
Pixel Ad Account Idpixel_ad_account_idTEXTdimensionThe unique identifier of the ad account associated with the pixel.
Pixel Created Atpixel_created_atTEXTdimensionThe date and time the pixel was created.
Pixel Effective Statuspixel_effective_statusTEXTdimensionThe current operational status of the pixel (e.g., active, inactive).
Pixel Idpixel_idTEXTdimensionA unique identifier for the pixel.
Pixel Namepixel_nameTEXTdimensionThe name assigned to the pixel for identification.
Pixel Pixel Javascriptpixel_pixel_javascriptTEXTdimensionThe JavaScript code used by the pixel for tracking purposes.
Pixel Statuspixel_statusTEXTdimensionThe current status of the pixel (e.g., active, inactive).
Pixel Updated Atpixel_updated_atTEXTdimensionThe date and time the pixel was last updated.

TikTok Ads fields

Field titleField nameData typeAttribute typeDescription
Ad Adgroup Idad_adgroup_idTEXTdimensionThe unique identifier for the ad group associated with the ad.
Ad Adgroup Namead_adgroup_nameTEXTdimensionThe name of the ad group associated with the ad.
Ad Advertiser Idad_advertiser_idTEXTdimensionThe unique identifier of the advertiser managing the ad.
Ad App Namead_app_nameTEXTdimensionThe name of the app being advertised in the ad.
Ad Brand Safety Postbid Partnerad_brand_safety_postbid_partnerTEXTdimensionThe brand safety partner responsible for post-bid checks on the ad.
Ad Branded Content Disabledad_branded_content_disabledBOOLEANdimensionIndicates whether branded content is disabled for the ad.
Ad Call To Actionad_call_to_actionTEXTdimensionThe call-to-action used in the ad.
Ad Call To Action Idad_call_to_action_idTEXTdimensionThe unique identifier for the call-to-action in the ad.
Ad Campaign Idad_campaign_idTEXTdimensionThe unique identifier for the campaign associated with the ad.
Ad Campaign Namead_campaign_nameTEXTdimensionThe name of the campaign associated with the ad.
Ad Card Idad_card_idTEXTdimensionThe unique identifier for the ad card used in the ad.
Ad Catalog Idad_catalog_idTEXTdimensionThe unique identifier for the catalog used in the ad.
Ad Click Tracking Urlad_click_tracking_urlTEXTdimensionThe URL used for tracking ad clicks.
Ad Create Timead_create_timeTEXTdimensionThe date and time the ad was created.
Ad Creative Authorizedad_creative_authorizedBOOLEANdimensionIndicates whether the ad creative is authorized.
Ad Dark Post Statusad_dark_post_statusTEXTdimensionThe status of the dark post feature for the ad.
Ad Deeplinkad_deeplinkTEXTdimensionThe deep link URL used in the ad.
Ad Deeplink Typead_deeplink_typeTEXTdimensionThe type of deep link used in the ad.
Ad Display Namead_display_nameTEXTdimensionThe display name used in the ad.
Ad Dynamic Destinationad_dynamic_destinationTEXTdimensionThe dynamic destination URL used in the ad.
Ad Dynamic Formatad_dynamic_formatTEXTdimensionThe dynamic format used in the ad.
Ad Fallback Typead_fallback_typeTEXTdimensionThe type of fallback used in the ad for handling unavailable content.
Ad Formatad_formatTEXTdimensionThe format of the ad (e.g., video, image).
Ad Idad_idTEXTdimensionA unique identifier for the ad.
Ad Identity Authorized Bc Idad_identity_authorized_bc_idTEXTdimensionThe authorized branded content identity ID associated with the ad.
Ad Identity Idad_identity_idTEXTdimensionThe identity ID used in the ad.
Ad Identity Typead_identity_typeTEXTdimensionThe type of identity used in the ad.
Ad Image Idsad_image_idsTEXTdimensionThe unique identifiers of the images used in the ad.
Ad Impression Tracking Urlad_impression_tracking_urlTEXTdimensionThe URL used for tracking ad impressions.
Ad Is Acoad_is_acoBOOLEANdimensionIndicates whether the ad is part of an A/B test structure.
Ad Is New Structuread_is_new_structureBOOLEANdimensionIndicates whether the ad is part of a new structure format.
Ad Item Duet Statusad_item_duet_statusTEXTdimensionThe status of duet options for the ad item.
Ad Item Group Idsad_item_group_idsTEXTdimensionThe unique group IDs associated with the ad item.
Ad Item Stitch Statusad_item_stitch_statusTEXTdimensionIndicates the stitching status of the ad item.
Ad Landing Page Urlad_landing_page_urlTEXTdimensionThe URL of the landing page used in the ad.
Ad Landing Page Urlsad_landing_page_urlsTEXTdimensionThe URLs of multiple landing pages used in the ad.
Ad Modify Timead_modify_timeTEXTdimensionThe date and time the ad was last modified.
Ad Namead_nameTEXTdimensionThe name of the ad.
Ad Operation Statusad_operation_statusTEXTdimensionThe current operational status of the ad.
Ad Page Idad_page_idTEXTdimensionThe unique identifier for the page associated with the ad.
Ad Playable Urlad_playable_urlTEXTdimensionThe URL for playable content in the ad.
Ad Product Set Idad_product_set_idTEXTdimensionThe product set ID used in the ad.
Ad Product Specific Typead_product_specific_typeTEXTdimensionThe specific type of product featured in the ad.
Ad Profile Image Urlad_profile_image_urlTEXTdimensionThe URL of the profile image used in the ad.
Ad Promotional Music Disabledad_promotional_music_disabledBOOLEANdimensionIndicates whether promotional music is disabled for the ad.
Ad Secondary Statusad_secondary_statusTEXTdimensionThe secondary status of the ad (e.g., paused, active).
Ad Shopping Ads  Deeplink Typead_shopping_ads__deeplink_typeTEXTdimensionThe deeplink type used in shopping ads within the ad.
Ad Shopping Ads Fallback Typead_shopping_ads_fallback_typeTEXTdimensionThe fallback type used in shopping ads within the ad.
Ad Shopping Ads Video Package Idad_shopping_ads_video_package_idTEXTdimensionThe unique identifier for the video package used in shopping ads within the ad.
Ad Sku Idsad_sku_idsTEXTdimensionThe unique identifiers for SKUs used in the ad.
Ad Textad_textTEXTdimensionThe text content used in the ad.
Ad Textsad_textsTEXTdimensionThe various versions of text used in the ad.
Ad Tiktok Item Idad_tiktok_item_idTEXTdimensionThe unique identifier for the TikTok item associated with the ad.
Ad Vast Moat Enabledad_vast_moat_enabledBOOLEANdimensionIndicates whether VAST or MOAT metrics are enabled for the ad.
Ad Vertical Video Strategyad_vertical_video_strategyTEXTdimensionThe vertical video strategy applied to the ad.
Ad Video Idad_video_idTEXTdimensionThe unique identifier for the video used in the ad.
Ad Account Addressad_account_addressTEXTdimensionThe address associated with the ad account.
Ad Account Balancead_account_balanceNUMBERdimensionThe balance of the ad account.
Ad Account Cellphone Numberad_account_cellphone_numberTEXTdimensionThe cellphone number associated with the ad account.
Ad Account Companyad_account_companyTEXTdimensionThe company associated with the ad account.
Ad Account Contacterad_account_contacterTEXTdimensionThe contact person associated with the ad account.
Ad Account Countryad_account_countryTEXTdimensionThe country of the ad account.
Ad Account Create Timead_account_create_timeTEXTdimensionThe date and time the ad account was created.
Ad Account Currencyad_account_currencyTEXTdimensionThe currency used by the ad account.
Ad Account Descriptionad_account_descriptionTEXTdimensionThe description of the ad account.
Ad Account Display Timezonead_account_display_timezoneTEXTdimensionThe display timezone of the ad account.
Ad Account Emailad_account_emailTEXTdimensionThe email address associated with the ad account.
Ad Account Advertiser Idad_account_idTEXTdimensionThe unique identifier of the advertiser for the ad account.
Ad Account Industryad_account_industryTEXTdimensionThe industry category of the ad account.
Ad Account Languagead_account_languageTEXTdimensionThe language settings of the ad account.
Ad Account License Noad_account_license_noTEXTdimensionThe license number associated with the ad account.
Ad Account License Urlad_account_license_urlTEXTdimensionThe URL of the license associated with the ad account.
Ad Account Namead_account_nameTEXTdimensionThe name of the ad account.
Ad Account Owner Bc Idad_account_owner_bc_idTEXTdimensionThe business contact ID of the owner of the ad account.
Ad Account Rejection Reasonad_account_rejection_reasonTEXTdimensionThe reason for rejection if the ad account was rejected.
Ad Account Rolead_account_roleTEXTdimensionThe role assigned to the ad account (e.g., admin, viewer).
Ad Account Statusad_account_statusTEXTdimensionThe status of the ad account.
Ad Account Telephone Numberad_account_telephone_numberTEXTdimensionThe telephone number associated with the ad account.
Ad Account Timezonead_account_timezoneTEXTdimensionThe timezone of the ad account.
Ad Group Advertiser Idad_group_advertiser_idTEXTdimensionThe unique identifier of the advertiser managing the ad group.
Ad Group Age Groupsad_group_age_groupsTEXTdimensionThe age groups targeted by the ad group.
Ad Group App Download Urlad_group_app_download_urlTEXTdimensionThe download URL for the app in the ad group.
Ad Group App Idad_group_app_idTEXTdimensionThe unique identifier for the app associated with the ad group.
Ad Group App Profile Page Statead_group_app_profile_page_stateTEXTdimensionThe profile page state of the app in the ad group.
Ad Group Audience Idsad_group_audience_idsTEXTdimensionThe audience IDs targeted by the ad group.
Ad Group Audience Typead_group_audience_typeTEXTdimensionThe audience type targeted by the ad group.
Ad Group Auto Targeting Enabledad_group_auto_targeting_enabledBOOLEANdimensionIndicates whether auto-targeting is enabled for the ad group.
Ad Group Bid Display Modead_group_bid_display_modeTEXTdimensionThe display mode for bids in the ad group.
Ad Group Bid Pricead_group_bid_priceNUMBERdimensionThe bid price set for the ad group.
Ad Group Bid Typead_group_bid_typeTEXTdimensionThe type of bid used by the ad group.
Ad Group Billing Eventad_group_billing_eventTEXTdimensionThe billing event for the ad group (e.g., impressions, clicks).
Ad Group Blocked Pangle App Idsad_group_blocked_pangle_app_idsTEXTdimensionThe blocked Pangle app IDs in the ad group.
Ad Group Brand Safety Partnerad_group_brand_safety_partnerTEXTdimensionThe brand safety partner assigned to the ad group.
Ad Group Brand Safety Typead_group_brand_safety_typeTEXTdimensionThe type of brand safety checks used by the ad group.
Ad Group Budgetad_group_budgetNUMBERdimensionThe budget allocated for the ad group.
Ad Group Budget Modead_group_budget_modeTEXTdimensionThe budget mode of the ad group (e.g., daily, lifetime).
Ad Group Campaign Idad_group_campaign_idTEXTdimensionThe unique identifier for the campaign associated with the ad group.
Ad Group Carrier Idsad_group_carrier_idsTEXTdimensionThe carrier IDs targeted by the ad group.
Ad Group Catalog Authorized Bc Idad_group_catalog_authorized_bc_idTEXTdimensionThe catalog business contact ID authorized for the ad group.
Ad Group Catalog Idad_group_catalog_idTEXTdimensionThe unique identifier for the catalog associated with the ad group.
Ad Group Comment Disabledad_group_comment_disabledBOOLEANdimensionIndicates whether comments are disabled for the ad group.
Ad Group Conversion Bid Pricead_group_conversion_bid_priceNUMBERdimensionThe bid price for conversions in the ad group.
Ad Group Conversion Window (Deprecated)ad_group_conversion_window (deprecated)TEXTdimensionThe conversion window (deprecated) for the ad group.
Ad Group Cpv Video Durationad_group_cpv_video_durationTEXTdimensionThe cost-per-view (CPV) for video ads in the ad group.
Ad Group Creative Material Modead_group_creative_material_modeTEXTdimensionThe creative material mode for the ad group.
Ad Group Daypartingad_group_daypartingTEXTdimensionThe dayparting settings for the ad group.
Ad Group Deep Bid Typead_group_deep_bid_typeTEXTdimensionThe deep bid type used in the ad group.
Ad Group Deep Cpa Bidad_group_deep_cpa_bidNUMBERdimensionThe deep cost-per-action (CPA) bid for the ad group.
Ad Group Device Model Idsad_group_device_model_idsTEXTdimensionThe device model IDs targeted by the ad group.
Ad Group Device Price Rangesad_group_device_price_rangesTEXTdimensionThe price ranges for devices targeted by the ad group.
Ad Group Excluded Audience Idsad_group_excluded_audience_idsTEXTdimensionThe excluded audience IDs in the ad group.
Ad Group Excluded Pangle Audience Package Idsad_group_excluded_pangle_audience_package_idsTEXTdimensionThe excluded Pangle audience package IDs in the ad group.
Ad Group Frequencyad_group_frequencyNUMBERdimensionThe frequency cap for the ad group.
Ad Group Frequency Schedulead_group_frequency_scheduleNUMBERdimensionThe frequency schedule for the ad group.
Ad Group Genderad_group_genderTEXTdimensionThe gender of the audience targeted by the ad group.
Ad Group Household Incomead_group_household_incomeTEXTdimensionThe household income levels targeted by the ad group.
Ad Group Idad_group_idTEXTdimensionThe unique identifier for the ad group.
Ad Group Identity Authorized Bc Idad_group_identity_authorized_bc_idTEXTdimensionThe business contact ID authorized for the identity of the ad group.
Ad Group Identity Idad_group_identity_idTEXTdimensionThe identity ID used in the ad group.
Ad Group Identity Typead_group_identity_typeTEXTdimensionThe type of identity used in the ad group.
Ad Group Included Pangle Audience Package Idsad_group_included_pangle_audience_package_idsTEXTdimensionThe included Pangle audience package IDs in the ad group.
Ad Group Interest Category Idsad_group_interest_category_idsTEXTdimensionThe interest category IDs targeted by the ad group.
Ad Group Interest Keyword Idsad_group_interest_keyword_idsTEXTdimensionThe interest keywords targeted by the ad group.
Ad Group Inventory Filter Enabledad_group_inventory_filter_enabledBOOLEANdimensionIndicates whether the inventory filter is enabled for the ad group.
Ad Group Ios14 Quota Typead_group_ios14_quota_typeTEXTdimensionThe quota type for iOS 14 targeting in the ad group.
Ad Group Ios14 Targetingad_group_ios14_targetingTEXTdimensionThe targeting options for iOS 14 in the ad group.
Ad Group Is Hfssad_group_is_hfssBOOLEANdimensionIndicates whether the ad group is part of an HFSS campaign.
Ad Group Is New Structuread_group_is_new_structureBOOLEANdimensionIndicates whether the ad group is part of a new structure format.
Ad Group Languagesad_group_languagesTEXTdimensionThe languages targeted by the ad group.
Ad Group Location Idsad_group_location_idsTEXTdimensionThe location IDs targeted by the ad group.
Ad Group Min Android Versionad_group_min_android_versionTEXTdimensionThe minimum Android version required for the ad group.
Ad Group Min Ios Versionad_group_min_ios_versionTEXTdimensionThe minimum iOS version required for the ad group.
Ad Group Namead_group_nameTEXTdimensionThe name of the ad group.
Ad Group Network Typesad_group_network_typesTEXTdimensionThe network types targeted by the ad group.
Ad Group Next Day Retentionad_group_next_day_retentionNUMBERdimensionThe next-day retention metrics for the ad group.
Ad Group Operating Systemsad_group_operating_systemsTEXTdimensionThe operating systems targeted by the ad group.
Ad Group Operation Statusad_group_operation_statusTEXTdimensionThe operational status of the ad group.
Ad Group Optimization Eventad_group_optimization_eventTEXTdimensionThe optimization event targeted by the ad group.
Ad Group Optimization Goalad_group_optimization_goalTEXTdimensionThe optimization goal for the ad group.
Ad Group Pacingad_group_pacingTEXTdimensionThe pacing strategy for the ad group.
Ad Group Pixel Idad_group_pixel_idTEXTdimensionThe unique identifier for the pixel associated with the ad group.
Ad Group Placement Typead_group_placement_typeTEXTdimensionThe placement type used by the ad group.
Ad Group Placementsad_group_placementsTEXTdimensionThe specific placements targeted by the ad group.
Ad Group Product Set Idad_group_product_set_idTEXTdimensionThe product set ID used in the ad group.
Ad Group Product Sourcead_group_product_sourceTEXTdimensionThe source of the product used in the ad group.
Ad Group Promotion Typead_group_promotion_typeTEXTdimensionThe promotion type used in the ad group.
Ad Group Promotion Website Typead_group_promotion_website_typeTEXTdimensionThe promotion website type used in the ad group.
Ad Group Purchased Impressionad_group_purchased_impressionNUMBERdimensionThe number of purchased impressions for the ad group.
Ad Group Purchased Reachad_group_purchased_reachNUMBERdimensionThe reach purchased for the ad group.
Ad Group Rf Estimated Cprad_group_rf_estimated_cprNUMBERdimensionThe estimated cost-per-reach (CPR) for reach and frequency campaigns in the ad group.
Ad Group Rf Estimated Frequencyad_group_rf_estimated_frequencyNUMBERdimensionThe estimated frequency for reach and frequency campaigns in the ad group.
Ad Group Rf Purchased Typead_group_rf_purchased_typeTEXTdimensionThe type of reach and frequency purchase in the ad group.
Ad Group Roas Bidad_group_roas_bidNUMBERdimensionThe return-on-ad-spend (ROAS) bid for the ad group.
Ad Group Schedule End Timead_group_schedule_end_timeTEXTdimensionThe scheduled end time for the ad group.
Ad Group Schedule Start Timead_group_schedule_start_timeTEXTdimensionThe scheduled start time for the ad group.
Ad Group Schedule Typead_group_schedule_typeTEXTdimensionThe type of schedule used by the ad group.
Ad Group Scheduled Budgetad_group_scheduled_budgetNUMBERdimensionThe scheduled budget for the ad group.
Ad Group Secondary Optimization Eventad_group_secondary_optimization_eventTEXTdimensionThe secondary optimization event for the ad group.
Ad Group Secondary Statusad_group_secondary_statusTEXTdimensionThe secondary status of the ad group.
Ad Group Share Disabledad_group_share_disabledBOOLEANdimensionIndicates whether sharing is disabled for the ad group.
Ad Group Shopping Ads Retargeting Typead_group_shopping_ads_retargeting_typeTEXTdimensionThe retargeting type used in shopping ads for the ad group.
Ad Group Shopping Ads Typead_group_shopping_ads_typeTEXTdimensionThe type of shopping ads used in the ad group.
Ad Group Skip Learning Phasead_group_skip_learning_phaseBOOLEANdimensionIndicates whether the ad group has skipped the learning phase.
Ad Group Statistic Typead_group_statistic_typeTEXTdimensionThe type of statistics used by the ad group.
Ad Group Store Authorized Bc Idad_group_store_authorized_bc_idTEXTdimensionThe business contact ID authorized for the store in the ad group.
Ad Group Store Idad_group_store_idTEXTdimensionThe store ID used in the ad group.
Ad Group Video Download Disabledad_group_video_download_disabledBOOLEANdimensionIndicates whether video downloads are disabled for the ad group.
Campaign Advertiser Idcampaign_advertiser_idTEXTdimensionThe unique identifier of the advertiser managing the campaign.
Campaign App Profile Page Statecampaign_app_profile_page_stateTEXTdimensionThe profile page state of the app in the campaign.
Campaign Bid Typecampaign_bid_typeNUMBERdimensionThe type of bid used by the campaign.
Campaign Budgetcampaign_budgetNUMBERdimensionThe budget allocated for the campaign.
Campaign Budget Modecampaign_budget_modeTEXTdimensionThe budget mode of the campaign (e.g., daily, lifetime).
Campaign Budget Optimize Oncampaign_budget_optimize_onBOOLEANdimensionIndicates whether the campaign is set to optimize based on budget.
Campaign Create Timecampaign_create_timeTEXTdimensionThe date and time the campaign was created.
Campaign Deep Bid Typecampaign_deep_bid_typeTEXTdimensionThe deep bid type used in the campaign.
Campaign Idcampaign_idTEXTdimensionThe unique identifier for the campaign.
Campaign Is New Structurecampaign_is_new_structureBOOLEANdimensionIndicates whether the campaign is part of a new structure format.
Campaign Modify Timecampaign_modify_timeTEXTdimensionThe date and time the campaign was last modified.
Campaign Namecampaign_nameTEXTdimensionThe name of the campaign.
Campaign Objectivecampaign_objectiveTEXTdimensionThe primary objective of the campaign
Campaign Objective Typecampaign_objective_typeTEXTdimensionThe type of campaign objective (e.g., conversions, brand awareness).
Campaign Operation Statuscampaign_operation_statusTEXTdimensionThe current operational status of the campaign (e.g., active, paused).
Campaign Optimization Goalcondtionalcampaign_optimization_goalCondtionalTEXTdimensionThe optimization goal used conditionally for the campaign.
Campaign Roas Bidcampaign_roas_bidNUMBERdimensionThe return-on-ad-spend (ROAS) bid for the campaign.
Campaign Secondary Statuscampaign_secondary_statusTEXTdimensionThe secondary status of the campaign (e.g., paused, active).
Campaign Special Industriescampaign_special_industriesTEXTdimensionThe industries targeted by the campaign (e.g., finance, retail).
Campaign Typecampaign_typeTEXTdimensionThe type of campaign (e.g., lead generation, shopping).
DatedateYEAR_MONTH_DAYdimensionThe specific date associated with the data entry or event.
Day of Monthday_of_monthDAYdimensionThe numeric day of the month (1-31).
Day of Weekday_of_weekDAY_OF_WEEKdimensionThe day of the week (e.g., Monday, Tuesday).
MonthmonthMONTHdimensionThe month associated with the event.
YearyearYEARdimensionThe year associated with the event.
Year & Monthyear_monthYEAR_MONTHdimensionA combined value representing the year and month for data grouping.
Year & Quarteryear_quarterYEAR_QUARTERdimensionA combined value representing the year and quarter for data grouping.
Year & Weekyear_weekYEAR_WEEKdimensionA combined value representing the year and week for data grouping.
Achieve Levelachieve_levelNUMBERmetricThe achieved level based on a specific action or event.
Achieve Level Rateachieve_level_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of achieving a certain level.
Cost Per Achieve Levelcost_per_achieve_levelNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with achieving a certain level.
Cost Per Total Achieve Levelcost_per_total_achieve_levelNUMBERmetricThe cost per achieving the total level.
Total Achieve Leveltotal_achieve_levelNUMBERmetricThe total number of achieved levels.
Total Achieve Level Valuetotal_achieve_level_valueNUMBERmetricThe total value associated with the achieved levels.
Value Per Total Achieve Levelvalue_per_total_achieve_levelNUMBERmetricThe value per achieving the total level.
Add Billingadd_billingNUMBERmetricThe total number of billing additions in the campaign.
Add Billing Rateadd_billing_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of billing additions in the campaign.
Add Payment Infoadd_payment_infoNUMBERmetricThe total number of added payment information entries.
Add Payment Info Rateadd_payment_info_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of adding payment information entries.
Cost Per Add Billingcost_per_add_billingNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with adding billing information.
Cost Per Add Payment Infocost_per_add_payment_infoNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with adding payment information entries.
Cost Total Add Payment Infocost_total_add_payment_infoNUMBERmetricThe total cost for adding payment information.
Total Add Billing Valuetotal_add_billing_valueNUMBERmetricThe total value of billing additions.
Total Add Payment Infototal_add_payment_infoNUMBERmetricThe total number of added payment information entries.
Value Per Add Billingvalue_per_add_billingNUMBERmetricThe value per added billing entry.
App Event Add To Cartapp_event_add_to_cartNUMBERmetricThe total number of app events for adding to cart.
App Event Add To Cart Rateapp_event_add_to_cart_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of app events for adding to cart.
Cost Per App Event Add To Cartcost_per_app_event_add_to_cartNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with app events for adding to cart.
Cost Per Total App Event Add To Cartcost_per_total_app_event_add_to_cartNUMBERmetricThe cost per total app events for adding to cart.
Cost Per Web Event Add To Cartcost_per_web_event_add_to_cartNUMBERmetricThe cost per web event for adding to cart.
Total App Event Add To Carttotal_app_event_add_to_cartNUMBERmetricThe total number of app events for adding to cart.
Total App Event Add To Cart Valuetotal_app_event_add_to_cart_valueNUMBERmetricThe total value of app events for adding to cart.
Total Web Event Add To Cart Valuetotal_web_event_add_to_cart_valueNUMBERmetricThe total value of web events for adding to cart.
Value Per Total App Event Add To Cartvalue_per_total_app_event_add_to_cartNUMBERmetricThe value per total app events for adding to cart.
Value Per Web Event Add To Cartvalue_per_web_event_add_to_cartNUMBERmetricThe value per web event for adding to cart.
Web Event Add To Cartweb_event_add_to_cartNUMBERmetricThe total number of web events for adding to cart.
Web Event Add To Cart Rateweb_event_add_to_cart_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of web events for adding to cart.
Add To Wishlistadd_to_wishlistNUMBERmetricThe total number of add-to-wishlist events.
Add To Wishlist Rateadd_to_wishlist_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of add-to-wishlist events.
Cost Per Add To Wishlistcost_per_add_to_wishlistNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with adding to the wishlist.
Cost Per On Web Add To Wishlistcost_per_on_web_add_to_wishlistNUMBERmetricThe cost per add-to-wishlist event on the web.
Cost Per Total Add To Wishlistcost_per_total_add_to_wishlistNUMBERmetricThe cost per total add-to-wishlist events.
On Web Add To Wishliston_web_add_to_wishlistNUMBERmetricThe total number of add-to-wishlist events on the web.
On Web Add To Wishlist Per Clickon_web_add_to_wishlist_per_clickNUMBERmetricThe per-click cost for add-to-wishlist events on the web.
Total Add To Wishlisttotal_add_to_wishlistNUMBERmetricThe total number of add-to-wishlist events.
Total Add To Wishlist Valuetotal_add_to_wishlist_valueNUMBERmetricThe total value of add-to-wishlist events.
Total On Web Add To Wishlist Valuetotal_on_web_add_to_wishlist_valueNUMBERmetricThe total value of add-to-wishlist events on the web.
Value Per On Web Add To Wishlistvalue_per_on_web_add_to_wishlistNUMBERmetricThe value per web add-to-wishlist event.
Value Per Total Add To Wishlistvalue_per_total_add_to_wishlistNUMBERmetricThe value per total add-to-wishlist event.
App Installapp_installNUMBERmetricThe total number of app installs.
Cost Per App Installcost_per_app_installNUMBERmetricThe cost per app install.
Metric Attribute Ad Namemetric_attribute_ad_nameTEXTdimensionThe name attribute of the ad in the metric.
Metric Attribute Ad Textmetric_attribute_ad_textTEXTdimensionThe text attribute of the ad in the metric.
Metric Attribute Adgroup Idmetric_attribute_adgroup_idTEXTdimensionThe unique identifier for the ad group in the metric.
Metric Attribute Adgroup Namemetric_attribute_adgroup_nameTEXTdimensionThe name of the ad group in the metric.
Metric Attribute Campaign Idmetric_attribute_campaign_idTEXTdimensionThe unique identifier for the campaign in the metric.
Dpa Target Audience Typemetric_attribute_dpa_target_audience_typeTEXTdimensionThe target audience type for dynamic product ads (DPA).
Mobile App Idmetric_attribute_mobile_app_idTEXTdimensionThe unique identifier for the mobile app.
Objective Typemetric_attribute_objective_typeTEXTdimensionThe type of objective (e.g., app installs, conversions).
Placement Typemetric_attribute_placement_typeTEXTdimensionThe type of placement used for the ad.
Promotion Typemetric_attribute_promotion_typeTEXTdimensionThe type of promotion used in the campaign.
TT App Idmetric_attribute_tt_app_idTEXTdimensionThe unique identifier for the TikTok app associated with the campaign.
TT App Namemetric_attribute_tt_app_nameTEXTdimensionThe name of the TikTok app associated with the campaign.
Cost Per Cta Conversioncost_per_cta_conversionNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with a call-to-action (CTA) conversion.
Cost Per Cta Purchasecost_per_cta_purchaseNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with a CTA purchase.
Cost Per Cta Registrationcost_per_cta_registrationNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with a CTA registration.
Cost Per Vta Conversioncost_per_vta_conversionNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with a view-through-action (VTA) conversion.
Cost Per Vta Purchasecost_per_vta_purchaseNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with a VTA purchase.
Cost Per Vta Registrationcost_per_vta_registrationNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with a VTA registration.
Cta App Installcta_app_installNUMBERmetricThe total number of CTA app installs.
Cta Conversioncta_conversionNUMBERmetricThe total number of CTA conversions.
Cta Purchasecta_purchaseNUMBERmetricThe total number of CTA purchases.
Cta Registrationcta_registrationNUMBERmetricThe total number of CTA registrations.
Vta App Installvta_app_installNUMBERmetricThe total number of VTA app installs.
Vta Conversionvta_conversionNUMBERmetricThe total number of VTA conversions.
Vta Purchasevta_purchaseNUMBERmetricThe total number of VTA purchases.
Vta Registrationvta_registrationNUMBERmetricThe total number of VTA registrations.
Cash Spendcash_spendNUMBERmetricThe total cash spend for the campaign.
ClicksclicksNUMBERmetricThe total number of clicks generated by the campaign.
ConversionconversionNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions generated by the campaign.
Conversion Rateconversion_rateNUMBERmetricThe conversion rate achieved in the campaign.
Cost Per 1000 Reachedcost_per_1000_reachedNUMBERmetricThe cost per 1,000 reached users.
Cost Per Conversioncost_per_conversionNUMBERmetricThe cost per conversion in the campaign.
Cost Per Resultcost_per_resultNUMBERmetricThe cost per result achieved in the campaign.
Cost Per Secondary Goal Resultcost_per_secondary_goal_resultNUMBERmetricThe cost per secondary goal result in the campaign.
CpccpcNUMBERmetricThe cost per click (CPC) in the campaign.
CpmcpmNUMBERmetricThe cost per 1,000 impressions (CPM) in the campaign.
CtrctrNUMBERmetricThe click-through rate (CTR) for the campaign.
CurrencycurrencyNUMBERmetricThe currency used for the campaign’s budget.
FrequencyfrequencyNUMBERmetricThe frequency with which users were exposed to the ad.
ImpressionsimpressionsNUMBERmetricThe total number of impressions generated by the campaign.
ReachreachNUMBERmetricThe total number of users reached by the campaign.
Real Time Conversionreal_time_conversionNUMBERmetricThe total number of real-time conversions.
Real Time Conversion Ratereal_time_conversion_rateNUMBERmetricThe real-time conversion rate in the campaign.
Real Time Cost Per Conversionreal_time_cost_per_conversionNUMBERmetricThe cost per real-time conversion in the campaign.
Real Time Cost Per Resultreal_time_cost_per_resultNUMBERmetricThe cost per real-time result in the campaign.
Real Time Resultreal_time_resultNUMBERmetricThe total real-time results achieved in the campaign.
Real Time Result Ratereal_time_result_rateNUMBERmetricThe real-time result rate in the campaign.
ResultresultNUMBERmetricThe total number of results achieved in the campaign.
Result Rateresult_rateNUMBERmetricThe result rate achieved in the campaign.
Secondary Goal Resultsecondary_goal_resultNUMBERmetricThe total number of secondary goal results achieved in the campaign.
Secondary Goal Result Ratesecondary_goal_result_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of secondary goal results in the campaign.
SpendspendNUMBERmetricThe total spend in the campaign.
Voucher Spendvoucher_spendNUMBERmetricThe total voucher spend in the campaign.
CheckoutcheckoutNUMBERmetricThe total number of checkouts generated by the campaign.
Checkout Ratecheckout_rateNUMBERmetricThe checkout rate in the campaign.
Cost Per Checkoutcost_per_checkoutNUMBERmetricThe cost per checkout in the campaign.
Cost Per Total Checkoutcost_per_total_checkoutNUMBERmetricThe cost per total checkout in the campaign.
Total Checkouttotal_checkoutNUMBERmetricThe total number of checkouts generated.
Total Checkout Valuetotal_checkout_valueNUMBERmetricThe total value of checkouts generated.
Value Per Checkoutvalue_per_checkoutNUMBERmetricThe value per checkout.
Button Clickbutton_clickNUMBERmetricThe total number of button clicks generated by the campaign.
Button Click Ratebutton_click_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of button clicks relative to total impressions or interactions.
Cost Per Button Clickcost_per_button_clickNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with each button click.
Total Button Click Valuetotal_button_click_valueNUMBERmetricThe total value generated from button clicks.
Value Per Button Clickvalue_per_button_clickNUMBERmetricThe value per button click.
Complete Paymentcomplete_paymentNUMBERmetricThe total number of complete payments made.
Complete Payment Ratecomplete_payment_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of complete payments relative to total interactions.
Cost Per Complete Paymentcost_per_complete_paymentNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with each complete payment.
Total Complete Payment Ratetotal_complete_payment_rateNUMBERmetricThe total rate of complete payments.
Value Per Complete Paymentvalue_per_complete_paymentNUMBERmetricThe value generated from each complete payment.
Complete Payment Roascomplete_payment_roasNUMBERmetricThe return on ad spend (ROAS) for complete payments.
Cost Per User Registrationcost_per_user_registrationNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with each user registration.
Total User Registration Valuetotal_user_registration_valueNUMBERmetricThe total value generated from user registrations.
User Registrationuser_registrationNUMBERmetricThe total number of user registrations.
User Registration Rateuser_registration_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of user registrations relative to total interactions.
Value Per User Registrationvalue_per_user_registrationNUMBERmetricThe value generated from each user registration.
Complete Tutorialcomplete_tutorialNUMBERmetricThe total number of completed tutorials.
Complete Tutorial Ratecomplete_tutorial_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of completed tutorials relative to total interactions.
Cost Per Complete Tutorialcost_per_complete_tutorialNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with each completed tutorial.
Cost Per Total Complete Tutorialcost_per_total_complete_tutorialNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with the total number of completed tutorials.
Total Complete Tutorialtotal_complete_tutorialNUMBERmetricThe total number of completed tutorials.
Total Complete Tutorial Valuetotal_complete_tutorial_valueNUMBERmetricThe total value generated from completed tutorials.
Value Per Total Complete Tutorialvalue_per_total_complete_tutorialNUMBERmetricThe value generated from the total number of completed tutorials.
Cost Per Online Consultcost_per_online_consultNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with each online consultation.
Online Consultonline_consultNUMBERmetricThe total number of online consultations.
Online Consult Rateonline_consult_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of online consultations relative to total interactions.
Total Online Consult Valuetotal_online_consult_valueNUMBERmetricThe total value generated from online consultations.
Value Per Online Consultvalue_per_online_consultNUMBERmetricThe value generated from each online consultation.
Cost Per Create Groupcost_per_create_groupNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with each group creation.
Cost Per Total Create Groupcost_per_total_create_groupNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with the total number of group creations.
Create Groupcreate_groupNUMBERmetricThe total number of groups created.
Create Group Ratecreate_group_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of group creation relative to total interactions.
Total Create Grouptotal_create_groupNUMBERmetricThe total number of groups created.
Total Create Group Valuetotal_create_group_valueNUMBERmetricThe total value generated from group creation.
Value Per Total Create Groupvalue_per_total_create_groupNUMBERmetricThe value generated from the total number of group creations.
Cost Per Create Gamerolecost_per_create_gameroleNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with each creation of a gamerole.
Cost Per Total Create Gamerolecost_per_total_create_gameroleNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with the total number of gameroles created.
Create Gamerolecreate_gameroleNUMBERmetricThe total number of gameroles created.
Create Gamerole Ratecreate_gamerole_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of gamerole creation relative to total interactions.
Total Create Gameroletotal_create_gameroleNUMBERmetricThe total number of gameroles created.
Total Create Gamerole Valuetotal_create_gamerole_valueNUMBERmetricThe total value generated from gamerole creation.
Value Per Total Create Gamerolevalue_per_total_create_gameroleNUMBERmetricThe value generated from the total number of gameroles created.
Cost Per Next Day Opencost_per_next_day_openNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with each next-day open.
Cost Per Total Next Day Opencost_per_total_next_day_openNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with the total number of next-day opens.
Next Day Opennext_day_openNUMBERmetricThe total number of next-day opens.
Next Day Open Ratenext_day_open_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of next-day opens relative to total interactions.
Total Next Day Opentotal_next_day_openNUMBERmetricThe total number of next-day opens.
Audience NetworkacTEXTdimensionThe advertising network used to display the ads.
Country Codecountry_codeTEXTdimensionThe country code where the ad is being served.
AgeageTEXTdimensionThe age of the target audience.
GendergenderTEXTdimensionThe gender of the target audience.
Interest Categoryinterest_categoryTEXTdimensionThe interest categories of the target audience.
LanguagelanguageTEXTdimensionThe language of the target audience.
PlacementplacementTEXTdimensionThe type of placement used for the ad.
PlatformplatformTEXTdimensionThe platform used to display the ad (e.g., mobile, desktop).
Cost Per Download Startcost_per_download_startNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with each download start.
Download Startdownload_startNUMBERmetricThe total number of download starts.
Download Start Ratedownload_start_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of download starts relative to total interactions.
Total Download Start Valuetotal_download_start_valueNUMBERmetricThe total value generated from download starts.
Value Per Download Startvalue_per_download_startNUMBERmetricThe value generated from each download start.
Clicks On Music Discclicks_on_music_discNUMBERmetricThe total number of clicks on music discs.
CommentscommentsNUMBERmetricThe total number of comments generated by the ad.
FollowsfollowsNUMBERmetricThe total number of follows generated by the ad.
LikeslikesNUMBERmetricThe total number of likes generated by the ad.
Profile Visitsprofile_visitsNUMBERmetricThe total number of profile visits generated by the ad.
Profile Visits Rateprofile_visits_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of profile visits relative to total impressions or interactions.
SharessharesNUMBERmetricThe total number of shares generated by the ad.
Cost Per Sales Leadcost_per_sales_leadNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with each sales lead.
Cost Per Total Sales Leadcost_per_total_sales_leadNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with the total number of sales leads.
Sales Leadsales_leadNUMBERmetricThe total number of sales leads generated.
Sales Lead Ratesales_lead_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of sales leads relative to total interactions.
Total Sales Leadtotal_sales_leadNUMBERmetricThe total number of sales leads.
Total Sales Lead Valuetotal_sales_lead_valueNUMBERmetricThe total value generated from sales leads.
Value Per Total Sales Leadvalue_per_total_sales_leadNUMBERmetricThe value generated from the total number of sales leads.
Cost Per In App Ad Clickcost_per_in_app_ad_clickNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with each in-app ad click.
Cost Per Total In App Ad Clickcost_per_total_in_app_ad_clickNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with the total number of in-app ad clicks.
In App Ad Clickin_app_ad_clickNUMBERmetricThe total number of in-app ad clicks generated.
In App Ad Click Ratein_app_ad_click_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of in-app ad clicks relative to total interactions.
Total In App Ad Clicktotal_in_app_ad_clickNUMBERmetricThe total number of in-app ad clicks.
Total In App Ad Click Valuetotal_in_app_ad_click_valueNUMBERmetricThe total value generated from in-app ad clicks.
Value Per Total In App Ad Clickvalue_per_total_in_app_ad_clickNUMBERmetricThe value generated from the total number of in-app ad clicks.
Cost Per In App Ad Imprcost_per_in_app_ad_imprNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with each in-app ad impression.
Cost Per Total In App Ad Imprcost_per_total_in_app_ad_imprNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with the total number of in-app ad impressions.
In App Ad Imprin_app_ad_imprNUMBERmetricThe total number of in-app ad impressions generated.
In App Ad Impr Ratein_app_ad_impr_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of in-app ad impressions relative to total interactions.
Total In App Ad Imprtotal_in_app_ad_imprNUMBERmetricThe total number of in-app ad impressions.
Total In App Ad Impr Valuetotal_in_app_ad_impr_valueNUMBERmetricThe total value generated from in-app ad impressions.
Value Per Total In App Ad Imprvalue_per_total_in_app_ad_imprNUMBERmetricThe value generated from the total number of in-app ad impressions.
Cost Per Initiate Checkoutcost_per_initiate_checkoutNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with each initiated checkout.
Initiate Checkoutinitiate_checkoutNUMBERmetricThe total number of initiated checkouts.
Initiate Checkout Rateinitiate_checkout_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of initiated checkouts relative to total interactions.
Total Initiate Checkout Valuetotal_initiate_checkout_valueNUMBERmetricThe total value generated from initiated checkouts.
Value Per Initiate Checkoutvalue_per_initiate_checkoutNUMBERmetricThe value generated from each initiated checkout.
Cost Per Join Groupcost_per_join_groupNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with each group join.
Cost Per Total Join Groupcost_per_total_join_groupNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with the total number of group joins.
Join Groupjoin_groupNUMBERmetricThe total number of groups joined.
Join Group Ratejoin_group_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of group joins relative to total interactions.
Total Join Grouptotal_join_groupNUMBERmetricThe total number of group joins.
Total Join Group Valuetotal_join_group_valueNUMBERmetricThe total value generated from group joins.
Value Per Total Join Groupvalue_per_total_join_groupNUMBERmetricThe value generated from the total number of group joins.
Cost Per Launch Appcost_per_launch_appNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with each app launch.
Cost Per Total Launch Appcost_per_total_launch_appNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with the total number of app launches.
Launch Applaunch_appNUMBERmetricThe total number of app launches.
Launch App Ratelaunch_app_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of app launches relative to total interactions.
Total Launch Apptotal_launch_appNUMBERmetricThe total number of app launches.
Cost Per Loan Applycost_per_loan_applyNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with each loan application.
Cost Per Total Loan Applycost_per_total_loan_applyNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with the total number of loan applications.
Loan Applyloan_applyNUMBERmetricThe total number of loan applications.
Loan Apply Rateloan_apply_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of loan applications relative to total interactions.
Total Loan Applytotal_loan_applyNUMBERmetricThe total number of loan applications.
Cost Per Loan Creditcost_per_loan_creditNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with each loan credit.
Cost Per Total Loan Creditcost_per_total_loan_creditNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with the total number of loan credits.
Loan Creditloan_creditNUMBERmetricThe total number of loan credits issued.
Loan Credit Rateloan_credit_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of loan credits relative to total interactions.
Total Loan Credittotal_loan_creditNUMBERmetricThe total number of loan credits.
Cost Per Loan Disbursementcost_per_loan_disbursementNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with each loan disbursement.
Cost Per Total Loan Disbursementcost_per_total_loan_disbursementNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with the total number of loan disbursements.
Loan Disbursementloan_disbursementNUMBERmetricThe total number of loan disbursements.
Loan Disbursement Rateloan_disbursement_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of loan disbursements relative to total interactions.
Total Loan Disbursementtotal_loan_disbursementNUMBERmetricThe total number of loan disbursements.
Cost Per Logincost_per_loginNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with each login.
Cost Per Total Logincost_per_total_loginNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with the total number of logins.
LoginloginNUMBERmetricThe total number of logins.
Login Ratelogin_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of logins relative to total interactions.
Total Logintotal_loginNUMBERmetricThe total number of logins.
Ix Button Click Countix_button_click_countNUMBERmetricThe total number of button clicks tracked by the interactive experience.
Ix Page View Countix_page_view_countNUMBERmetricThe total number of page views tracked by the interactive experience.
Ix Product Click Countix_product_click_countNUMBERmetricThe total number of product clicks tracked by the interactive experience.
Onsite Add Billingonsite_add_billingNUMBERmetricThe total number of billing additions made on the website.
Onsite Add To Wishlistonsite_add_to_wishlistNUMBERmetricThe total number of wishlist additions made on the website.
Onsite Download Startonsite_download_startNUMBERmetricThe total number of download starts made on the website.
Onsite Formonsite_formNUMBERmetricThe total number of form submissions made on the website.
Onsite Initiate Checkout Countonsite_initiate_checkout_countNUMBERmetricThe total number of initiated checkouts tracked on the website.
Onsite On Web Cartonsite_on_web_cartNUMBERmetricThe total number of carts added on the website.
Onsite On Web Detailonsite_on_web_detailNUMBERmetricThe total number of product detail views on the website.
Onsite Shoppingonsite_shoppingNUMBERmetricThe total number of shopping activities tracked on the website.
Onsite Shopping Roasonsite_shopping_roasNUMBERmetricThe return on ad spend (ROAS) for shopping activities on the website.
Cost Per On Web Ordercost_per_on_web_orderNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with each web order.
On Web Orderon_web_orderNUMBERmetricThe total number of web orders.
On Web Order Rateon_web_order_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of web orders relative to total interactions.
Total On Web Order Valuetotal_on_web_order_valueNUMBERmetricThe total value generated from web orders.
Value Per On Web Ordervalue_per_on_web_orderNUMBERmetricThe value generated from each web order.
Cost Per Purchasecost_per_purchaseNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with each purchase.
Cost Per Total Purchasecost_per_total_purchaseNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with the total number of purchases.
PurchasepurchaseNUMBERmetricThe total number of purchases made.
Purchase Ratepurchase_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of purchases relative to total interactions.
Total Active Pay Roastotal_active_pay_roasNUMBERmetricThe total active pay ROAS.
Total Purchasetotal_purchaseNUMBERmetricThe total number of purchases made.
Total Purchase Valuetotal_purchase_valueNUMBERmetricThe total value generated from purchases.
Value Per Total Purchasevalue_per_total_purchaseNUMBERmetricThe value generated from the total number of purchases.
Cost Per Ratingscost_per_ratingsNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with ratings submitted by users.
Cost Per Total Ratingscost_per_total_ratingsNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with the total number of ratings.
RatingsratingsNUMBERmetricThe total number of ratings received.
Ratings Rateratings_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of ratings relative to total interactions.
Total Ratingstotal_ratingsNUMBERmetricThe total number of ratings received.
Total Ratings Valuetotal_ratings_valueNUMBERmetricThe total value generated from ratings.
Value Per Total Ratingsvalue_per_total_ratingsNUMBERmetricThe value generated from the total number of ratings.
Real Time App Installreal_time_app_installNUMBERmetricThe total number of real-time app installs.
Real Time App Install Costreal_time_app_install_costNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with real-time app installs.
Cost Per Registrationcost_per_registrationNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with each registration.
Cost Per Total Registrationcost_per_total_registrationNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with the total number of registrations.
RegistrationregistrationNUMBERmetricThe total number of registrations completed.
Registration Rateregistration_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of registrations relative to total interactions.
Total Registrationtotal_registrationNUMBERmetricThe total number of registrations.
Cost Per Page Event Searchcost_per_page_event_searchNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with each page event search.
Cost Per Searchcost_per_searchNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with each search.
Cost Per Total Searchcost_per_total_searchNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with the total number of searches.
Page Event Searchpage_event_searchNUMBERmetricThe total number of page event searches.
Page Event Search Ratepage_event_search_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of page event searches relative to total interactions.
SearchsearchNUMBERmetricThe total number of searches completed.
Search Ratesearch_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of searches relative to total interactions.
Total Page Event Search Valuetotal_page_event_search_valueNUMBERmetricThe total value generated from page event searches.
Total Searchtotal_searchNUMBERmetricThe total number of searches completed.
Value Per Page Event Searchvalue_per_page_event_searchNUMBERmetricThe value generated from each page event search.
Skan Achieve Levelskan_achieve_levelNUMBERmetricThe total achieved level in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Achieve Level Rateskan_achieve_level_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of achieved levels in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Cost Per Achieve Levelskan_cost_per_achieve_levelNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with each achieved level in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Cost Per Total Achieve Levelskan_cost_per_total_achieve_levelNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with the total number of achieved levels in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Total Achieve Levelskan_total_achieve_levelNUMBERmetricThe total achieved levels in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Total Achieve Level Valueskan_total_achieve_level_valueNUMBERmetricThe total value generated from achieved levels in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Add Payment Infoskan_add_payment_infoNUMBERmetricThe total number of payment information entries in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Add Payment Info Rateskan_add_payment_info_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of payment information entries in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Cost Per Add Payment Infoskan_cost_per_add_payment_infoNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with each payment information entry in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Cost Total Add Payment Infoskan_cost_total_add_payment_infoNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with the total number of payment information entries in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Total Add Payment Infoskan_total_add_payment_infoNUMBERmetricThe total number of payment information entries in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Add To Cartskan_add_to_cartNUMBERmetricThe total number of add-to-cart events in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Add To Cart Rateskan_add_to_cart_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of add-to-cart events in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Cost Per Add To Cartskan_cost_per_add_to_cartNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with each add-to-cart event in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Cost Per Total Add To Cartskan_cost_per_total_add_to_cartNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with the total number of add-to-cart events in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Total Add To Cartskan_total_add_to_cartNUMBERmetricThe total number of add-to-cart events in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Total Add To Cart Valueskan_total_add_to_cart_valueNUMBERmetricThe total value generated from add-to-cart events in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Add To Wishlistskan_add_to_wishlistNUMBERmetricThe total number of add-to-wishlist events in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Add To Wishlist Rateskan_add_to_wishlist_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of add-to-wishlist events in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Cost Per Add To Wishlistskan_cost_per_add_to_wishlistNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with each add-to-wishlist event in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Cost Per Total Add To Wishlistskan_cost_per_total_add_to_wishlistNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with the total number of add-to-wishlist events in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Total Add To Wishlistskan_total_add_to_wishlistNUMBERmetricThe total number of add-to-wishlist events in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Total Add To Wishlist Valueskan_total_add_to_wishlist_valueNUMBERmetricThe total value generated from add-to-wishlist events in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Conversionskan_conversionNUMBERmetricThe total number of conversions in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Conversion Rateskan_conversion_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of conversions in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Cost Per Conversionskan_cost_per_conversionNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with each conversion in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Cost Per Resultskan_cost_per_resultNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with each result in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Resultskan_resultNUMBERmetricThe total number of results achieved in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Result Rateskan_result_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of results achieved in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Checkoutskan_checkoutNUMBERmetricThe total number of checkouts in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Checkout Rateskan_checkout_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of checkouts in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Cost Per Checkoutskan_cost_per_checkoutNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with each checkout in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Cost Per Total Checkoutskan_cost_per_total_checkoutNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with the total number of checkouts in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Total Checkoutskan_total_checkoutNUMBERmetricThe total number of checkouts in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Total Checkout Valueskan_total_checkout_valueNUMBERmetricThe total value generated from checkouts in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Complete Tutorialskan_complete_tutorialNUMBERmetricThe total number of completed tutorials in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Complete Tutorial Rateskan_complete_tutorial_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of completed tutorials in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Cost Per Complete Tutorialskan_cost_per_complete_tutorialNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with each completed tutorial in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Cost Per Total Complete Tutorialskan_cost_per_total_complete_tutorialNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with the total number of completed tutorials in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Total Complete Tutorialskan_total_complete_tutorialNUMBERmetricThe total number of completed tutorials in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Total Complete Tutorial Valueskan_total_complete_tutorial_valueNUMBERmetricThe total value generated from completed tutorials in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Cost Per Create Groupskan_cost_per_create_groupNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with each group creation in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Cost Per Total Create Groupskan_cost_per_total_create_groupNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with the total number of group creations in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Create Groupskan_create_groupNUMBERmetricThe total number of groups created in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Create Group Rateskan_create_group_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of group creation in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Total Create Groupskan_total_create_groupNUMBERmetricThe total number of groups created in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Total Create Group Valueskan_total_create_group_valueNUMBERmetricThe total value generated from group creations in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Cost Per Create Gameroleskan_cost_per_create_gameroleNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with each gamerole creation in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Cost Per Total Create Gameroleskan_cost_per_total_create_gameroleNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with the total number of gamerole creations in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Create Gameroleskan_create_gameroleNUMBERmetricThe total number of gameroles created in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Create Gamerole Rateskan_create_gamerole_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of gamerole creation in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Total Create Gameroleskan_total_create_gameroleNUMBERmetricThe total number of gameroles created in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Total Create Gamerole Valueskan_total_create_gamerole_valueNUMBERmetricThe total value generated from gamerole creations in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Cost Per Sales Leadskan_cost_per_sales_leadNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with each sales lead in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Cost Per Total Sales Leadskan_cost_per_total_sales_leadNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with the total number of sales leads in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Sales Leadskan_sales_leadNUMBERmetricThe total number of sales leads generated in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Sales Lead Rateskan_sales_lead_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of sales leads generated in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Total Sales Leadskan_total_sales_leadNUMBERmetricThe total number of sales leads in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Total Sales Lead Valueskan_total_sales_lead_valueNUMBERmetricThe total value generated from sales leads in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Cost Per In App Ad Clickskan_cost_per_in_app_ad_clickNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with each in-app ad click in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Cost Per Total In App Ad Clickskan_cost_per_total_in_app_ad_clickNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with the total number of in-app ad clicks in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan In App Ad Clickskan_in_app_ad_clickNUMBERmetricThe total number of in-app ad clicks in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan In App Ad Click Rateskan_in_app_ad_click_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of in-app ad clicks in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Total In App Ad Clickskan_total_in_app_ad_clickNUMBERmetricThe total number of in-app ad clicks in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Total In App Ad Click Valueskan_total_in_app_ad_click_valueNUMBERmetricThe total value generated from in-app ad clicks in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Cost Per In App Ad Imprskan_cost_per_in_app_ad_imprNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with each in-app ad impression in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Cost Per Total In App Ad Imprskan_cost_per_total_in_app_ad_imprNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with the total number of in-app ad impressions in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan In App Ad Imprskan_in_app_ad_imprNUMBERmetricThe total number of in-app ad impressions in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan In App Ad Impr Rateskan_in_app_ad_impr_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of in-app ad impressions in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Total In App Ad Imprskan_total_in_app_ad_imprNUMBERmetricThe total number of in-app ad impressions in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Total In App Ad Impr Valueskan_total_in_app_ad_impr_valueNUMBERmetricThe total value generated from in-app ad impressions in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan App Installskan_app_installNUMBERmetricThe total number of app installs in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Cost Per App Installskan_cost_per_app_installNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with each app install in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Cost Per Join Groupskan_cost_per_join_groupNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with each group join in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Cost Per Total Join Groupskan_cost_per_total_join_groupNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with the total number of group joins in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Join Groupskan_join_groupNUMBERmetricThe total number of groups joined in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Join Group Rateskan_join_group_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of group joins in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Total Join Groupskan_total_join_groupNUMBERmetricThe total number of groups joined in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Total Join Group Valueskan_total_join_group_valueNUMBERmetricThe total value generated from group joins in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Cost Per Launch Appskan_cost_per_launch_appNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with each app launch in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Cost Per Total Launch Appskan_cost_per_total_launch_appNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with the total number of app launches in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Launch Appskan_launch_appNUMBERmetricThe total number of app launches in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Launch App Rateskan_launch_app_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of app launches in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Total Launch Appskan_total_launch_appNUMBERmetricThe total number of app launches in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Cost Per Loan Applyskan_cost_per_loan_applyNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with each loan application in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Cost Per Total Loan Applyskan_cost_per_total_loan_applyNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with the total number of loan applications in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Loan Applyskan_loan_applyNUMBERmetricThe total number of loan applications in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Loan Apply Rateskan_loan_apply_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of loan applications in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Total Loan Applyskan_total_loan_applyNUMBERmetricThe total number of loan applications in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Cost Per Loan Creditskan_cost_per_loan_creditNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with each loan credit in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Cost Per Total Loan Creditskan_cost_per_total_loan_creditNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with the total number of loan credits in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Loan Creditskan_loan_creditNUMBERmetricThe total number of loan credits in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Loan Credit Rateskan_loan_credit_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of loan credits in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Total Loan Creditskan_total_loan_creditNUMBERmetricThe total number of loan credits in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Cost Per Loan Disbursementskan_cost_per_loan_disbursementNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with each loan disbursement in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Cost Per Total Loan Disbursementskan_cost_per_total_loan_disbursementNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with the total number of loan disbursements in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Loan Disbursementskan_loan_disbursementNUMBERmetricThe total number of loan disbursements in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Loan Disbursement Rateskan_loan_disbursement_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of loan disbursements in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Total Loan Disbursementskan_total_loan_disbursementNUMBERmetricThe total number of loan disbursements in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Cost Per Loginskan_cost_per_loginNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with each login in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Cost Per Total Loginskan_cost_per_total_loginNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with the total number of logins in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Loginskan_loginNUMBERmetricThe total number of logins in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Login Rateskan_login_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of logins in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Total Loginskan_total_loginNUMBERmetricThe total number of logins in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Cost Per Purchaseskan_cost_per_purchaseNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with each purchase in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Cost Per Total Purchaseskan_cost_per_total_purchaseNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with the total number of purchases in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Purchaseskan_purchaseNUMBERmetricThe total number of purchases made in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Purchase Rateskan_purchase_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of purchases in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Total Purchaseskan_total_purchaseNUMBERmetricThe total number of purchases made in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Total Purchase Valueskan_total_purchase_valueNUMBERmetricThe total value generated from purchases in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Cost Per Ratingsskan_cost_per_ratingsNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with each rating in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Cost Per Total Ratingsskan_cost_per_total_ratingsNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with the total number of ratings in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Ratingsskan_ratingsNUMBERmetricThe total number of ratings received in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Ratings Rateskan_ratings_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of ratings in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Total Ratingsskan_total_ratingsNUMBERmetricThe total number of ratings received in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Total Ratings Valueskan_total_ratings_valueNUMBERmetricThe total value generated from ratings in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Cost Per Registrationskan_cost_per_registrationNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with each registration in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Cost Per Total Registrationskan_cost_per_total_registrationNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with the total number of registrations in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Registrationskan_registrationNUMBERmetricThe total number of registrations made in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Registration Rateskan_registration_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of registrations in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Total Registrationskan_total_registrationNUMBERmetricThe total number of registrations made in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Cost Per Searchskan_cost_per_searchNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with each search in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Cost Per Total Searchskan_cost_per_total_searchNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with the total number of searches in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Searchskan_searchNUMBERmetricThe total number of searches made in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Search Rateskan_search_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of searches in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Total Searchskan_total_searchNUMBERmetricThe total number of searches made in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Cost Per Spend Creditsskan_cost_per_spend_creditsNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with spending credits in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Cost Per Total Spend Creditsskan_cost_per_total_spend_creditsNUMBERmetric

The cost associated with the total number of spend credits in SKAdNetwork campaigns.

Skan Spend Creditsskan_spend_creditsNUMBERmetricThe total number of spend credits in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Spend Credits Rateskan_spend_credits_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of spend credits in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Total Spend Creditsskan_total_spend_creditsNUMBERmetricThe total number of spend credits in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Total Spend Credits Valueskan_total_spend_credits_valueNUMBERmetricThe total value generated from spend credits in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Cost Per Start Trialskan_cost_per_start_trialNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with each start trial in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Cost Per Total Start Trialskan_cost_per_total_start_trialNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with the total number of start trials in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Start Trialskan_start_trialNUMBERmetricThe total number of start trials in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Start Trial Rateskan_start_trial_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of start trials in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Total Start Trialskan_total_start_trialNUMBERmetricThe total number of start trials in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Cost Per Subscribeskan_cost_per_subscribeNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with each subscription in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Cost Per Total Subscribeskan_cost_per_total_subscribeNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with the total number of subscriptions in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Subscribeskan_subscribeNUMBERmetricThe total number of subscriptions in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Subscribe Rateskan_subscribe_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of subscriptions in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Total Subscribeskan_total_subscribeNUMBERmetricThe total number of subscriptions in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Total Subscribe Valueskan_total_subscribe_valueNUMBERmetricThe total value generated from subscriptions in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Cost Per Total Unlock Achievementskan_cost_per_total_unlock_achievementNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with unlocking achievements in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Cost Per Unlock Achievementskan_cost_per_unlock_achievementNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with the total number of unlocked achievements in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Total Unlock Achievementskan_total_unlock_achievementNUMBERmetricThe total number of unlocked achievements in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Total Unlock Achievement Valueskan_total_unlock_achievement_valueNUMBERmetricThe total value generated from unlocking achievements in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Unlock Achievementskan_unlock_achievementNUMBERmetricThe total number of unlocked achievements in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Unlock Achievement Rateskan_unlock_achievement_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of unlocked achievements in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Cost Per Total View Contentskan_cost_per_total_view_contentNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with each view content event in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Cost Per View Contentskan_cost_per_view_contentNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with the total number of view content events in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Total View Contentskan_total_view_contentNUMBERmetricThe total number of view content events in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan Total View Content Valueskan_total_view_content_valueNUMBERmetricThe total value generated from view content events in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan View Contentskan_view_contentNUMBERmetricThe total number of view content events in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Skan View Content Rateskan_view_content_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of view content events in SKAdNetwork campaigns.
Cost Per Spend Creditscost_per_spend_creditsNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with spending credits.
Cost Per Total Spend Creditscost_per_total_spend_creditsNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with the total number of spend credits.
Spend Creditsspend_creditsNUMBERmetricThe total number of spend credits.
Spend Credits Ratespend_credits_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of spend credits relative to total interactions.
Total Spend Creditstotal_spend_creditsNUMBERmetricThe total number of spend credits.
Total Spend Credits Valuetotal_spend_credits_valueNUMBERmetricThe total value generated from spend credits.
Value Per Total Spend Creditsvalue_per_total_spend_creditsNUMBERmetricThe value generated from the total number of spend credits.
Cost Per Start Trialcost_per_start_trialNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with each start trial.
Cost Per Total Start Trialcost_per_total_start_trialNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with the total number of start trials.
Start Trialstart_trialNUMBERmetricThe total number of start trials.
Start Trial Ratestart_trial_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of start trials relative to total interactions.
Total Start Trialtotal_start_trialNUMBERmetricThe total number of start trials.
Cost Per Formcost_per_formNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with each form submission.
FormformNUMBERmetricThe total number of forms submitted.
Form Rateform_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of form submissions relative to total interactions.
Total Form Valuetotal_form_valueNUMBERmetricThe total value generated from forms submitted.
Value Per Formvalue_per_formNUMBERmetricThe value generated from each form submission.
Cost Per On Web Subscribecost_per_on_web_subscribeNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with subscribing on the web.
Cost Per Subscribecost_per_subscribeNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with each subscription.
Cost Per Total Subscribecost_per_total_subscribeNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with the total number of subscriptions.
On Web Subscribeon_web_subscribeNUMBERmetricThe total number of web subscriptions.
On Web Subscribe Per Clickon_web_subscribe_per_clickNUMBERmetricThe per-click cost for web subscriptions.
SubscribesubscribeNUMBERmetricThe total number of subscriptions.
Subscribe Ratesubscribe_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of subscriptions relative to total interactions.
Total On Web Subscribe Valuetotal_on_web_subscribe_valueNUMBERmetricThe total value generated from web subscriptions.
Total Subscribetotal_subscribeNUMBERmetricThe total number of subscriptions.
Total Subscribe Valuetotal_subscribe_valueNUMBERmetricThe total value generated from subscriptions.
Value Per On Web Subscribevalue_per_on_web_subscribeNUMBERmetricThe value generated from each web subscription.
Value Per Total Subscribevalue_per_total_subscribeNUMBERmetricThe value generated from the total number of subscriptions.
Cost Per Total Unlock Achievementcost_per_total_unlock_achievementNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with unlocking achievements.
Cost Per Unlock Achievementcost_per_unlock_achievementNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with the total number of unlocked achievements.
Total Unlock Achievementtotal_unlock_achievementNUMBERmetricThe total number of unlocked achievements.
Total Unlock Achievement Valuetotal_unlock_achievement_valueNUMBERmetricThe total value generated from unlocking achievements.
Unlock Achievementunlock_achievementNUMBERmetricThe total number of unlocked achievements.
Unlock Achievement Rateunlock_achievement_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of unlocked achievements relative to total interactions.
Value Per Total Unlock Achievementvalue_per_total_unlock_achievementNUMBERmetricThe value generated from the total number of unlocked achievements.
Average Video Playaverage_video_playNUMBERmetricThe average video play time.
Average Video Play Per Useraverage_video_play_per_userNUMBERmetricThe average video play time per user.
Engaged Viewengaged_viewNUMBERmetricThe total number of engaged views.
Video Play Actionsvideo_play_actionsNUMBERmetricThe total number of video play actions.
Video Views P100video_views_p100NUMBERmetricThe total number of videos viewed to 100% (P100).
Video Views P25video_views_p25NUMBERmetricThe total number of videos viewed to 25% (P25).
Video Views P50video_views_p50NUMBERmetricThe total number of videos viewed to 50% (P50).
Video Views P75video_views_p75NUMBERmetricThe total number of videos viewed to 75% (P75).
Video Watched 2Svideo_watched_2sNUMBERmetricThe total number of videos watched for 2 seconds.
Video Watched 6Svideo_watched_6sNUMBERmetricThe total number of videos watched for 6 seconds.
Cost Per Product Details Page Browsecost_per_product_details_page_browseNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with browsing product details pages.
Cost Per Total View Contentcost_per_total_view_contentNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with the total number of view content events.
Cost Per View Contentcost_per_view_contentNUMBERmetricThe cost associated with each view content event.
Product Details Page Browseproduct_details_page_browseNUMBERmetricThe total number of product detail page browses.
Product Details Page Browse Rateproduct_details_page_browse_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of product detail page browses relative to total interactions.
Total Product Details Page Browse Valuetotal_product_details_page_browse_valueNUMBERmetricThe total value generated from product detail page browses.
Total View Contenttotal_view_contentNUMBERmetricThe total number of view content events.
Total View Content Valuetotal_view_content_valueNUMBERmetricThe total value generated from view content events.
Value Per Product Details Page Browsevalue_per_product_details_page_browseNUMBERmetricThe value generated from product detail page browses.
Value Per Total View Contentvalue_per_total_view_contentNUMBERmetricThe value generated from the total number of view content events.
View Contentview_contentNUMBERmetricThe total number of view content events.
View Content Rateview_content_rateNUMBERmetricThe rate of view content events relative to total interactions.